Animal Emergencies
The 2025 Animal Emergency Conference
is now OPEN for registration!
Click here to register.
Animal Diseases
Natural and Technological Disasters
Hurricanes and Flooding
Livestock & Equine & Poultry
- Hurricane Guidance for Livestock Owners
(Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health)
- Disaster Guidance for Sheep and Goat Owners
(Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health)
- Disaster Plan for Horses
(Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health)
- Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Guides for SC Producers
(United States Department of Agriculture)
- Hurricanes and Honeybees - Beekeeping Guide
(United States Department of Agriculture)
- Pet Friendly Hotels and Boarding Facilities
(Bring Fido)
- Pet Friendly Hotels and Travel Resources
(Go Pet Friendly)
- Saving the Whole Family: Disaster Preparedness - Booklet
(The American Veterinary Medical Association)
- Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
- Preparing Pets - Hurricane Guide
(SC Emergency Management Division)
- When Disaster Strikes - Trifold Brochure
(SC Association of Veterinarians)
- Pet Preparedness - Flyer
Our Role in Emergency Preparedness and Response
Clemson University Livestock-Poultry Health (CULPH) has multiple emergency preparedness and response roles within South Carolina that are defined by legal authority or mandated responsibilities. As the state animal health regulatory agency, CULPH assists in the prevention of animal diseases that threaten South Carolina’s livestock, poultry, and public health. There are numerous diseases of concern that only affect animals, but several are also considered zoonotic diseases (e.g. tuberculosis), which are diseases that can also affect people and may threaten public health.
During governor-declared emergencies, CULPH works collaboratively with other state agencies to implement and coordinate the South Carolina Emergency Operations Plan. The state’s Emergency Operations Plan encompasses a range of natural (e.g. hurricanes and pandemics) and technological/man-made (e.g. radiological accident) disaster incidents. CULPH leads and coordinates the state’s disaster response activities related to agriculture and animals (Emergency Support Function 17), which ensures coordination of statewide resources needed to support the citizens of South Carolina and protect the state’s agricultural assets.
SC Emergency Management Division
SC Emergency Animal Sheltering Annex
SC Emergency Business Resources
US Department of Agriculture Hurricane Support
Emergency Sheltering Information
National Alliance of State Animal and Agricultural Emergency Programs