Over the last three years, our students have reported exam results, averaged across all four parts of the CPA exam, of approximately 80%, well above the reported national average of 55%.

MPAcc Program Highlights
Access to firms, companies and governments of all sizes allows you to find the right employer to meet your career aspirations.
Eligible Clemson undergraduates can take courses that will simultaneously count towards both their Bachelor's and MPAcc degrees.
Students study for and are encouraged to take all four parts of the CPA exam before graduation.
Students can choose either a tax or audit concentration or mix and match elective classes to meet their educational goals.
During the summer semester, students can participate in our study abroad program, which concludes with two weeks of coursework at Magdalen College, Oxford University.
All MPAcc classes are held in Greenville, the business hub of Upstate South Carolina. Our facility on Main Street puts you in the heart of a vibrant community surrounded by businesses, restaurants and beautiful green spaces. Find out more.