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School of Health Research

Faculty Scholars

Dustin Souders

Dustin Souders, PH.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 864-656-4986


Dr. Dustin J. Souders is an assistant professor working in human factors, aging, and transportation safety. Dustin’s primary research thrust focuses on leveraging advanced vehicle technologies, from advanced driver assistance systems to fully autonomous vehicles, to safely maintain older adults’ mobility, and his work in the transportation area has been published in the Transportation Research Record, Accident Analysis & Prevention, and Human Factors. Dustin earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in cognitive psychology under the tutelage of Dr. Neil Charness at Florida State University. As a post-doctoral research fellow at Purdue University, Dustin worked with both civil engineers and political scientists on a range of issues surrounding vehicle automation, helping organize panel discussions and breakout sessions on various policy issues, designing and implementing driving simulator studies, and creating new graduate level coursework that combined some of the human factors and policy issues involved in vehicle automation.

For more information, see his department profile.

How their research is transforming health care

A recent research interest thrust that aims to transform healthcare applies the principles of deliberate practice to the training of healthcare professionals. By collaborating with Clemson and Clinical faculty to assess synergies and tradeoffs between individualized and group training approaches in the pursuit of achieving reproducibly superior performance in healthcare settings, investigating how these training methods aid in the maintenance of these acquired skills, developing novel deliberate practice training techniques using patient simulation, and honing training regimens built from knowledge gleaned from the application of expert performance approach to a broad range of skill domains.

News and media related to their research

Health Research Expertise Keywords

Faculty Scholar, Psychology, transportation, automation, cognitive aging, expertise, training of healthcare professionals, simulated training, reproducibly superior performance, translational science

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall