Agronomic Crops (Acreage)
- 000 No recommendations given
- 050 Alfalfa
- 007 Annual legumes (Arrowleaf, Yuchi, Crimson, Clover, etc)
- 005 Annual legumes on summer grass pasture (Bahia, Dallis, or Bermudagrass)
- 006 Annual legumes on winter grass pasture (Ryegrass and/or Small Grain)
- 033 Bahiagrass Pasture
- 035 Coastal Bermudagrass, Establishment
- 034 Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture
- 036 Coastal Bermudagrass or Bahiagrass Hay
- 104 Canola
- 031 Cool-Season Perennial Grass Pasture (Fescue)
- 032 Cool-Season Perennial Grass Pasture (Orchardgrass)
- 037 Cool-Season Perennial Grass-Legume Pasture
- 419 Hemp
Corn, Grain – (Yield Goals)
- C80 80 bu/A
- C90 90 bu/A
- C100 100 bu/A
- C110 110 bu/A
- C120 120 bu/A
- C130 130 bu/A
- C140 140 bu/A
- C150 150 bu/A
- C160 160 bu/A
- C170 170 bu/A
- C180 180 bu/A
- C190 190 bu/A
- C200 200 bu/A
- C210 210 bu/A
- C220 220 bu/A
- C230 230 bu/A
- C240 240 bu/A
- C250 250 bu/A
- 021 Corn (in rotation before soybeans)
- 023 Corn for silage
- 001 Dryland Cotton
- 002 Irrigated Cotton
- 049 Fescue Hay
- 025 Grain Sorghum or Grain Sorghum in rotation after Wheat, Millet, Sudan
- 024 Grain Sorghum for silage, Sudan
- 010 Lespedeza, Common
- 011 Lespedeza, Sericea
- 008 Peanuts
- 009 Perennial Peanuts
- 012 Rice, Upland, Irrigated
- 003 Sesame
- 029 Small Grain for grain (Barley, Canola, Oats, Chufa, Flax, Hops, Milo, Rice, Rye, Wheat)
- 030 Small Grain (in rotation before soybeans)
- 097 Small Grain Silage
Soybeans (Yield Goals)
- S30 30 bu/A
- S40 40 bu/A
- S50 50 bu/A
- S60 60 bu/A
- S70 70 bu/A
- S80 80 bu/A
- 019 Soybeans with Sorghum silage
- 027 Sugarcane
- 028 Sunflowers
- 026 Sweet Sorghum, Switch Grass, Sweetgrass
- 039 Temporary Annual Grazing, Summer, Millet/Sudan, Browntop & Pearl Millet
- 038 Temporary Annual Grazing, Winter, Rye
- 098 Tobacco Bed
- 099 Tobacco
Wildlife (Acreage)
- 140 Dove Field – Corn or Grain Sorghum
- 141 Dove Field – Peredovic Sunflower
- 142 Fall Deer – Forage Alfalfa
- 143 Fall Deer – Forage Chicory
- 144 Fall Deer Mix – Brassicas
- 145 Fall Deer Mix – Cool Season Annual Grasses (including oat, rye, wheat, triticale)
- 146 Fall Deer Mix – Cool Season Grasses with Clover
- 147 Fall Deer Mix - Legumes (including clovers, Austrian winterpeas)
- 101 Warm Season Grasses for Wildlife (including chufa)
- 102 Warm Season Legumes for Wildlife (including alyceclover, asechynomene, and lablab)
- 103 Warm Season Legume/Grass Mix for Wildlife (including millets)
Truck Crops (Acreage)
- 051 Asparagus, establishing
- 066 Asparagus, maintenance
- 060 Beets
- 061 Broccoli
- 120 Brussels Sprouts
- 062 Cabbage
- 052 Cantaloupes (or mixed melons) (bareground)
- 132 Cantaloupes (or mixed melons) (plasticulture)
- 063 Carrots
- 079 Cauliflower
- 064 Collards
- 053 Cucumbers (bareground)
- 133 Cucumbers (plasticulture)
- 065 Eggplant (bareground)
- 134 Eggplant (plasticulture)
- 014 Gourds
- 072 Leafy Greens, Kale
- 122 Leek
- 054 Lettuce (Endive, Escarole, Leaf, and Romaine)
- 055 Lime Beans
- 056 Okra
- 068 Onions, Bulb
- 067 Onions, Green
- 121 Mustard
- 127 Parsley
- 125 Parsnip
- 126 Pea, English
- 073 Peas, Blackeyed and Southern
- 069 Pepper (bareground)
- 131 Pepper (plasticulture)
- 070 Pole Beans
- 095 Potatoes, Irish
- 076 Potatoes, Sweet
- 014 Pumpkins, Gourds
- 130 Radish
- 124 Rutabaga
- 057 Snapbeans
- 073 Southern Peas (Black-eye Peas)
- 071 Spinach
- 058 Squash (Winter)
- 129 Squash (Summer)
- 075 Sweet Corn
- 078 Tomatoes (bareground)
- 128 Tomatoes (plasticulture)
- 123 Turnips
- 059 Watermelon
Golf Course and Other Turf Crops (Acreage)
- 040 Athletic Fields
- 042 Bentgrass Golf Green
- 043 Bermudagrass Golf Green/Tee
- 106 Carpetgrass
- 107 Centipedegrass
- 112 Cool-Season Grass Maintenance (Orchard, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass)
- 041 Golf Fairway
- 045 Roadside Turf Establishment
- 046 Roadside Turf Maintenance
- 105 St. Augustinegrass
- 113 Turf Establishment
- 114 Warm Season Grass Maintenance (Zoyziagrass, Bermuda, Bahia)
Fruit and Nut Crops (Acreage)
- 080 Apple
- 082 Blueberries
- 084 Grapes (Bunch or Muscadine), Scuppernong
- 013 Kiwi
- 085 Nectarines
- 086 Peaches, Citrus, Apricots, Persimmons
- 081 Pears
- 088 Pecans
- 087 Plums
- 074 Strawberries, Blackberries, Brambles, Raspberries
Flowers, Shrubs, and Trees (Acreage)
- 108 Annual Flowers
- 109 Azaleas
- 109 Camellias
- 092 Christmas Trees
- 110 Perennial Flowers
- 211 Pine Trees
- 109 Rhododendron
- 108 Roses
- 117 Shrubs
- 109 Tea