Support the Clemson University Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
Giving to Chapter 49
As a member of Phi Kappa Phi, there’s a special way that you can support academic excellence at Clemson University.
The society's primary purpose is recognizing and promoting academic excellence. Toward that end, the Clemson chapter has begun the process of establishing an endowment to provide annual awards to top graduating seniors. With current contributions totaling $15,000, we must raise an additional $10,000 to fully endow the award.
When you were inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, you repeated the society’s motto, “Let the love of learning rule humanity,” as an affirmation of membership. You can reaffirm your commitment to this motto by supporting this endowment.
There are three easy ways to make your Phi Kappa Phi Endowment gift:
- Send a check made payable to “Clemson Fund” and designated for “Phi Kappa Phi Endowment” to:
Annual Giving Office
PO Box 1889
Clemson, S.C. 29633-1889 - Make a secure online gift.
- Charge your gift or request a bank draft authorization form by calling the Clemson Fund Office at 864-656-5896.
If you are interested in making a deferred gift to this endowment visit Clemson Forever. You can make a difference by helping Clemson continue to provide quality education in perpetuity.
Chapter 49 History
Phi Kappa Phi is a National Honor Society organized in 1897 for the purpose of promoting scholarship among American college students. The local chapter was chartered in 1938. Recognizing the equality of all branches of knowledge, it seeks to foster learning in competition with numerous attractive and conflicting interests affecting the modern everyday life of the undergraduate by offering membership on an equal basis with members of the faculty. Through meetings of the two factors, it aims to promote good feelings and high ideals among students in their personal college relationships. Only those seniors of sound character who rank in scholarship within the top eighth of their class and who have attained a grade point ratio of 6.5 or better are eligible for membership.
“Great learning and academic achievement are critical hallmarks of university quality. Since Phi Kappa Phi provides an important measure of these, Clemson’s Phi Kappa Phi chapter, and the long history of its growing and impressive membership, highlight Clemson’s strong position with our nation’s community of scholars.”
Dr. Robert H. Jones - Initiated 1978Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and ProvostClemson University