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Community and Ethical Standards

Student Handbook


Clemson University is grounded in three fundamental areas — education, research and service — and is consistently ranked among the nation’s best public universities. Clemson is known for its academic prowess and aims to aid each student’s journey through available resources such as undergraduate and graduate catalogs published annually by the Registrar’s Office, academic integrity policies and regulations, compliance and ethics, and educational record protections under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Students at Certified Student Leadership Program


In alignment with its bold strategic plan, Clemson Elevate, the University aims to deliver the No. 1 student experience. With more than 500 registered student organizations, Clemson students are known for a high level of engagement outside of the classroom. In addition to a wide array of extracurricular and co-curricular opportunities, the Clemson Experience is rooted in history, tradition and upholding the ideals of free thought and expression.

Students at Clemson Trivia Night
Office of Community and Ethical Standards
Office of Community and Ethical Standards