WHAT WE DO: The S. C. Meat Inspection Department was established by the State Legislature in 1967 by enactment of inspection laws and regulations. The State Poultry Inspection Act followed in 1969.
Both laws and regulations were developed to comply with all essential features of the federal meat and poultry laws and regulations. These programs are jointly and equally financed by state and federal funding. The USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service provides federal regulatory oversight and support for training and laboratory services.
This department is a public health regulatory agency with public service and educational functions.
CONTACT US: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., 803-788-8747
Links available en Español:
Inspección de carne y aves de corral de Carolina del SurRequisitos de aprobación previa para establecimientos oficiales de productos cárnicos y de aves de corral
Declaración de no discriminación
Teletipo (TDD/TT/TTY)
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