Researchers seeking funding from the U.S. Department of Defense may need plans to mitigate the risk of unwanted foreign influence.
Per the “Policy for Risk-Based Security Reviews of Fundamental Research,” all fundamental research projects that are selected for award by the DOD must go through a review for potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment that could compromise national security or competitiveness.
Risk indicators include individuals participating in foreign talent recruitment programs or having funding affiliation or association with countries of concern. For its review, DoD will be looking at information included in Current and Pending and Biosketch Disclosures. Clemson’s Office of Sponsored Programs has provided useful materials and webinars on disclosure requirements.
The review begins after a proposal is selected for technical merit. Depending on the outcome of the review, the university may need to develop a mitigation plan for the project under review. Potential mitigation measures may include additional training, termination of relationships deemed problematic, or other measures suggested by the DoD.
Proposals deemed to pose a security risk that could compromise national security and competitiveness could be rejected.
Questions on the new DOD policy, or requests for assistance creating mitigation plans, can be directed to Rhonda Ryals, director of Export Compliance and Research Security, at