Clemson Thinks2 Implementation
Clemson Thinks2 Implementation: One of the most important benefits that a university education affords students is the ability to think critically. While most teachers claim to teach critical thinking, and while many do, few can articulate precisely how it happens. Clemson Thinks2 is an ambitious experiment in critical thinking that aspires to transform student learning and faculty teaching across the curriculum and in the disciplines. The foundation of this effort is a series of critical thinking (CT2) Seminars, a cohort of CT2 faculty scholars, a faculty development program (the Clemson Thinks2 Faculty Institute), a rigorous assessment plan, and a scholarly research program. Now in our ninth year, over 850 courses have been offered under the CT2 aegis and 250 faculty members have completed the Clemson Thinks2 Faculty Institute since the program's inception. In addition, 81 graduate teaching assistants have attended our Graduate Teaching Institute.

2016 Clemson Thinks2 Faculty Institute at the Watt Family Innovation Center, August 2016