New Student Checklist
Commit to Clemson.
You’ve been admitted and decided to join the Clemson Family. Congrats! To reserve your space for the first semester, there are just a few things you need to do. Complete the next three steps as soon as you’re confident that you’re going to commit to Clemson, and then read through the following steps you’ll need to take before the first day of class.
Visit your Clemson admissions portal
Your Clemson admissions portal will have important information and next steps for enrolling at Clemson University. We encourage you to visit this portal often for updates and to complete enrollment tasks.
Complete your Decision Reply form
Visit your Clemson admissions portal to indicate your plan to enroll at Clemson. Your response is non-binding. This form must be completed before you can pay your enrollment deposit.
Pay your deposit
All incoming freshmen and transfer students must pay a nonrefundable $200 deposit online through their Clemson admissions portal. Deposits are due by midnight EST of the deadline date. The deposit will be applied toward the tuition and fees for the semester in which you begin your studies at Clemson. One exception is for students who enroll in Summer classes. If you enroll for the Summer semester, the deposit will be applied toward the tuition and fees for the Fall semester.
If you have a question about the entry date listed on your application, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions before submitting the deposit.
Prepare for your first semester.
Now that you’ve committed to Clemson, it’s time to get ready for your first semester on campus. Review the following steps carefully and complete the actions that pertain to your specific academic situation.

Activate your Clemson username
To activate your Clemson University username:
You will need your Clemson University ID (for example, C12345678) and username activation code that are available in your Clemson admissions portal.
If you need this code resent to you by email, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or
Go to and complete the onboarding process. Next, you will need to enroll a device in Duo Security for two-factor authentication (2FA).
2FA is required to access secure systems like iRoar.
Use the provided step-by-step instructions for Duo Security to enroll.
Once you know your Clemson University username and password, please completely close your browser and open a new session.
Set up your Clemson email
You will automatically receive a Microsoft Exchange Online mailbox as a new student. The creation process for this mailbox starts after you receive your admissions decision, so it may take up to two business days for your mailbox to be ready. Your username will be your full Clemson Your password will be the same one you previously set during onboarding.
Visit the CCIT New Student website for more information.
Prepare to Access iROAR
iROAR is the system where you will register for classes during orientation, view your financial aid offer, pay your student bill and much more.
To log in to iROAR, you will use your activated Clemson username and the password you set up during student onboarding.
Connect to iROAR off-campus
If you are accessing iROAR off-campus, you will need to use the Clemson Virtual Private Network (VPN). You can find directions for connecting to the VPN on the CCIT website. Before you begin, make sure you have registered for DUO two-factor authentication.
Meet all financial aid deadlines
Financial aid applicants are notified of their awards beginning in the spring. Check with Financial Aid for deadline information.
Sign up for New Student Orientation
The New Student Orientation program at Clemson University is the first step in ensuring that new undergraduate students have a successful transition and integration into college life. The program promotes discussion among parents, new students, continuing students and faculty and staff on the expectations and experiences of the campus community. Orientation includes virtual components and an optional in-person experience.
New Student Orientation for Finances is an online offering for incoming students. Join one of the Zoom sessions to learn from financial aid and financial services representatives about how to use your financial aid, pay your University bill and more.
Set your preferred name
Clemson students may choose to identify themselves within the University community using a preferred first name that differs from their legal name. If you choose to set your preferred name, review the guidelines first.
Upload your photo for your TigerOne ID
The TigerOne credential is the official photo identification of Clemson University. Review the guidelines before uploading your photo to ensure an acceptable photo is submitted.
Submit medical forms to Redfern Health Center
All students are required to submit the Student Immunization Form with documentation of required immunizations before completing registration. Redfern Health Center also provides options for student health insurance for undergraduate students.
Take placement tests
Learn more about Math Placement testing
Take the Modern Language Placement Test.
If your intended major requires a modern language and you plan to take French, German or Spanish, you must take the Clemson Modern Language Placement Test (CMLPT) before registering for a modern language course during Orientation.
Your scores on these placement tests are essential to your academic advising session during Orientation.
View transfer credits
Admitted students with transfer credits from another institution, AP/IB credit and dual-enrollment credit may review the evaluation of their transfer credit here. To access your transfer credit summary, you will need your Clemson username and password. Instructions for setting up your Clemson username can be found under “Activating Your Username.”
Be sure to print a copy of your transfer credit summary and bring it with you to Orientation. This will be helpful during your academic advising session.
Prepare for legal presence verification
South Carolina state law requires all state institutions of higher education to verify legal presence in U.S. All students will be asked to provide documentation to confirm their current legal presence. To ensure that a student may enroll and attend classes, they must provide documentation as described below. Documentation must be uploaded electronically through the Legal Presence Documentation Portal.
Submit one item from the following list of documents as proof of your U.S. citizenship:
- A completed FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid to Clemson), if not yet submitted (our code number is 003425);
- A Valid Driver's License or Identification Card issued from any of the following states: South Carolina, Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine (issued after 11/15/08), Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin;
- A current U.S. Passport;
- An original U.S. or U.S. Territory Birth Certificate (not a hospital certificate);
- A Certificate of Naturalization;
- U.S. government-issued Consular Report of Birth Abroad; or Certificate of Citizenship.
You will have 30 days after the start of classes to declare your legal presence without penalty.
Picture yourself here.
Now that you’ve completed documentation to mark where your academic journey begins, take the steps to determine what your daily life on campus will look like. From choosing your residence hall to researching student clubs and organizations, it’s time to complete the final steps leading up to your first day as a Clemson student.
Apply for housing
Your admissions deposit must be paid before you can apply for housing. Please allow 24 hours for processing the deposit before applying for housing. New student housing application contracts will be available beginning February 14 for students starting at Clemson in August (Fall or Summer semesters) and November 1 for those starting at Clemson in January (Spring semester). At that time, you can apply for housing online.
Visit University Housing for the application and additional housing information. Also, note that all freshman housing applications for Fall and Summer terms are due by May 15. Freshmen are guaranteed housing and required to live on campus. Current students and incoming freshmen have priority assignment to University housing, and transfer students are offered on-campus housing as space permits.
Housing priority for all new students is based on the application date to the University, not the date you apply for housing.
Order your student parking permit
Students are required to obtain a parking permit before parking on campus. If you plan to bring a car with you to Clemson, visit Parking and Transportation Services to preorder your student parking permit. The permit will be mailed to your home address so that you can attach it to your vehicle before moving to campus.
Purchase a laptop
All Clemson students are required to own a laptop. You can bring any laptop that meets the minimum specifications, but the University recommends specific Apple and Windows laptops each year. Students who use the recommended laptops receive both software and hardware support from CCIT.
Pay your bill
Bills are available online in mid-July for the Fall semester. Payment Plans are also available. For additional information or questions, please contact Student Financial Services.
Find out about student clubs and organizations
Familiarize yourself with the 500+ student clubs and organizations on campus before arriving. From fraternities and sororities to the performing arts and politics, there’s a group for every interest. There are also more than 50 intramural and club sports to choose from.
Prepare for move-in day
You must have your parking pass in place when you arrive on campus. If you’re moving to campus, be sure to visit University Housing for move-in times and procedures.
Start the semester strong.
This is where your Clemson journey officially begins. Attend the first on-campus activities scheduled for you and your peers. Make new friends, meet President Clements and create a routine that enables you to thrive during your first semester.

Attend Welcome Week activities.
Welcome Week occurs when first-year students move to campus for the start of Fall semester. Through a variety of online and in-person activities, the Clemson Family comes together to welcome you to Tigertown, help you make friends and set you up for academic success. Find more information about Welcome Week and transitioning to Clemson on the Tiger Transition: Welcome Week page.