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School of Health Research

Faculty Scholars

Faculty Scholar Kapil Chalil Madathil, Ph.D. at Clemson University, Clemson South Carolina

Kapil Chalil Madathil, Ph.D.

Wilfred P. Tiencken Professor of Industrial and Civil Engineering
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
864-656-0856 or


Kapil Chalil Madathil holds the Wilfred P. Tiencken Endowed Professorship at Clemson University. His area of expertise is in applying the knowledge base of human factors to the design and operation of human-computer systems that involve rich interactions among people and technology. He draws on qualitative and quantitative methodologies including ethnography, contextual inquiry and controlled behavioral experiments to understand how humans perceive, make sense of, and interact with human-machine systems. He has been a principal investigator or co-investigator for more than 25 research grants and awards, generating more than $19 million in funding. His research work is funded by the United States National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, United States Department of Defense, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Department of Labor, National Institutes of Health and several other industry and state agencies. He teaches courses on human factors and ergonomics and graduate courses on accident analysis, human-centered system design and human-machine interaction. He is the Director of the Center for Workforce Development, a South Carolina Commission on Higher Education-approved, statewide initiative to improve workforce. He serves as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. He is also the Associate Editor for Ergonomics in Design, and Program Chair for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s Computer Systems Technical Group, and a technical reviewer for 30 different journals.

Visit Dr. Madathil's Faculty Profile.

How their research is transforming health care

Chalil Madathil’s recent research project, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is studying dangerous and deadly social media viral video challenges linked to deaths among those between 13-to-25 years old. Indeed, this is the first empirical study to descriptively analyze the content and potential harm posed by social media challenges, and identifying the characteristics that cause viral spread. The expectation is the creation new methods to prevent suicide clusters from teens imitating social media. He recently received funding from the Agency for Research and Healthcare Quality (AHRQ), for his proposed development of a telemedicine-integrated EMS caregiving process for the diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke. Research results will enable the creation of evidence to inform safe and efficient health IT practices, and workspace design for telemedicine-integrated ambulance-based settings for the quick and correct stroke diagnoses. In terms of Industrial Engineering specifics, he expects to use this to design and develop the systems from a human-factors perspective. Emergency and trauma physicians can develop remote healthcare delivery systems, triage cases remotely, and select surgical teams prior to patient arrival.

News and Media related to Dr. Madathil’s work

Health Research Expertise Keywords

Faculty Scholar, Human factors engineering, Healthcare informatics, User-centered design

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall