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Athletic Council

Committee Structure and Members

Committee Structure

The Athletic Council is comprised of an Executive Committee and three subcommittees. The Executive Committee consists of the Chair of the Athletic Council, the Vice-Chair of Athletic Council, the Chairs of each subcommittee, and the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) appointed by the President. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to determine the agenda for the monthly Athletic Council meetings, determine the charges for the subcommittees, and undertake any special initiatives as directed by the President. The 2020-2021 Executive Committee members are as follows:


Academic Policies and Integrity

Chair: William Baldwin

The Academic Policies and Integrity committee will address all policies and procedures related to admissions, academic standards, academic support, registration, curriculum issues, and other related issues affecting student athletes.

Student Athlete Welfare and Experience

Chair: Michael Godfrey

The Student Athlete Welfare and Experience committee will address issues related to the overall college experience of student athletes outside of the classroom and on and off of the playing/practice field. This will include but is not limited to issues regarding university resources, and campus community relationships.

Administration and Communication

Chair: Jack Wolf

The Administration and Communication committee will address issues related to the overall administration of athletics that will include annual reviews of athletic budgets, facility plans, hiring practices, and other related issues. Additionally, this committee will create and execute a communication plan to convey appropriate and relevant information from the Athletic Council to the campus community.


Membership Composition

Membership is determined by a vote of each of the colleges or appointment by either the President or Athletic Director. There are voting and non-voting members.

Voting Members

One Regular and one alternate member from each of the seven colleges
College of Science 1
College of Business 1
College of Engineering, Computer, and Applied Sciences 1
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences 1
College of Architecture, Arts, and Humanities 1
College of Forestry, Agriculture, and Life Sciences 1
College of Education 1
President of the Faculty Senate or Appointee 1
President of Graduate Student Government or Appointee 1
Student Athletes from the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
Revenue sport 1
Non-revenue sport 1
Library faculty 1
Presidential appointees
Faculty appointees 2
Student affairs appointee 1

Non-Voting Members

  • Faculty Athletic Rep
  • Athletic Director
  • Assistant Athletic Director
  • Compliance
  • Senior Women's Administrator
  • Director of Academic Support Services