A Champion (Big) Tree is the largest of its species according to a standard measuring formula based on trunk circumference, tree height, and average crown spread. To be eligible, a tree must be native to or naturalized in the continental United States, including Alaska (Not Hawaii).
- Search for Champion Trees
Nominate a Tree
Have you seen a tree and thought it may be big enough to be a "champion tree"? Please help us build our database by completing an online nomination form. Your submission will be reviewed by our database administrators who will then assign someone to measure and document the tree you recommend. Thanks to your help people can see all the "champion trees" that South Carolina has to offer.
Online Tree Nomination Form -
To view a list of resources please visit the Resources page.
Contact Us
Quick Contact:
Derrick Phinney
Natural Resources Program Team Leader
dphinne@clemson.eduJeff Fellers
Area Extension Agent
Forestry/Natural Resources