Mechanical Engineering (Rising 11th-12th)
Mechanical engineering covers an exceptionally broad range of topics and graduates from this major are recruited into a wide variety of industries. In this introductory course, students will learn about a handful of principles in select topics such as fluid mechanics, power and work, 3D modeling, design, and modern computing / engineering analyses through lectures and hands-on activities. The course will also introduce students to inter-disciplinary mechanical engineering applications and its cutting-edge research areas in related fields such as biomedical engineering. The main objectives of this course are to provide a brief survey of how mechanical engineering relates to real-world applications and a taste of the types of topics one would learn as a mechanical engineer.
*Course Schedule
Day 1) Modeling Assisted Optimization: The Strongest Fort
Day 2) Tensegrity Structures
Day 3) Iterative Design and Prototyping: Drone Drop System
Day 4) Modularization: Rolling Ball Sculpture
Day 5) Fluid Mechanics Momentum Balance: Engineering Measurements of Flying Objects
Course Specific Needs:
- Bring laptop. Wear long pants (or skirts), closed-toe shoes, and garments that lack full/flowing sleeves or fringe for class time. NO SHORTS in class.
*Schedule is tentative and subject to change.
Course Leader: Dr. Ethan Kung