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Division of Research

Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant: Frequently Asked Questions


We thank you for your interest in the 2025-2026 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant. We are very happy to answer any questions you may have – please send your questions to Lori Frager at

You may also find an answer to your question below. You may also download the FAQ PDF.

What is GAD?

GAD (Graduate Assistant Tuition Differential) is funding to offset the cost of tuition for graduate students appointed to assistantships. The option to receive GAD as part of this grant is available.

Am I eligible for a Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant if I am entering candidacy just before the application deadline?

Yes, if you are entering degree candidacy 30 days before the grant application is due, you are eligible to apply.

The Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant is intended to support students in the final semester before graduation; applicants should be in the final phases of dissertation writing (six months or fewer from graduation). We ask your faculty advisor to affirm you are in the final phases of dissertation preparation in the application form.

If you feel that it will take a year or more to be ready to defend, you should consider applying for this support in the next round of funding.

If I am awarded the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant, do I need to register for classes?

Yes, if you are awarded stipend support, you must be registered for an adequate number of credit hours per supported semester. Please contact your advisor or graduate school for that information.

What is a long semester?

A long semester is either a fall or spring semester.

The stipend total is less than what I could make as a GRA/GTA. Can my department supplement the stipend?

Yes, your department may provide additional funding to support stipend totals. Departments can supplement funding by one-time payment to the student through the grants section of the GS61 database. Please note that recipients of the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant may not perform ANY work for the university other than the research directly involved in completing the dissertation during the time the grant is in place.

I have some specific needs (e.g., to recruit participants for a survey, transcription services for research interviews) to aid the completion of my doctorate. Can I apply for this type of funding?

Yes, for unique and well-justified circumstances we may offer limited additional funding support directly related to the completion of your doctoral research. The space for “other” support in the application form is the appropriate place to enter this information. In the justification document appended to your application, please provide a rationale for the request and an itemized list with expected costs.

I need to hire an individual with specific expertise on a part-time, temporary basis to provide technical support (e.g., model development, software development) to aid the completion of my dissertation. Is this possible?

Yes, in well-justified circumstances, it is permissible to hire an hourly worker to support specific tasks to aid the completion of dissertation research. The space for “wages” support in the application form is the appropriate place to enter this information. In the justification document appended to your application, please provide a rationale for the request and total expected costs.

If I have a job and I don’t want to leave my position, am I eligible for a Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant?

The Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant is intended to support doctoral students in a way that permits them to devote their time and attention to the completion of their dissertations.

Recipients of the Doctoral Dissertation Grant may not perform ANY work for the university other than the research directly involved in completing the dissertation when the grant is in place. Further, recipients may not hold employment (full- or part-time) outside the university for the time the grant is in place.

This financial support is intended to release students from teaching and other responsibilities; it is not intended as a salary supplement or a supplement for other forms of support.

We ask students to carefully consider their individual needs before applying for the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant.

I do not plan to return to the United States and would like to apply for a Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant while I work on my dissertation. Is this possible?

No, students eligible for the Doctoral Dissertation Grant will be in the United States for the duration of supported semesters.

I want to use awarded Doctoral Dissertation Grant funds to support travel. Is there anything I need to be aware of?

Yes, students awarded travel support should not commence travel prior to being appointed to a GRA position (the mechanism used to provide stipend/GAD support).

Requests for travel support are rarely funded and must be relevant to the completion of the dissertation. There are other funding mechanisms available at the university to support travel for activities like presentations at academic conferences.

Travel restrictions in place to protect public health may impact students’ ability to arrange travel and/or the timing of travel. If travel support is requested in the initial application, reviewers will apply additional levels of scrutiny to ensure safety.

Are applications taken after the due date?

No, they are not. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your application. Those who sign it may be on vacation since it is due after the semester is completed. This year's due date is Monday, May 12, 2025 by 5 p.m.

What should I do if it looks like I won’t be able to graduate by my anticipated graduation date?

Please contact Lori Frager ( as soon as you determine you will need to delay your anticipated graduation date.

What do I do if I cannot get the pdf version of the application to work correctly?

A Word version is also available upon request. Please contact Lori Frager ( for this option.