
LOOKING FOR research-based information on landscaping, gardening, plant health, tree care, pests and other topics?  Search the Home & Garden Information Center:

Visiting a campus farm or research center

For biosecurity reasons many of our research properties are not open to the public for drop-in visits. To learn more about each specific Research and Education Center please visit their website. If you would like to visit a campus farm located on the perimeter of Clemson University in Clemson, SC please contact the farm manager for scheduling information:

Submitting sample/s for agricultural analysis

Agricultural Services Laboratory provides analytical and diagnostic testing of soil, feed and forage, plant tissue, irrigation water, animal waste, and compost.

Finding my local county Extension Agent

Cooperative Extension Service transfers science-based information to individuals, groups and communities, and helps them apply that information to improve their quality of life. Extension agents serve each of South Carolina’s 46 counties. Visit your  LOCAL COUNTY EXTENSION office to find an agent near you.

Find a Research Expert:

Studying at Clemson

The College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences' ability to understand and manipulate the very molecular structure of biological systems offers us immense potential to improve our world, whether it is to improve foods, building products, the environment or our health. We are the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences. From cell research to food production to packaged materials to the globe, we are developing partnerships for the future to make our world greener, healthier, tastier, and wealthier.  Learn more about being a future Clemson student ››

Meet the Communications Team ››

An essential part of Clemson’s land-grant mission is imparting research-based information to an array of constituencies throughout the state and communicating the impact our research, teaching and Extension programming has on the citizens of South Carolina. To that end, our Communications Team offers services in the areas of news writing and dissemination; print publication design; graphic design; web development, training, design and consultation; social media strategy; marketing and branding; media relations; display and conference booth design; and digital media and video production.

Identifying a plant, insect, or rock

Plant, wildlife, or insect identification questions can be sent to  The Home & Garden Information Center by emailing To submit a sample for plant or insect identification or disease diagnosis, see the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic website to print a submission form. For rock or gem identification, please visit the Bob Campbell Geology Museum Specimen Identification Service.

Applying for a job

Employment opportunities are posted thorough the  Clemson University Human Resources office.

Talking to a media representative or reporting an issue with this website

Please complete the form below so we can best direct your specific communication need.