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Division of Research

Past Research Symposiums

2024 Research Symposium

  • 8:15 a.m. Welcome from Symposium Co-Chairs (Auditorium)

    The annual Research Symposium is organized by the Research Advisory Board, which includes a faculty member from each college and the Libraries. This year’s Symposium co-chairs (noted below) will provide a Symposium welcome in the Watt Auditorium.

    Symposium Co-Chairs:  

    • Anjali Joseph, College of Architecture, Art and Construction 
    • Rajan Sekhon, College of Science 
    • Christopher Vidas, University Libraries 
  • 8:30 a.m. Research Update and Clemson Elevate Strategic Plan (Auditorium)

    Provost Bob Jones and Tanju Karanfil, Senior Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors, will discuss Clemson’s research growth and goals under the Clemson Elevate strategic plan, as well as answer questions from attendees.

    Presentation by Dr. Tanju Karanfil (PDF)

  • 9:30 a.m. Keynote Panel: “Ways AI is Changing Research, Teaching, and Practice” (Auditorium)

    Select panelists from upcoming breakout sessions will kick off the discussion with brief presentations followed by attendee discussion on the various ways AI is impacting their work.  


    • David Blakesley, Campbell Chair, Technical Communication 
    • Julian Brinkley, Assistant Professor, School of Computing 
    • Sarah Jerasa, Assistant Professor, Education and Human Development 
    • Windsor Sherrill, Associate Vice President for Health Research 

    Moderator: Nathan McNeese, McQueen Quattlebaum Endowed Associate Professor of Human-Centered Computing 

  • 10:45 a.m. Panel Breakout Session 1


    Using Artificial Intelligence to Enable Human Performance Research


    • Jason Avedesian, Assistant Coach, Athletics, and Adjunct Professor, Bioengineering
    • Sarah Bauer Floyd, Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
    • Reed Gurchiek, Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
    • Shuchun Sun, PhD Candidate, Bioengeering
    • Tong Ye, Associate Professor, Bioengineering


    • Windsor Westbrook Sherrill, Professor and AVP for Health Research
    • Hai Yao, Professor and AVP for Biomedical Research

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 106

    Inclusive Excellence: Transformative Research in Accessible Design and Innovation


    • Julian Brinkley, Assistant Professor, School of Computing
    • Jody Cripps, Assistant Professor, Languages
    • Gerry Derksen, Assistant Professor, Department of Graphic Communications
    • Emma Dixon, Assistant Professor, School of Computing
    • Kristina Randall, Clinical Assistant Professor, Education & Human Development
    • Robin Tyndall, Director, Research Compliance, and Chair, Accessibility Commission

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 208

    Challenges of Data Collection in the Age of AI


    • Shubham Agrawal, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
    • Kelly Caine, Professor, School of Computing
    • Long Cheng, Assistant Professor, School of Computing
    • Shelia R. Cotten, Associate Vice President for Research Development, and Provost’s Distinguished Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice, Department of Communication
    • Bart Knijnenburg, Associate Professor, School of Computing
    • Amy M. Schuster, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
    • Emily A. Sidnam-Mauch, Research Scientist, School of Computing
    • Paige Watson, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, Auburn University

     Abstract (More Information)

    Room 218

    How Artificial Intelligence can Enhance Creativity and Streamline Prepress Operations in the Digital Landscape


    • Carl Blue, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications
    • Amanda Bridges, Clinical Assistant Professor, Graphic Communications

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 308

    Implementing Video and Visual Tools for Improved Oral Communication


    • Rachelle L. Beckner, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering
    • Ellen Breazel, Principal Lecturer, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
    • Lillie Langlois, Lecturer, Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
    • Mary Nestor, Senior Lecturer, Department of English

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 310

    Research Methodologies Applied in AI & Algorithmic Platform Scholarship


    • Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens, Assistant Professor, Education & Human Development
    • Brandon Boatwright, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication
    • C.C. Bates, Professor, Education & Human Development
    • Cynthia Deaton, Associate Professor, Teaching & Learning
    • Heather Dunham, Assistant Professor, Education & Human Development
    • Sarah Jerasa, Assistant Professor, Education & Human Development
    • Enamel Kabir, Research Associate, Department of Communication
    • Lindsey Rowe, Assistant Professor, Education & Human Development

    Abstract (More Information)

  • 12:45 p.m. Panel Breakout Session 2


    The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Tools in Health Research


    • Archis Ghate, Fluor Endowed Chair, Industrial Engineering
    • Sudeep Hegde, Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
    • Aaron J. Masino, Associate Professor, School of Computing
    • Kuang-Ching Wang, Endowed Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering

    Moderator: Thomas Britt, Professor, Health Sciences Center Research Director

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 106

    Interdisciplinary and Inter-Institutional Approaches to AI Research and Pedagogy


    • David Blakesley, Professor of Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design; Campbell Chair in Technical Communication; Interim Director RCID
    • Gabriel Hankins, Associate Professor, English
    • Douglas Seefeldt, Associate Professor, History 

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 208

    Transformative Role of Battery Ecosystem in AI-Dominated Digital World


    • Shubham Agrawal, Assistant Professor, Psychology
    • Shuangshuang Jin, Associate Professor, School of Computing
    • Laine Mears, Smartstate Professor of Automotive Manufacturing and Department Head, Automotive Engineering
    • Rajendra Singh, D. Houser Banks Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Jiangfeng Zhang, Associate Professor, Automotive Engineering

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 218

    Collaborative Research: Create a Successful Research Team with College of Business Partners


    • Michelle Suki Bost Fox, Senior Lecturer, Graphic Communications
    • Larry Fredendall, Professor, Management
    • Benjamin Grant, Assistant Professor, Management
    • Pravin Nath, Assistant Professor, Marketing
    • Jennifer Siemens, Associate Dean, College of Business
    • Erica Black Walker, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications
    • Patrick Warren, Associate Professor, Economics

    Abstract (More Information)

    Room 310

    Hallucinatory Practice: Machine Learning and the Boundaries of Creative Production


    • Alex Schechter, Assistant Professor, Department of Art
    • Drew Sisk, Assistant Professor, Department of Art
    • Rebecca Forstater, Assistant Professor of Studio Art, Wofford College

    Abstract (More Information)

  • 2:15 p.m. Grad 3-Minute Thesis Presentations (Auditorium)

    Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland that challenges graduate students to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance in just three minutes in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. 

    During this session, two Clemson 3MT competitors will present 3-minute theses:  

    • Vishal J. Thomas, a doctoral student in the Department of Bioengineering, won the regional competition held during the Conference of Southern Graduate School’s annual meeting and will represent Clemson and the CSGS Southern Region at the Council of Graduate Schools’ North American annual meeting.  
    • Megan Pitz, a doctoral student in the Department of Bioengineering, placed 2nd in the competition and won a people's choice award. 
  • 2:30 p.m. Research Awards Ceremony with President Clements (Auditorium)

    President Jim Clements and Senior Vice President Tanju Karanfil will announce the Researcher of the Year awards and the University Research, Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Awards.  

    For Researcher of the Year, each college nominated a senior faculty member and a junior faculty member who received their terminal degree within the past 10 years. Researcher of the Year is awarded in both the senior faculty and junior faculty categories.  

    URSAAA recognizes Clemson University faculty who have achieved rare career milestones, such as receiving the highest level of national or international recognition in their field; authoring a paper that has received more than 1,000 citations; or expending more than $1 million on research in a fiscal year. 

  • 3:15 p.m. Networking and Poster Session (Atrium)

    Hors d’oeuvres will be available until 4:15 p.m. and the following research posters will be set up in the Atrium :

    Mostafa Ahmed
    Leveraging Biotechnology for the Development of a Nano-vaccine Against Foodborne Pathogens in Chickens

    Sarah Allen
    Male Children had Less Enamel Caries Compared to Female Children

    Christian Blackburn
    Analysis of Image-Processing Software Choice for Game-Camera Research

    Long Cheng
    A Learning Platform for Enhancing AI-Centered Social Cybersecurity Education

    Long Cheng
    An Integrated Platform for Online Abuse Research

    Andy Duan
    Monocular Panoramic Image Based 3D Scene Modeling

    Alex Feltus
    Case Studies Leveraging Generative AI for Computational Biology Education and Research.

    Sydney Ahern, Wynn Bartee, Charlotte Bodwell, Sayan Gupta, Alex Horton, Pravin Nath, Trey Ridgill and Annette Tower
    A Study of the Effectiveness of Super Bowl Advertising

    Josie Nasekos, Alba J. Collart, Elizabeth Canales and Anastasia Thayer
    U.S. Consumer Preferences for using Blockchain Technology to Track Climate-Smart and Organic Production Practices

    Anuja Sarda and Alexis Sales
    Painting the Path: Leveraging Mural for Stakeholder-Driven Comprehensive Program Evaluation

    Shreeya Sharma and Khaled Abdelaziz
    Employing 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing for Profiling the Gut Microbiota of Probiotic-Treated Chickens

    Katelyn Shumate
    Birthing Methods Impact the Oral Microbiome

    JaCoya Thompson
    Enhancing Data Visualization Literacy in Middle Grades by Exploring a Web-Based Tool in Informal Learning Environments

    Ariel Turner and Elias Tzoc 
    Leveraging AI to Improve Library Services for Students and Faculty

    Hazel Vega
    Building Capacity for Early Multilingual Learners in South Carolina through Online Teacher Professional Development

    Amlan Benerjee (M&N Associates, Inc), Mihaela Gazioglu, Emily Howell, Rebecca Kaminski (Clemson University), Kavita Mittapalli, Victoria Pennington and Nicole Ferguson-Sams
    Advancing Multilingual Learners’ Educational Experience through Digital Tools

    Nora D . Hochstetter, Emily S. Howell and Rebecca A. Kaminski
    Exploring Perceived Competencies of Multilingual Elementary Students and their Teachers in Literacy Teaching and Learning: Implications for Professional Development

    Jones J., Harrison C., Abdelaziz K., Miller B., Griffin S., Rennert L., Wang K., Dean D., Cartmell K., Neault M. and Wu J.
    Applying Digital and AI Tools for Inter-Collegiate One Health Research Collaborations at Clemson

    Poster Overviews (Download PDF)

2023 Research Symposium

  • Breakout Session 1 (10:45 a.m. – Noon)


    Panel Discussion led by Mik Carbajales-Dale, associate professor of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

    The newly-formed School of Civil and Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences (SCEEES) is laser-focused on the infrastructure and environmental issues that directly impact how we build, work and create the quality of our planet. The school's Research Integration Committee has been exploring avenues of potential overlap and growth for the school. This effort has led to the identification of four research thrusts for the school: (1) surface and subsurface; (2) Earth's ecosphere; (3) smart city service; and (4) resilient communities. To aid in the effort, the school has made available seed funding for collaborations across the departments within the school. This session will include presentations on projects that span the school's broad research mission. 


    Room 106

    Panel Discussion led by Karen Burton, lecturer, University Libraries

    The growing popularity of Open Access (OA) publishing has provided researchers around the world with many new options to disseminate their work to the broadest audience possible. OA publishing in some capacity is now required by many funding agencies and carries a citation advantage for works available openly, but often carries a substantial cost for authors in the form of article processing charges (APCs). Clemson Libraries has offered an OA Publishing Fund since 2016 to award small amounts from the Libraries' collections budget (typically used for books, journals, databases, and other resources) to individual authors to offset these APCs. This 75-minute session will consist of: 1. A presentation of the current status of the OA Publishing Fund, including data on which departments are benefiting the most, which publishers are benefitting, and possible shortcomings of the program, 2. Updates regarding the Open Access publishing landscape and relevant trends, and 3. Suggested changes to the OA Fund that would take effect in July 2023, with open discussion time for audience feedback on these changes or other questions and suggestions.  


    Room 316

    Panel Discussion led by Thomas Britt, professor of psychology

    Human Factors Engineering holds great promise for the improvement of healthcare clinical operations and is emerging as a synergistic collaboration between Clemson University and Prisma Health. The present panel will bring together leaders and researchers from Clemson University and Prisma Health to discuss research programs applying human factors engineering to improve the processes and experience of giving and receiving care, and patient and provider safety, health, and wellness outcomes. Panel session members will include the following individuals: Jonathan Gleason, MD, Chief Clinical Officer for Prisma Health, will provide an overview of the importance of always considering human factors in healthcare. Divya Srinivasan, PhD, Department of Industrial Engineering, will provide an overview of how Clemson researchers from multiple colleges are applying human factors principles to different aspects of healthcare. Anjali Joseph, PhD, School of Architecture, will provide an overview of her research on the role of the built environment in healthcare human factors research. Jackie Cha, PhD, Department of Industrial Engineering, will discuss her research on the use of unobtrusive measures to assess nontechnical skills among surgical teams. Sudeep Hegde, PhD, Department of Industrial Engineering, will discuss his research on enabling resilient performance in complex environments in healthcare. Finally, Marissa Shuffler, PhD, Department of Psychology, will discuss her research on monitoring burnout and wellbeing among Emergency Department clinicians. The session will conclude with a discussion of additional areas of research on human factors approaches to healthcare and the encouragement of Clemson faculty with relevant expertise to become engaged in the initiative.


    Room 208

    Individual Presentations. Chair: Srikanth Pilla, ExxonMobil Employees Endowed Chair, Automotive Engineering.

    • Amanda Regan, assistant professor, History and Geography: Digital History, U.S. History, and Women and Gender History 
    • Em Adams, assistant professor, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management: Intimate partner and gender-based violence; Trauma-sensitive care; Culturally affirming healthcare; mind-body approaches to building resilience after trauma; healthcare worker well-being; simulation in healthcare education; Healthcare policy to improve healthcare equity among marginalized populations.
    • Thomas Sharkey, Professor, Industrial Engineering: Modeling and Disrupting the Operations of Domestic Sex Trafficking Networks through Survivor-Informed, Transdisciplinary Research 
     Room 208 Breakout Session 1 Abstracts


    Room 218

    Individual Presentations. Chair: Erica Walker, associate professor, Graphic Communications.

    • Amanda Bridges, associate professor, Graphic Communications: Dye Sublimation, Digital Printing, Direct-to-Garment Printing, and Graphic Communications Education.
    • Carl Blue, associate professor, Graphic Communications: Technology, Innovation, and Curriculum Development.
    • Gerry Derksen, instructor, Graphic Communications: From Sketch to Screen: Enhancing the Design Pipeline with AI
     Room 218 Breakout Session 1 Abstracts


    Room 310

    Poster Session 1. Chair: Janice Withycombe, associate professor, School of Nursing.

    • Thandi Nixon: Potential role of lactobacilli in mitigating the negative effects of heat stress on the immune responses of chickens.
    • James McKenzie: Clinical Reasoning and the Diagnostic Process.
    • Akash Shanmugam Boobalan: Developing a Common Clinical Decision System Module for Immunization Recommendations
    • Anna Preter: Lung Cancer Screening Education and Implementation.
    • Lu Zhang: Cancer Epidemiology, Residential Segregation and Health Disparities.
    • Mytchell Ernst: How many and how fast can inexperienced clinical researchers generate data-driven hypotheses in two hours?
    • Alice Franco: This study measures skin conductance (SC) as a proxy for pain in infants with Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome.
    • Micah Jordan: Residential Segregation, Social Determinants of health, and Social Epidemiology
    • Emily Doherty: Perinatal Health and Health Disparities
    • James Paul Gremillion, Alexis Sales: Determinants of Health, Health Promotion, and Socio-Behavioral Health Sciences
    Poster Session 1 Abstracts
  • Breakout Session 2 (12:45 p.m. – 2 p.m.)


    Panel Discussion led by Jean McKendry, director of research development, College of Education.

    Fostering Impactful Research in K-12 Educational Settings.

    Many Clemson University academic units support wide-ranging research and outreach initiatives that involve and impact K-12 schools across South Carolina (SC). Given the variety of university research and outreach initiatives that intersect with K-12 education (formal and informal), the goals of this session are to bring together representatives of these initiatives who are interested in 1) mutual learning about university activities, best practices, and impact in K-12 education and 2) exploring how to compile and share information about activities and resources with faculty seeking to connect their scholarship and outreach to K-12 settings. The session will include a series of short lightening talks about selected initiatives followed by a moderated discussion. Outcomes could range from establishing an informal K-12 outreach community of practice that gathers once a year to preparing a more formal asset map or other product. 


    Room 106

    Panel Discussion led by Rachel Wagner, associate professor, Educational and Organizational Leadership Development

    Federal funding agencies are increasing their focus on the creation of diverse and inclusive grant project teams and ensuring teams utilize a diversity, equity, and/or inclusion lens for their grant work. The proposed session will bring together experts in DEI from within the College of Education to discuss opportunities for research teams to weave DEI throughout their project proposals.


    Room 316

    Individual Presentations. Chair: Chris Saski, associate professor, Plant and Environmental Sciences.

    • Gerry Derksen, instructor, Graphic Communications: Usability and User Experience with Interactive Media
    • Sudeep Popat, associate professor, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences: Wastewater Treatment, Anaerobic Digestion, Electrochemical Treatment, and Resource Recovery.
     Room 316 Breakout Session 2 Abstracts


    Room 208

    Individual Presentations. Chair: Chris Vidas, electronic resources librarian, University Libraries.

    • Andrew Metcalf, assistant professor, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences: Air Pollution.
    • Congyue Annie Peng, Research Assistant Professor, Bioengineering: Genes, Genomes, Pathogens, Peptide, and Cell Therapy
    • David Ladner, associate professor, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences: Water, Environment, and Sustainability
     Room 208 Breakout Session 2 Abstracts


    Room 218

    Individual Presentations. Chair: Erica Walker, associate professor, Graphic Communications.

    • Michelle Boettcher, associate professor, Educational and Organizational Leadership Development: Senses of Belonging and Community in Higher Education.
    • Shanna Hirsch, associate professor, Education and Human Development: The ECHO Model: A Case-Based and Collaborative Approach to Building Virtual Communities of Practice For South Carolina Educators.
    • Barry Garst, professor, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management: Promoting Youth and Young Adult Health and Well-Being During Summertime: A Multi-Year Research Agenda.
     Room 218 Breakout Session 2 Abstracts


    Room 310

    Poster Session 2. Chair: Dev Arya, professor, Chemistry.

    • Walker Spivey: Crop Physiology, Crop Improvement, Lipidomics, and Climate Change
    • Payton Davis: Environment, Soil, and Cover Crops
    • Siddhartha Regmi: Sea Level Rise, Coastal Forest Ecology, and Marsh Transgression
    • Julia Boone: UAV-based Wildfire Monitoring and Detection, Multi-agent Systems
    • Suzanne Crull: Environmental Microbiology
    • Jyoti Prasad Kakati: Climate Resilient Soybean Production
    • Sepideh: Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences
    • Anastasia Thayer: Agricultural Economics
    • Penelope Romo: DNA Repair

    Poster Session 2 Abstracts
  • Breakout Session 3 (3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.)


    Panel Discussion led by Shelia Cotton, associate vice president for research development.  

    Emerging Technologies and Their Uses and Impacts. 

    Since its launch in November last year, ChatGPT has gathered both positive and negative public attention. It has also spurred several debates on the use of other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in industry, science, and education. While several publishers and higher education institutions have created policies related to ChatGPT use, most of these policies have focused on the prohibition of use of this AI tool. We propose a panel consisting of Clemson faculty to discuss the pros, cons, and challenges of ChatGPT use: (i) for conducting research, such as developing grant proposals, writing manuscripts, and reviewing articles; (ii) by faculty and staff to create teaching material and perform repetitive workplace tasks (e.g., grading); (iii) by students to complete homework assignments, create work of art, help complete milestone projects (e.g., dissertation, thesis); and (iv) other use cases in higher education (e.g., spurring innovation, searching for new ideas, or developing work-related skills). This panel will include faculty and administrators from across Clemson to present the pros, cons, and challenges of ChatGPT and other AI tools for higher education.


    Room 106

    Panel Discussion led by Bhupinder Singh Farmaha, assistant professor, Plant and Environmental Sciences.

    With the global population expected to grow from 7.7 billion in 2019 to 9.7 billion (26% increase) in 2050, there is an urgent need to improve soil health functions to ensure food security, mitigate climate change, and invest in a sustainable future. In recent years, conservation agricultural management practices such as minimum soil disturbance, maximum soil cover, and crop diversification have been promoted to restore and maintain soil health by increasing soil biodiversity, improving soil water and nutrient cycling, and reducing soil degradation in terms of wind and water erosion, loss of soil organic matter and nutrients, acidification, and compaction. Despite numerous proposed and documented benefits of conservation agricultural management practices, adoption among producers remains unsatisfactorily low. This pilot project between Clemson University and South Carolina State University will provide incentives to growers to implement selected climate-smart (CS) production practices. The project will also measure and verify the carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits associated with the CS practices and will support the development of markets for the resulting climate-smart commodities (CSC). The state-wide pilot project will focus on representative agricultural production sectors of South Carolina, including vegetables, peanuts, beef cattle, and forest products, and will ensure the meaningful involvement of small and underserved producers. 


    Room 218

    Panel Discussion led by Arelis Moore, associate professor, Languages.

    Community Health, Health disparities reduction, Health Equity Promotion, The Social Determinants of Health, Community-based Participatory Research. 

    Panelists will share best practices from their global service learning (GSL) projects, done locally, and strategies and principles for developing reciprocal partnerships (i.e., non-exploitative, respect the knowledge and involve community partners in the academic course) with community-based organizations to facilitate students’ engagement. These strategies are paramount for developing impacting GSL initiatives that facilitate productive experiences for our students, while impacting the health and well-being of the communities they collaborate with. Panelists will show that some service-learning experiences completed locally can also be considered global because of certain elements that allow transforming local community engagement to a global exposure, such as the service-learning assignments including work with communities of first-generation immigrants, low-acculturated immigrants, and displaced persons.


    Room 208

    Individual Presentations. Chair: Dani Herro, professor, Education and Human Development.

    • Charles Starkey, associate professor, Philosophy and Religion: Seeing by Example: The Central Role of Literary Style in Promoting Environmental Consciousness. 
    • Douglas Seefeldt, associate professor, History and Geography: Digital History, American West, History and Memory
    • Michael Caterino, John and Suzanne Morse Chair of Arthropod Biodiversity, Plant and Environmental Sciences: Arthropod Biodiversity and Evolution.
     Room 208 Breakout Session 3 Abstracts


    Room 310

    Poster Session 3. Chair: Chris Vidas, electronic resources librarian, University Libraries.

    • Alexandra Skrocki, Dr. Barry Garst, and Dr. Ali Dubin: Camp providers’ role in responding to health issues faced by children, adolescents, and young adult staff during summertime
    • Shamella Cromarie: Recruiting Underrepresented Populations Libraries, Organizational Performance and Improvement Science, and Research Methodology
    • Jody Cripps: From Lambert to West Families: Deaf Genes on Martha’s Vineyard, 1700s to 1950s
    • Jody Cripps: Music in Signed Language
    • Scott D. Swain: A Scalable Framework for Dynamic Interface Testing of Augmented Reality Marketing Applications
    • Scott D. Swain: Higher Levels of Compensation for Service Failures Induce Consumer Guilt When Firms are Close and Future Transactions are Distant
    • Kris Frady: Identifying unique geographic and cultural assets to make pre-transfer engineering students more successful
    • Danielle Latham: Undergraduate Education
    • Emily Howell: Multilingual Learners, Professional Development, Caregiver Engagement
    • Timothy Brown: Design as research/scholarship. Architecture and the crossings of public, social, and civic space. Spatial Justice. Design for equity.
    Poster Session 3 Abstracts


    Room 316

    Poster Session 4. Chair: Chris Saski, associate professor, Plant and Environmental Sciences.

    • Ciara Aumend: Oral Microbiome and HIV in Children
    • Allison Mann: Human Microbiome, Probiotics, Oral Health and Disease
    • Shanna L. Estes: Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for Analysis of Aqueous Neptunium-Acetate Complexation and Thermodynamics
    • Sagar V. Kanhere: Carbon Fiber Processing, Composites and Polymer Processing
    • Qiushi Chen: Computational Mechanics; Numerical Modeling of Granular and Porous Materials (geomaterials, lunar and martian regolith, biomass feedstocks); Material Processing and Handling
    • Maryelle Nyeck: Deep Eutectic Solvents
    • Madhushi Bandara: Exploring halogen bonding in cocrystals and deep eutectics
    • Shreeya Sharma: Probiotic and Gut Health
    • Tanuj Gupta: Nanomaterials
    • Cecilia Delgado Solorzano: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
     Poster Session 4 Abstracts

2022 Research Symposium

  • 11:15-12:15pm, Session 1
    WFIC 218
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Brian Powell Gary Machlis (Forestry and Environmental Conservation), A Framework for Research on Recurrent Acute Disasters

    Brian Powell (Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences), Large rainfall events cause pulsed release of trace metal and radionuclide contaminants from riparian wetlands

    Andrew Brown (School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences), Functional Calibration of Computer Models
    WFIC Auditorium
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Andrew Metcalf Adolph Beyerlein (Chemistry), Stability of Magnetic Skyrmions as Candidates for Dense Information Storage Devices

    Carl Blue (Graphic Communications), Computer-to-screen application using an inkjet printer to apply a printed stencil directly to the mesh as a hybrid screen-printing process

    Andrew Metcalf (Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences), Using Microfluidics to Create Devices for Future Research
    WFIC 203
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Chris Saski Jose Payero (Agricultural Sciences), Measuring Crop Evapotranspiration Using the Eddy Covariance and Surface Renewal methods in South Carolina

    Sachin Rustgi (Plant and Environmental Sciences), Facing the fear of accidental peanut exposure with reduced-immunogenicity peanuts
    WFIC 106
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Dani Herro Poster Session #1:
    Alexander Adogwa
    Allison Traylor (virtual)
    Anna Morrison
    Cristina Tica
    Daniel Moore
    Deepak Sapkota
    Delaney O'Tuel
    Emily Howell
    Ewa (Richard) Chukwu
    Junior Langa
    Leah Holcomb
    WFIC 208
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Erin Goss Poster Session #2:
    Longxiang Guo
    Lu Zhang (virtual)
    Maher Algalayini
    Omar Hussein
    Prasanna Valavanur Shekar
    Pravin Nath
    Reagan Ross
    Rohan Goli (digital)
    Salman Naveed
    Samantha Scott
    William T. Pennington
    Zehua Jin
  • 2:00-3:15, Session 2
    WFIC 218
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Dani Herro Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens (Education and Human Development), Designing Critical Machine Learning Educational Programs with and for Children

    Dani Herro (Education and Human Development), Pathways for their Futures: Engaging Rural Elementary Students in Authentic Data Science Practices

    Shanna Hirsch (Education and Human Development), Innovations in Teaching Critical Content to Undergraduate Teacher Candidates

    Joseph Ryan (Education and Human Development), Recognizing the Benefits and Versatility of Single Case Research Design for Interdisciplinary Research
    WFIC 106
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Thomas Britt CUSHR Health Research: A Focus on Innovation in Addiction and Substance Use Disorders

    Mary Ellen Wright (Nursing)

    Brian Miller (Sociology)

    Corrine Sackett (Education and Development)

    Kaileigh Byrne (Psychology)

    Moonseoung Heo (Public Health Sciences)

    Irene Pericot (Public Health Sciences)
    WFIC 208
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Jeremy King Academic Analytics’ Faculty Insight and External Discovery Site tools (roundtable)

    Jeremy King (Clemson U)

    Julie Wilson (Academic Analytics)

    Beth Falwell (Academic Analytics)
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Berrin Terim Architecture, Society and the City (roundtable)

    Berrin Terim (School of Architecture)

    David Franco (School of Architecture)

    Peter Laurence (School of Architecture)

    Andreea Mihalache (School of Architecture)

    Ufuk Ersoy (School of Architecture)

    Amy Trick (School of Architecture)
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Puskar Khanal Climate Smart Forestry & Artificial Intelligence (lightning talks & seminar)

    Geoff Wang, Forestry & Environmental Conservation

    Puskar Khanal, Forestry & Environmental Conservation

    Feng Luo, School of Computer Science

    Venkat N. Krovi, International Center for Automotive Research

    Matthew Browning, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

    Whitney K. Huang, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • 3:30-5:00pm, Session 3
    WFIC 106
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Erin Goss Seth McKelvey (English), Analyzing Narrative Voices in Fiction with Computer Help

    Hudson Smith (Watt Family Innovation Center), In-the-wild detection of coordinated social media accounts using message narratives and account characteristics

    Eric Touya (Languages), French laïcité: Feminisms, Cross-Cultures, and the Common Good (virtual presentation)

    Kendra Allison (School of Nursing), Adolescent mental health assessment in primary care settings of Appalachia, South Carolina to include sexting frequency and depression indices
    WFIC Auditorium
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Zhicheng Dou Microbial Pathogenesis and Resistance (seminar & lightning talks)

    Zhicheng Dou, BioSci

    Emily Rosowski, BioSci

    Anna Seekatz, BioSci

    Lior Rennert, Public Health Sciences

    Lukasz Kozubowski, G&B

    James Morris, G&B

    Daniel Whitehead, Chemistry
    WFIC 208
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Emily Howell Future of Learning

    Emily Howell (Education and Human Development)

    Rachel Wagner (Higher Education and Student Affairs)

    Golnaz Irgens (Learning Sciences)
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Steve Creager Full panel: Electrical Energy Storage (5-10 minute papers)

    Steve Creager, Chemistry

    Apparao Rao, Physics

    Srikanth Pilla, Automotive Engineering

    Jeff Zhang, Automotive Engineering

    Mark Roberts, Chem & bimolecular Engineering

    Dillip Panda, Materials Science

    Morteza Sabet, Automotive Engineering
    Zoom Session
    Chair: Cameron Bushnell Full panel: Communication Across the Curriculum

    Karen High, Engineering and Science Education

    Carl Blue, Graphic Communications

    Shanna Hirsch, Education and Human Development

    Lesly Temesvari, Biological Sciences

    Lea Jenkins, Mathematics and Statistical Sciences

    Cameron Bushnell, Pearce Center/English, Moderator

2021 Research Symposium

The annual Research Symposium demonstrates the breadth of creative endeavors undertaken by Clemson’s diverse community of scholars and serves as a launching pad for inter-disciplinary research collaboration. Faculty from each college and the libraries participate, as do members of Clemson’s executive leadership team. The daylong event, planned by the Vice President for Research Faculty Advisory Board includes oral and poster presentations and panel discussions on targeted topics of broad interest suggested by faculty.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 Research Symposium on May 4th at the Watt Family Innovation Center. Abstracts from the session presentations are available below for your records, if needed. We hope to see you at next year’s Research Symposium. Details to come at a later date.

For questions reach out to Sarah White or Erin Goss.

2021 Schedule

  • Session 1, 11:15-12:00pm
    WFIC Auditorium WFIC 208 WFIC 106 Virtual Session

    Topic: Water 

    Chair: Brian Powell

    1. Mani Rouhi Rad, “Managing Water Resources: An Interdisciplinary Approach”
    2. J. Todd Petty, “Freshwater species conservation at the interface of land use and climate change in Appalachian watersheds”
    3. Brian Powell, “Geochemistry of iron and trace metals in wetlands and monomictic ponds”
    4. Tom O’Halloran, “Managed Ecosystems as Natural Climate Solutions” (poster)

    Topic: On Health: Medical Applications

    Chair: Thompson Mefford

    1. Sara Sarasua (poster), “Searching for the Genetic Cause of Language Delay in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome”
    2. Luigi Boccuto, “IGF-1 therapy: a new translational approach for treatment of developmental delay” (virtual)
    3. H. Bryan Riley (poster), “Global Manufacturing Within Automotive OEM Adaption for Design and Production of Medical Ventilators”
    4. Pingshan Wang, “High-throughput and label-free radio-frequency flow cytometry”
    5. Thompson Mefford, “Collaborative efforts utilizing magnetic nanoparticles”

    Topic: Within a Pandemic

    Chair: Lior Rennert

    1. Andrew Metcalf, “Using Air Pollution as a Tool for Research”
    2. Lior Rennert, “Effective strategies for SARS-CoV-2 mitigation”
    3. Rachel Getman, “Reducing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Our Students through Open Educational Resources”
    4. Amalia Leifeste, “Drawing Buildings in a Pandemic: changing pedological sequence” (virtual)
    5. Delphine Dean (poster), “Beyond COVID-19: Collaborative Research Opportunities and Available Resources at Clemson’s New On Campus Diagnostic Lab (the REDDI Lab)”

    Topic: Rural Geopolitics

    Chair: Lee Morrissey (virtual)


    1. Rebecca Stoil, "Reassessing the Rural from the Upstate to the Global"
    2. Archana Venkatesh, "Activism and Rurality in 21st century India: A Transnational perspective"
    3. Lee Morrissey, "'Rural' Upstate South Carolina and the question of 'the Creative Economy'
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  • Session 2, 1:30-3:00pm
    WFIC Auditorium WFIC 106 WFIC 208

    Topic: Considering Collaboration

    Co-Chairs: Jean McKendry and Melinda Fischer


    1. Marissa Shuffler, “Training to Team: Evaluating the Impact of Team Development Interventions on Inclusive Teamwork Behaviors across Collaborative Spaces” (lightening talk)
    2. Jennifer Ogle, “Training Teachers to Incorporate Inclusive Collaboration Opportunities into Courses” (lightening talk)
    3. Lighting Rounds “Collaboration, Technology and Learning Across Educational Environments” (5 talks where faculty will pitch key ideas for their project)
      • C.C. Bates, Dani Herro and Carl Ehrett, Leveraging AI to improve literacy in elementary-aged students
      • Jeff Marshall, Stephanie Madison, Michelle Cook, Leigh Martin, Luke Rapa, Nathan McNeece and Bart Knijnenburg, STEM teacher learning progressions using a recommender system
      • Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens, Modeling and measuring critical data literacies in informal learning environments
      • Dani Herro, Shanna Hirsch, Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens, Computational Thinking-STEM Pop-Ups for All: A Research-Practice Partnership for agile learning in elementary schools
      • Kris Frady and Karen High Developing engineering experiences and pathways in engineering technology
    4. Laine Mears, “THINKER: NSF NRT for Collaboration between Humans and New Manufacturing Technologies”

    Topic: On Health

    Chair: Thomas Britt


    1. Jeryl Jones, “AVS One Health Research Group” (virtual)
    2. Arwen Declan, “Science & Medicine Through the Emergency Department Lens: A Spectrum of Collaborative Opportunities” (virtual)
    3. Marissa Shuffler, “Addressing Emergency Clinician Well-Being and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
    4. M. Gabriel Sava, “Diabetes Patient Surveillance in the Emergency Department: Proof of Concept and Opportunities”
    5. Lawrence D. Fredendall, “Creating Nurse Standard Work in an Emergency Department”
    6. Kevin Taaffe (new), “Identifying Optimal Staffing Levels to Improve Patient Flow and Patient Safety in the Emergency Department”
    7. Arelis Moore de Peralta, "A CBPR Approach to Combatting Childhood Obesity in the Greenville County Latinx Community: Community members' perspectives on barriers and facilitators to healthy eating and active living.”

    Topic: Of Public Memory

    Allison Kidd


    1. Allison B. Kidd, “Bringing Equity to Institutional Memory”
    2. Krista Oldham, “Rewriting Our Wrongs: Integrating Reparative Work in the Archives” (virtual)
    3. Rachel de Cuba, “Windswept Memories”
    4. Jonathan Beecher Field, “The Sleeping Historian”
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  • Session 3, 3:15-4:45pm
    WFIC 106 WFIC Auditorium WFIC 208 Virtual Session

    Topic: Inclusion in Research

    Chair: Robin Tyndall


    1. Join a conversation around Inclusion in Research. A panel consisting of experts and advocates in building equitable and diverse collaborations, and researchers whose presentations focus on inclusive topics, will discuss how we ensure Clemson research includes all voices.Panelists:
      • Dr. Shelia Cotten, Assoc. VP for Research Development
      • Dr. Natasha Croom, Assoc. Professor in Education and Organizational Leadership
      • Dr. Terri Bruce, Director of the Clemson Light Imaging Facility
      • Dr. Faiza M. Jamil, Assoc. Professor in Education and Human Development
      • Dr. Oriana Aragon, Assist. Professor in Marketing
      • Dr. Brian Powell, Professor in Environmental Eng. and Earth Sciences

    Topic: AI& Machine Learning

    Chair: Katherine Weisensee


    1. Katherine Weisensee, “Building a Nationally Representative Forensic Taphonomy Database”
    2. Apparao M. Rao, “Data-driven Design of Electrolytes Enabled by Computation, Machine Learning, and Experiments”
    3. Zhen Li, “Multiscale Modeling and Machine Learning for Scale-Bridging”
    4. Alex Feltus, “Discovering Patient-Specific Biomarker Systems Using Artificial Intelligence” (virtual)
    5. Nicole Bannister and Bart Knijnenburg, “Teaching AI-related cybersecurity through metaphors and math.
      Graduate Researchers contributors: Shahan Iqbal, Sushmita Khan, & Khushbu Singh (virtual)
    6. Carl Ehrett and Lucian Ghita, “Using AI to Understand Shakespeare’s Drama”

    Topic: Changing Climate

    Chair: Puskar Khanal


    1. Whitney Huang, “Estimating Concurrent Climate Extremes: A Conditional Approach” (virtual)
    2. Brook Russell, “Developing Statistical Methodologies to Investigate Extremes in the Earth’s Climate” (virtual)
    3. Ming Yang, “Single-Site Catalysis for Efficient Fuel Gas Processing and Clean Transportation”
    4. Sachin Rustgi, “Turning perennial cotton into an annual: Remobilizing end-of-season”

    Topic: Politics and Religion

    Chair: Lee Morrissey


    1. Lee Morrissey, "Have any of us ever been modern?: Religion in recent discussions of modernity."
    2. John Tracy Thames, “Empire and Religious Integration in Late Bronze Age Syria”
    3. Kevin Gregory Vance, “A Liberal and Generous Toleration: John Adams and the Freedom of Religion”
    4. Mashal Saif, “Traditional Islam and Modernity in Pakistan”
    5. Peter Eisenstadt, “Howard Thurman, the Interracial Church, and the Travail of Black Religious Modernity”

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2018 Schedule

2018 Symposium collage


Faculty members from each College gathered at the 2018 Research Symposium to learn about research happening across campus and spark conversations about collaboration. The symposium served as a medium for dialog generation, for change, and for participation from the audience. It provided an opportunity for research work to be showcased and known across a growing audience each year.