Charles Privette, III
Department Chair & Professor
Phone: 864-656-6247
Email: privett@clemson.edu
Profile for Charles Privette
This guide contains a list of fees, applications, and other processes associated with the teacher certification program to assist students pursuing the AGED BS degree or AGED Teaching Certificate. All items are listed in chronological order of when they should be completed in the program, but please read through the entirety of the document to help prepare.
*Please be aware that all costs are subject to change.
This is a 2-part test the first being the TB test placement and the second is the test reading. Complete this test before you go to any school or program observations. It is around $30 for this test but contact your local healthcare provider as prices vary greatly. This can also be completed at Redfern Health Center on campus.
This test is completed online. When you fill out the form be sure to download the results immediately as you cannot revisit this page. Complete this test before you go on any school or program observations. The cost is $25 paid online at the time of check.
SLED CATCHPraxis tests are exams taken to test your knowledge and are required for teacher certification. School-based agricultural educators are required to take three Praxis examinations. Shared below are the individual test costs but study and preparation materials can be purchased as well for each of these tests. More detailed information can be found at the Praxis website.
This test is composed of three smaller test: reading, writing and mathematics. Complete this within your first or second year as a student. You cannot begin the 4000 level class requirements without this test being completed. This test can be exempted however by your performance on the SAT/ACT. A score of 22 on the ACT or a 1100 on the SAT exempts you from the Praxis Core requirement. The cost is $150 for all three combined tests.
The Praxis® Study Companion Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (PDF)
The Praxis® Study Companion Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing (PDF)
The Praxis® Study Companion Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics (PDF)
The subject test assesses your knowledge of agriculture content. It covers all areas of agricultural education and should be taken the Summer before student teaching. The cost is $156 for the test.
The Praxis® Study Companion Agriculture 5701 (PDF)
The subject test assesses your knowledge of agriculture content. It covers all areas of agricultural education and should be taken the Summer before student teaching. The cost is $156 for the test.
The Praxis® Study Companion Principals of Learning & Teaching Grades 7-12th 5624 (PDF)
The fall before you student teach, there are a few checks and applications which must be completed. This information will be shared with you by AGED faculty the spring before you student teach, but please financially prepare for these applications and tests which must be completed for you to be certified by the SC Department of Education.
Before starting as a student teacher, all students must complete an application through the SC Department of Education. The application is completed on there website through the CATS portal. The cost is about $110 and must be paid before the application is marked complete. The due date is around the middle of May the year before you student teach, so look for communication from AGED faculty regarding this process.
Student Teaching ApplicationAll student teachers must have their fingerprints taken and sent to the SC Department of Education. Instruction for this are given after completing the Student Teacher Application. Your application for student teaching will not be marked complete until the fingerprints are received so be prepared to schedule and pay for this when you initially complete the application. This cost $55 when paid for with a card online.
Schedule Finger Printing AppointmentAs an educator whether in a SBAE program or through extension or in the industry, you will be required to maintain a certain level of professionalism in your attire. As a student you should also wear professional attire while conducting site visits and observations as well as during presentations in the classroom on campus. While there is not a set fee for professional clothes, we encourage you to begin building your professional closet early so you do not have to purchase a great deal of items directly before your student teaching experience.
The Clemson Career Closet is a great resource on campus to borrow some professional clothes. While this is not a long term option, this can be a great resource for professional clothes as you go on initial school observations or job interviews as a student. Visit the Clemson Career Closet to learn more.
Clemson Career ClosetOnce you being your undergraduate experience, it is wise to keep and update your resume on a regular basis. It is good to keep this on hand as new opportunities come throughout the semester. You may need to submit a resume for an application or to a faculty or staff member with little notice, so having it ready and updated is in your best interest. If you need any assistance in creating or updating your resume, reach out to Paula Beecher in Bookhart Student Services or the Center for Career and Professional Development.
While the costs on this list as previously mentioned are subject to change, this can give you an overall idea of what to expect over your time as a Clemson student in Agricultural Education.
As always be sure to utilize resources on campus to help with financial costs as a student. Below are links to resources which may be of help to you!
The goal of your resume is to effectively market yourself to potential employers and to obtain an interview. Our staff is available to assist you in developing a resume tailored to our related industries.
Make an AppointmentPhone: 864-656-6247
Email: privett@clemson.edu
Profile for Charles Privette
Phone: 864-656-3250
Email: vondaj@clemson.edu
Profile for Vonda Marcengill
Phone: 864-656-4082
Email: ccampb3@clemson.edu
Profile for Christi Leard
Phone: 864-656-0296
Email: cdibene@clemson.edu
Profile for Catherine DiBenedetto
Phone: 540-974-1044
Email: fravel@clemson.edu
Profile for Philip Fravel
Phone: 864-656-5676
Email: dlayfie@clemson.edu
Profile for Dale Layfield
Phone: 864-656-5115
Email: haltiwa@clemson.edu
Profile for Leigh Martin
Phone: 864-656-5115
Email: jgh3@clemson.edu
Profile for Jennifer Hall