Studying All Facets of Life
To ensure that life on Earth continues to thrive, biologists must work continuously to unlock the secrets of existence on our precious planet. If you would like a career in the rewarding world of biological sciences — whether through research, education, clinical endeavors or in biotech or related industries — then a degree from the Department of Biological Sciences at Clemson can be your ticket to success.
Biologists study all facets of life, from organisms under a microscope to the complex actions of vast and fragile ecosystems. This scientific mission is enshrined in the Department of Biological Sciences motto, “From Molecules to Ecosystems.”
Rewarding Career Opportunities
A degree from the Department of Biological Sciences will open a wide range of challenging and rewarding career opportunities for the successful student, from health care and medicine to conservation and ecology; from pharmaceuticals to computational biology.

Programs of Study
Undergraduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences undertake a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes the importance and use of communication, modern information technology and mathematics. Degrees prepare students for a wide range of careers including agriculture, ecology, medicine, microbiology, toxicology and more.
The Department of Biological Sciences offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in biological sciences, environmental toxicology and microbiology, with emphases comprising the vast range of research areas available within the department. Graduate students receive the support they need to build success through their studies.
Online Master’s
The Online Master of Science program was designed specifically for teachers and other science educators interested in biological sciences. The non-thesis program is available entirely online and lectures are available 24/7. Degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking paths are offered to suit the individual needs of each candidate.

Plan Your Future
The successful graduate of the Clemson Department of Biological Sciences will be ideally positioned to pursue rewarding careers in a number of fields. Undergraduates can choose from a number of areas of emphasis, including entomology, prepharmacy, prerehabilitation, quantitative biology, toxicology, secondary education and biomedicine. Graduate students can pursue advanced degrees in biological sciences, environmental toxicology and microbiology, or opt for a five-year bachelor’s of science/master’s of science program in biological sciences and bioengineering.
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