Let the love of learning rule humanity
Phi Kappa Phi is the oldest and most selective honor society for all academic disciplines in the United States. Founded in 1897, Phi Kappa Phi is a charter member of the Association of College Honor Societies. Today, Phi Kappa Phi has more than one million members throughout the world. There are nearly 300 chapters at colleges and universities in the United States, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The name Phi Kappa Phi is drawn from the Society’s motto, Philosophia Krateito Photon, which is freely translated, “Let the love of learning rule humanity.”
The Clemson University Chapter 49 of Phi Kappa Phi was established in 1938.

Earn a Chapter 49 Award or Grant
Each year, Chapter 49 awards outstanding academic performance with more than 10 fellowships, grants and awards for undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students at Clemson. See the awards available and learn how you can earn one today!
View Awards and Grants