The Coastal Research and Education Center conducts applied research, education and public service programs on vegetable and specialty crops. The center includes 325 acres in addition to laboratories in the Department of Agriculture U.S. Vegetable Laboratory building. The Research and Education Center conducts research to increase production and handling technology for the vegetable industry and dissemination of information through extension activities. In cooperation with the Clemson University Extension Service, local problem solving and grower educational programs receive major emphasis.
With the population increasing in the U.S. and especially in the 'Sunbelt", the Research and Education Center is supporting the SC vegetable industry to capture a greater share of the market by utilizing innovating production , postharvest methodology and effective pest management systems that include biological control and pest-resistant plants.

Laboratory complex: 2700 Savannah Highway
Research Fields: 2865 Savannah Highway
Charleston, SC 29414
P: (843) 402-5399