Feed & Forage

Feed and forage analysis is a vital part of livestock health, growth, and production. The main objectives of this testing program are to improve feed and forage quality and strengthen feeding programs.

Analyses Available In-State Out-of-State
Standard Minerals1
$6 $12
Ash2 $5 $10
Nitrate Nitrogen3 $5 $10
Crude Fat (solid samples only)4 $5 $10
Crude Protein $6 $12
Acid Detergent Fiber (solid samples only) $5 $10
Neutral Detergent Fiber (solid samples only) $5 $10
Bound Protein (solid samples only)5 $6 $12
Soluble Protein $5 $10
Soluble Chloride & Sodium $5 $10
Dry Matter Only6 $3 $6
pH $3 $6
Calculated Values7 No Charge No Charge
Fax Report $3 $3
Mailed Paper Report $3 $3

1. Includes phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and sulfur. Most forages contain adequate Sulfur. However, if they are grown under low Sulfur conditions with high rates of N fertilizer or if urea is added as a feed supplement, the N:S ratio in the ration may be too high (greater than 16:1) for optimum amino acid synthesis. Addition of Sulfur to the ration may be of some value.

2. The percentage residual mineral matter remaining after all organic material is destroyed by heat. Forages contain 3 to 12% ash on a dry weight basis while grains and concentrates contain 1 to 4%.

3. Useful only for detecting possible toxic levels in forages (greater than 2,000 part per million).

4. In rations is a concentrated energy source. Calculation of the total digestible nutrients (TDN) and energy takes into account the normal fat content for the forage or grain specified. Therefore, fat analysis is not needed on most forages and grains. However, for complete feed and total mixed rations containing greater than 4% fat, the fat analysis is necessary to determine better estimates for the TDN and energies.

5. Unavailable crude protein which is contained in the fiber fraction of the forage. This value will indicate if excessive heating has occurred, thus reducing protein digestibility. If heat damage is suspected, an analysis for bound protein should be requested.

6. Dry Matter will be run routinely on all samples at no charge if other analyses are checked. If dry matter is the only test required, the fee for dry matter only is $3.00 in-state and $6 out-of-state.

7. Total digestible nutrients and energy values for hays, silages, mixed rations, grains, and complete feeds will be calculated from the crude protein and acid detergent fiber values. For poultry samples, analyses of crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, fat and ash must be checked for calculation of metabolizable energy. Relative feed value for forages will be calculated from the acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber values. Available crude protein will be calculated from the crude protein and bound protein values. Nonstructural carbohydrates will be calculated from the crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, fat, and ash values.


Submission Forms
Feed Form
Pet Food Form
How to Complete Forms
How to Collect a Sample

Lab Guidelines
Nitrate Level Interpretations for Cattle

Lab Methods

Contact Agricultural Service Laboratory for volume discounts.