Committees and Task Forces
The Board of Trustees operates through eight standing committees. As the need arises, the Board may — by resolution — create special committees and task forces with such functions, power and authority as it may determine. Unless otherwise provided in a resolution of the Board, the Board Chair shall determine the number of committee members, appoint its members, and designate the committee chair and vice chair.
All committees of the Board will make recommendations for action to the Board, with their activities limited to advisory service to the Board on matters of policy. The Board Chair also appoints trustees to ad hoc advisory trustee task forces as well as trustee participants in working groups of the administration.

Task Forces
As needed, the Board of Trustees will establish task forces to develop actionable recommendations in an area of need in pursuit of an outcome beneficial to the entire Clemson Family. A task forces engages in a multi-month process with students, faculty, staff and alumni to gather feedback in pursuit of better understanding and, ultimately, impactful recommendations. Goal-driven tactics with short-term and long-term recommendations are typical outcomes of these hands-on exploratory groups.
There are eight standing committees of the Board of Trustees designed for the consideration and recommendation of all policies governing the key activities, programs and procedures of the University.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
The Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee shall consider and recommend policies relating to the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Public Service Activities (PSA) of the University.
- Nicky McCarter, Chair
- Louis Lynn, Vice Chair
- David Dukes
- Patti McAbee
- Bob Peeler
- Bill Smith
- J.J. Britton, Emeritus
- Tom McTeer, Emeritus
Compensation Committee
The mission of the Board of Trustees Compensation Committee is to ensure that Clemson University has a compensation policy that is market-level competitive and supports maintaining top 20 status, achieving Carnegie Research Very High status and continuing to achieve excellence in our athletic programs. Such policy must apply to all faculty, staff, administrators and coaches. The Board expects Clemson University's compensation policy and implementation procedures to be consistent, to be driven by budgetary constraints and good fiscal stewardship, to be tied directly to employee performance that is linked to objective standards, and to be targeted at competitive market levels for similar jobs in local, state, regional or national markets as appropriate.
The Compensation Committee Charter can be found in the Board of Trustees Manual in Appendix G.
- Smyth McKissick, Chair
- Nicky McCarter, Vice Chair
- Bob Peeler
- Cheri Phyfer-Kubu
- Kim Wilkerson
- Bill Hendrix, Emeritus
- David Wilkins, Emeritus
Educational Policy Committee
The Educational Policy Committee shall consider and recommend policies governing the educational activities of the University.
- Bob Peeler, Chair
- Joe Swann, Vice Chair
- Nikki Haley
- Ronnie Lee
- Louis Lynn
- Mark Richardson
- J.J. Britton, Emeritus
- Allen Wood, Emeritus
Executive and Audit Committee
The Executive and Audit Committee is composed of the Board Chair and the chairs of the standing committees. The Board chair is chair of the Executive and Audit Committee.
The primary purpose of the Executive and Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees of Clemson University in discharging its responsibility relative to monitoring the University's system of internal control, accounting policies and financial reporting procedures. The Committee serves as the focal point of communication between the Board of Trustees, outside auditors, the Internal Auditor and state and federal agency auditors.
- Kim Wilkerson, Chair
- David Dukes
- Patti McAbee
- Nicky McCarter
- Smyth McKissick
- Bob Peeler
- Mark Richardson
- Bill Smith
Finance and Facilities Committee
The Finance and Facilities Committee shall consider and recommend policies and procedures governing all aspects of the University's budgeting, financing, expenditures, financial reporting, construction and maintenance facilities, acquisition and disposal of capital assets, and human resources. The Committee maintains authority to establish policy direction of the investment of University funds.
- David Dukes, Chair
- Cheri Phyfer-Kubu, Vice Chair
- Ronnie Lee
- Nicky McCarter
- Smyth McKissick
- Bill Smith
- David Wilkins, Emeritus
- Allen Wood, Emeritus
Institutional Advancement Committee
The Institutional Advancement Committee shall consider and recommend policies to govern fundraising activities of the University and shall maintain continuous policy review over the public affairs, public relations and alumni relations activities of the University.
- Mark Richardson, Chair
- Cheri Phyfer-Kubu, Vice Chair
- Nikki Haley
- Ronnie Lee
- Smyth McKissick
- Bill Smith
- Bill Hendrix, Emeritus
- David Wilkins, Emeritus
Research and Economic Development Committee
The Research and Economic Development Committee shall consider and recommend policies to support the research mission of Clemson University. These policies adopted foster the growth of research both in quality and quantity.
- Bill Smith, Chair
- Joe Swann, Vice Chair
- David Dukes
- Nikki Haley
- Louis Lynn
- Mark Richardson
- Bill Hendrix, Emeritus
- Tom McTeer, Emeritus
Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee shall consider and recommend policies related to student development programs and to services for students and related constituent groups.
- Patti McAbee, Chair
- Joe Swann, Vice Chair
- David Dukes
- Bob Peeler
- Cheri Phyfer-Kubu
- Mark Richardson
- J.J. Britton, Emeritus