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Admitted Students

Personalized Education With Powerful Results

Clemson University is where more than 4,600 undergraduate students conduct advanced research every year, upperclassmen take on mentorship roles, and people from across the world form friendships that last a lifetime.

Four students laugh next to the trees outside of Bracket Hall.

Superior Academics

When you study at Clemson, you learn how to succeed.

Over 54 percent of classes have fewer than 20 students at Clemson, enabling everyone to engage with peers and professors in a meaningful capacity. With a variety of opportunities for experiential learning, Clemson students immerse themselves in different cultures, join the workforce between semesters and walk away from Clemson with strong examples of advanced research to show potential employers.

: A female student wearing a light blue sleeveless top poses with her arms crossed in front of an renovated historic home surronded by vegitation

“I’ve always liked doing hands-on work. Clemson is a land-grant, agricultural college at its core, allowing me to explore different aspects of agriculture I haven’t before.”

Phoebe Beard,
agricultural education ’25

Impact Opportunities

When you find your passion, we empower you to serve others.

At Clemson, students with servant hearts become leaders in their fields of study. People interested in law use their voices to speak for the marginalized in Washington, D.C. Those in the health sciences field travel abroad to set up clinics for underserved populations. Scientists search for cures to diseases. Engineers design a safer future.

Multiple levels within the College of Business building displaying a lot of open study space.
Students listen intently to their professor.

Life-changing Relationships

When you come to Clemson, we make a place for you.

Enroll at Clemson, and you’re part of the family. The Clemson Family is how we describe our goal-oriented community drawn together by one common thread: the desire to use our gifts to build others up.

Clemson professors are fueled by the opportunity to invest in the development and success of their students. Clemson staff generously take the time to pass along their skills to student interns. Clemson students themselves bring people together for events across campus every day.

Unparalleled Campus Experience

When you choose Clemson, you gain a second home.

The heartfelt pride Clemson students, faculty, staff and alumni share is magnified every time they return to campus. Memories of afternoons spent playing on Bowman Field with friends, breakthroughs in challenging courses and Saturdays cheering on the Tigers in Death Valley are among the many moments you’ll cherish long after graduation.

A female student wearing a white skirt, black tank top and lilac button-down blouse stands with her arms folded in front of a white brick wall.

"It really is a family here because even though it's a big school, I feel like you can find your people here at Clemson, and they make sure to stick by you. … It’s just such an easy school to feel at home at.”

Chloe Jones,
biological sciences ’25