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Risk Services and Insurance

Workers' Compensation

Injury Reporting

In case of injury, it is an employee’s responsibility to notify his/her supervisor or department head immediately. Any injury, no matter how slight, must be reported to your supervisor.

In the event of life or limb-threatening emergencies, contact 9-1-1 or seek immediate medical attention at the nearest emergency facility.

Employee Injury with Medical Treatment

If the injured employee or his/her supervisor judges that medical attention is needed, the injury will need to be reported to Clemson’s workers’ compensation carrier. To report an injury for medical treatment:

  1. The supervisor or other designated person must call CorVel at 1-866-282-2674 to report the injury and assist in completing the First Report of Injury with a Nurse Case Manager. The employee will be referred to Redfern Health Center or an AUTHORIZED Off Campus Medical Facility.
  2. The injured employee must complete the Workers’ Compensation Report of Injury form.

Employee Injury without Medical Treatment

If the injured employee does not require medical treatment at the time of injury, the injury should still be documented and reported to Risk Services and Insurance. To report a notice of injury only:

  1. The injured employee must complete the First Report of Injury form.


Important Information

Employers must report:

  1. All work-related fatalities within 8 hours.
  2. All work-related inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, or losses of an eye within 24 hours.
  3. Call the Office of Occupational Environmental Safety (OES) at 864-656-0987


Risk Services and Insurance
Risk Services and Insurance | 391 College Avenue Suite 202, Clemson, SC 29631