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Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

Profile Information

Amy Ingram

Amy Elizabeth Ingram

Associate Professor

Office: 412j Wilbur O. and Ann Powers Hall
Phone: 656-1573


 Educational Background

    Ph.D Management
    University of Cincinnati 2011

    MBA Management
    University of Cincinnati 2005

    BBA Finance
    University of Cincinnati 2004

Courses Taught

  • MGMT 4150: Business Strategy
  • MGMT 4300: Leadership Development
  • Ph.D seminar in Organizational Theory
  • Ph.D seminar in Strategic Management


Amy E. Ingram is an associate professor in the College of Business and Behavioral Science at Clemson University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati, College of Business. Dr. Ingram's research focuses on the language, characteristics and actions of organizational actors and entrepreneurs, the responses of their stakeholders and the impact upon firm performance and survival. She is a member of the Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Dr. Ingram received the UC College of Business Outstanding Graduate Research Award in 2010 and the Clemson COB Emerging Scholar Award for Research Excellence in 2017.

Research Interests

  • Dr. Ingram's research focuses on Strategic Leadership and Non-Market strategy in established and emergent firms. Specifically, she explores the language and characteristics, including gender and paradox, that influence firm survival and performance. Dr. Ingram specializes in qualitative and quantitative content analysis, corpus linguistics and paralinguistics.

Research Publications

  • Ridge, J., Hill, A., Ingram, A., Kolomeitseve, S., & Worrell, D. Forthcoming. Avoidance and Aggression in Stakeholder Engagement: The Impact of CEO Paranoia and Paranoia-Relevant Cues. Academy of Management.
  • Stewart, W., Peake, W., & Ingram, A. The interplay of core self-evaluation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in predicting entrepreneurial orientation. Journal of Small Business Management.
  • Stewart, W, May, R, Scott, K & Ingram, A. 2021. The ties that bind: Change and organizational commitment in the Ukraine. Management and Organizational Review.
  • Ridge, J., Ingram, A., Abdurakhmonov, M., & Hasija, D. 2020. Market Reactions to Non-Market Strategy The Signaling Role of Congressional Testimony. Strategic Management Journal.
  • Blevins, D., Ingram, A., Tsang, E., & Peng, M. Accepted March 31, 2018. How do foreign initial public offerings attract investor attention? A study of the impact of language. Strategic Organization.
  • Andriopoulos, C., & Gotsi, M, Lewis, M. & Ingram, A. Forthcoming. Turning the sword: How NPD teams cope with front-end tensions. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
  • Miron-Spektor, E., Ingram, A., Keller, J., Smith, W., & Lewis, M. Forthcoming. Microfoundations of organizational paradox: The problem is how we think about the problem. Academy of Management Journal:
  • Hill, A., Ridge, J., & Ingram. A. 2017. The growing conflict-of-interest problem in the U.S Congress. Harvard Business Review.
  • Ridge, J., Ingram, A., & Hill, A. In Press. Beyond lobbying expenditures: How lobbying breadth and political connectedness affect firm outcomes. Academy of Management Journal:
  • *Ridge, J., & Ingram, A. 2017. Modesty in the top management team: Investor reaction and performance implications. Journal of Management, 43(4):1283-1306. (*The first and second author contributed equally).
  • Hechavarria, D, Ingram, A., Terjesen, S., Justo, R., Renko, M., & Elam, A. 2017. Taking care of business: The impact of gender and culture on the entrepreneurs' goals for venture value creation. Small Business Economics, 48(1):225-257
  • Ridge, J., Hill, A., & Ingram, A. 2016. The signaling role of politician stock ownership: Effects on firm lobbying intensity. Journal of Management, 20(10)-1-26.
  • Ingram, A., Peak, W., Stewart, W., & Watson, W. 2017. Emotional intelligence, interpersonal process effectiveness, and entrepreneurial performance: A mediated moderated model. Journal of Small Business Management.
  • Hechavarria, D., & Ingram, A. 2017. The entrepreneurial gender divide: Hegemonic masculinity, emphasized femininity and organizational forms. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. DOI:
  • Ingram, A., Lewis, M., Barton, S., & Gartner, W. 2015. Paradoxes and innovation in family firms: The role of paradoxical thinking. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40(1): 161-176.
  • Hechavarria, D., & Ingram, A. 2015. A review of entrepreneurial ecosystems and the entrepreneurial society: Exploration with the global entrepreneurship monitor dataset. Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, 26(1):1-25.
  • Scott, K., Ingram, A., Zagenczyk, T., & Shoss, M. 2015. Work family conflict and social undermining behavior: An examination of gender differences. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(1), 203-218. (201
  • Ingram, A., Hechavarria, D., & Matthews, C. 2014. Does cultural capital matter? Exploring sources of funding in new venture creation. Small Business Institute Journal, 1(10).
  • Watson, W., Stewart, W., Peake, W., Cooper, D., & Ingram, A. 2014. A comparison of Black and White entrepreneurs in the United States. International Journal of Strategic Management. (Received Best Journal Article Award.)
  • Gotsi, M., Andriopoulos, C., Lewis, M., & Ingram, A. 2010. Creative tensions: Managing tensions of multiple identities. Human Relations, 63(6): 781-805.
Faculty Profile
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634