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Office of University Compliance and Ethics

Sponsor-Specific Guidelines and Policies

Public Health Service

In accordance with Section VI of the Clemson University Conflict of Interest Policy cited below, it is required University procedure that no applications to the Public Health Service (either as prime applicant or subrecipient) will be submitted to the sponsor unless all project personnel have completed their annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure.

Public Health Service (PHS)/NIH Funded Research: Federally funded research (including PHS/NIH funding) conducted by Clemson employees who contemplate funding from or are funded by the Federal Agency is subject to the federal policy governing that agency's funding and is also subject to the Clemson University Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) in Research Policy.( Any conflict of interest subject to the FCOI Policy shall be reviewed and managed pursuant to the requirements of that policy.

Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest |