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Risk Services and Insurance

Automobile Accident Procedures

If an employee is involved in an automobile accident while operating a Clemson University vehicle, these procedures should be followed:

  1. Check all parties to determine if there are any injuries.
  2. Administer first aid, if needed.
  3. Call ambulance and police.
  4. Cooperate with police and ambulance personnel.
  5. Do not admit liability, but provide facts to police personnel.
  6. Take pictures of other party's vehicle – damaged areas, license plate
  7. Take pictures of university vehicle – damaged areas, license plate
  8. Have vehicle towed if not drivable. Please obtain name of towing company and location the university vehicle is taken. Take picture of tow truck's name and phone number.
  9. Complete a CU Motor Vehicle Accident Report (CUBO 505). This form should be in the glove compartment of the university vehicle.
  10. Obtain full names, addresses and telephone numbers of other drivers and all passengers.
  11. Obtain copy of Police report (Financial Responsibility form –FR-10) from Investigating Officer.
  12. Forward a copy of the Motor vehicle Accident Form, Financial Responsibility Form (FR-10), pictures and Police Report to Risk Services & Insurance immediately by email (, fax, or mail. The Office of Risk Services & Insurance will notify the university's automobile insurance company and file the claim for you.
  13. Obtain full names and addresses of all witnesses whether they are favorable to you or not.
  14. Call Risk Services & Insurance as soon as possible to report the incident, even if you do not have all the paperwork: 864-656-3354 or 864-656-0193
  15. If driver or other University employee is injured, the driver should report immediately to his/her supervisor. If medical treatment is needed, supervisor must call CorVel at 1-866-282-2674 to report the injury as soon as possible. If employee does not need or want medical treatment, please call 864-656-3365 to report injury to Office of Risk Services & Insurance.
  16. Cooperate with claims adjuster in negotiating settlement of all claims against the university.
  17. Do not discuss the claim with others.

NOTE: The driver of a University vehicle involved in an accident in South Carolina resulting in bodily injury or in which property damage exceeds $1,000 is personally responsible for forwarding the FR-10, which will be provided to you by the investigating police officer, to the Office of Risk Services & Insurance within two working days. When the form is received in the Office of Risk Services & Insurance, it will be forwarded to the Insurance Reserve Fund for processing and forwarding to the South Carolina Highway Department. The form must be received by the state within 15 days of the accident date. Failure to comply with this state regulation may result in suspension or revocation of the individual's drivers license. 

Risk Services and Insurance
Risk Services and Insurance | 391 College Avenue Suite 202, Clemson, SC 29631