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Division of Research

Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant

Current and Previous Years Grant Recipients

The Clemson University Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grants, a collaborative effort between the Offices of the Senior Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors and the Dean of the Graduate School, are intended to decrease time to degree and to support higher quality outcomes among students nearing graduation where relatively modest resources will make a large difference.

The Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant application is now open. This opportunity is for Ph.D. students who will be graduating in December 2025, May 2026 or August 2026. Please review the Call for Proposals to make sure you qualify for this grant. 

Applications are due to by Monday, May 12, 2025, at 5 PM. Download the Application Form (PDF).

Visit the FAQ website for questions.

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2024-2025 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Danielle Adams Biological Sciences
Farhana Afroz Teaching & Learning
Hebe Aly Computer Science, School of Computing
Sara Billie Planning Design & Built Environment
Michael Byrd Mathematical Sciences
Prashanth Chivkula Electrical Engineering
Ewa Chukwu Chemical & Biomolecular Eng
Dimuthu Edirisinghe Chemistry
Tolulope Famaye Learning Sciences
Pegah GhafGhanbari Mechanical Engineering
Jasmine Gill Plant & Environmental Sciences
Manuel Gutierrez Bioengineering
Alena Hofrova International Family and Community Studies
Kun Huang Food, Nutrition, & Pack Sci
Shanshan Jia Math & Stats Science
Zehua Jin Chemical Engineering
Guoxi Liu Computer Science
Madhuka Liyanage Chemistry
Amirhossein Nazeri Automotive Engineering
Noara Razzak Economics
Chelsea Robbins Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Aaron Santomauro Materials Science & Engr
Austin Seilkop Chemistry
Angelica Solano Delgado Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
Mandeep Tayal Entomology
Brandon Wackerle Chemistry
Bryanna Wattier Environmental Eng & Earth Sci
Leah Wiitablake Engineering & Science Ed
David Williams Rhetorics, Communication & Information Design
Lucian Williams Bioengineering
Missoury Wolff Chemical Engineering

2023-2024 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Oluwadara Abimbade Learning Sciences, Ed & Human Dev
Tyler Ard Mechanical Engineering
Jessica Baron Computer Science
Jennifer Brown Engineering & Sci Ed
Aaron Bunch Wildlife & Fish Biology
Jake Buzhardt Mechanical Engineering
Shoab Ahmed Chowdhury Mechanical Engineering
Stephanie Damas Engineering & Sci Ed
Dingqian Ding Mechanical Engineering
Nilgun Efe Food Nutr & Pkg Sci
Swati Goel Plan, Des and Built Env
Adam Haberski Entomology
Adam Hoiser Physics
Jinge Huang Food Nutr & Pkg Sci
Joshua Kern Physics
Savana King Human Factors Psychology
Kelli McCourt Biosystems Engineering
Jamal Nahofti Kohneh Civil Engineering
Khushbu Singh Teaching & Learning
Cong Wang Computer Science
Derek Whaley Parks, Rec & Tour Mgt
Brandon Williams Mechanical Engineering
Patricia Wooden Entomology, Plant & Environmental Sci
Shiyu Zhang Chemistry

2022-2023 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Philip Arve Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
David Bahamon Pinzon  Biosystems Engineering
Dylan Chitwood Bioengineering
Sophia Conzemius (Christian) Entomology
Jiaying Dong Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Nathan Dumessa Psychology
Shuyu Huang Learning Sciences
Farnaz Kamyab Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Kewei Li Mechanical Engineering
Xiaowei Li Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Anna Overby Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Soham Panda Chemistry
Vincent Yuxin Qiu Philosophy
Adhiti Raman Thothathri  Automotive Engineering
Lancelot Reres Civil Engineering
Sarah Richardson Rhetorics, Communication & Information Design
Tania Santiago Perez  Parks, Rec & Tour Mgmt
Saida Sobhaninia Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Meryem Soyluoglu Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

2021-2022 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Alexey Bochkarev Industrial Engineering
Wanfang Fu Plant and Environmental Sciences
Monica Gordillo Varela Chemistry
Matthew Green Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
Nicholas Gregorich Chemical Engineering
George Hamilton Physics
Keith Johnston Curriculum and Instruction
Amina Khatun Chemistry
Lela Magxaka Planning, Design and Built Environment
Menisha Mahappu Koralalage Chemistry
Craig Miller Bioengineering
Todd Morra Mathematical Sciences
Di Nguyen Industrial Engineering
Meenakshi Ranasinghe Chemistry
Lancelot Reres Civil Engineering
Gretchen Schober Chemistry
Qingqing Sun Planning, Design and Built Environment
Lyudmyla Tsykalova International Family and Community Studies
Tharshikka Vickneswaran Civil Engineering
Michael Wooten Electrical Engineering
Zuo Zhou Environmental Engineering

2021 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Faraz Ashtiani Mechanical Engineering
Paritosh Bahirat Human Centered Computing
Ferhat Bayram Electrical Engineering
Michael Collins Rhetorics, Communications and Information Design
Robert Austin Dollar Mechanical Engineering
Tatiana Estrada-Mendoza Chemistry
Peter Ezra Parks Recreation and Tourism Management
Hugh Geller Mathematical Sciences
Anthony Greene Entomology
Longxiang Guo Automotive Engineering
Katja Hall Chemistry
Keneisha Harrington Educational and Organizational Leadership Development
Jason Kurz Mathematical Sciences
Abdullah Al Mamun Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Paritra Mandal Biomedical Data Science Informatics
Olivia Nche Human Centered Computing
John Porter Human Centered Computing
Young Suk Oh Parks Recreation and Tourism Management
Anthony Santilli Chemistry
Ao Xie Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Xiahong Zhang Chemical Engineering

2019-2020 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

First funding round awardees
Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Vijay Bendigeri Civil Engineering
Ayush Bhargava Computer Science
Karen Rebecca Clark Learning Sciences
Nimisha Edayilam Plant and Environmental Sciences
Qianyi Gao Curriculum and Instruction
Andrew Walton Green Mathematical Science
Yang He Computer Science
Staci Johnson Engineering and Science Education
Xiaotong Liu Planning, Design and Built Environment
Annie McCord Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Roberto Merco Automotive Engineering
Laura Minor International Family and Community Studies
Sheikh Moni Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Melissa Paquin Healthcare Genetics
Satish Ranganathan Healthcare Genetics
Xingchen Shao Mechanical Engineering
Caitlin Torrence Applied Health Research and Evaluation
Laura Vasquez-Velez Entomology
Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design
Chuanchang Zeng Physics

2018-2019 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant Recipients

2018-2019 Dissertation Grant Awardees
Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Tristan Allerton Forest Resources
William Ashman Civil Engineering
Anthony Deczynski Entomology
Nikeetha Dsouza Curriculum and Instruction
Jermaine Durham Planning, Design and Built Environment
Traci Hefner International Family and Community Studies
Edward Hoegg Chemistry
Firasat Jabeen Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design
Rachel Lang-Balde International Family and Community Studies
Leslie Lewis Educational Leadership
Juan Li Learning Sciences
Krishnendu Maity Chemistry
G. Alexia Nikyema Planning, Design and Built Environment
Ingrid Nyakabwa Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Nyoman Dewi Pebryani Planning, Design and Built Environment
April O'Brien Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design
Steven Pruitt Curriculum and Instruction
Kyle Rechard Economics
Kelsey Roberts Economics
Stephen Robertson Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Michael Shreeves Human Factors Psychology
Shweta Serestha Civil Engineering
Anton Sytine Industrial/Organizational Psychology

2018 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grants Recipients

2019-2020 Dissertation Grant Awardees
Student Name Doctoral Degree Program
Saptarshi Chakraborty Chemical Engineering
Drea Fekety Human Factors Psychology
Jessica Fernandez Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Dan Frank Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design
Samuel Fuller Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design
Skye Gillispie Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Ida Mikisa Hadoto International Family and Community Studies
Leah Hartman Human Factors Psychology
Elizabeth Hassen Healthcare Genetics
Ryan Heil Educational Leadership
Koti Hubbard Literacy, Language, and Culture
Amelia Kinsella Human Factors Psychology
William Kramer Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Walter Lee Educational Leadership
William Lewis Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Pai Liu Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Marcos Javier Martinez Civil Engineering
Christopher Mayerl Biological Sciences
Peter Mkumbo Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Candice Moore Curriculum and Instruction
Jaime Murphy Chemistry
Eda Ozyesilpinar Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design
Stephen Quigley Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design
Marjorie Ramey Curriculum and Instruction
Geoffrey Koome Riungu Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Leslie Roberts Literacy, Language, and Culture
Aamena Saleh Learning Sciences
Christie Sampson Biological Sciences
Roshani Silwal Physics
Senad Sinanovic Economics
Ashleigh Kirstin Sockwell Chemistry
Senbagaraman Sudarsanam Mechanical Engineering
Deborah Wingler Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Joshua Wood Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design
Qi Zhou Plant and Environmental Sciences