Dr. Purvis teaches courses in the areas of project and technology management. His current research interests focus on the project management and the development and implementation of information systems . His articles have been published or accepted to be published in MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management among others, as well as national proceedings. He was awarded (2002) the Emerging Scholar Award and (2012) the Service Award within the College of Business and Behavioral Science at Clemson University, 2018 College of Business Service Award and Interdisciplinary Collaboration - Teaching/Service, 2021.
Prior to joining the Clemson University, Dr. Purvis was on faculty at the University of Central Florida where he received the 1997 Galloway award from the Management Department for outstanding research, teaching and service, the 1998 Galloway award from the Management Department for outstanding teaching, the 1998 Galloway award from the College of Business for the best undergraduate teaching, and a 1998 teaching award from the State of Florida.