Godley-Snell Award for Excellence in Agricultural Research
The Godley-Snell Award is named in honor of W. Cecil Godley, former director of the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, and Absalom W. Snell, former associate director. This is the largest annual agricultural research award given at the university and is allocated from earnings of a fund that was first established upon Dr. Godley’s retirement in 1986, and was increased in 1988 when Dr. Snell retired.
The purpose of the fund is to stimulate excellence in agricultural research by making a personal award to faculty members involved in research through the Experiment Station. Awardees are selected each year by a committee appointed by the Experiment Station. A call for nominations is sent to participating faculty each spring and the award is presented at a function in which peers and the college leadership are present.
2024 Christopher Saski, Plant and Environmental Sciences
2023 Dil Thavarajah, Plant and Environmental Sciences
2022 Susan Kay Duckett, Animal and Veterinary Sciences
2021 Xiuping Jiang, Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences
2020 Ksenija Gasic, Plant and Environmental Sciences
2019 Francis P. Reay-Jones, Plant and Environmental Sciences
2018 Anthony P. Keinath, Plant and Environmental Sciences
2017 Jeremy K. Greene, Plant and Environmental Sciences
2016 Bruce Martin, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
2015 Guido Schnabel, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
2013 Hong Luo, Genetics and Biochemistry
2012 Lambert B. McCarty, School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences
2011 Ahmad Khalilian, Biosystems Engineering
2010 William H. Conner, Forestry and Natural Resources
2009 Albert G. Abbott, Genetics and Biochemistry
2008 Gregory Reighard, Horticulture
2007 Paul Dawson, Food Science
2006 Dave Brune, Agriculture and Biological Engineering
2005 Tom Jenkins, Animal & Veterinary Sciences
2004 David C. Guynn, Forest Resources
2003 Peter H. Adler, Entomology
2002 David H. Van Lear, Forest Resources
2001 Arnie E. Eversole, Aquaculture, Fisheries & Wildlife
2000 Ronald J. Thurston, Animal & Veterinary Sciences
1999 Bruce A. Fortnum, Plant Pathology & Physiology
1998 Halina Knap, Crop & Soil Environmental Sciences
1997 Ralph A. Dean, Plant Pathology & Physiology
1996 A. Budd Bodine, Animal, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences
1995 Albert W. Johnson, Entomology
1994 N. Dwight Camper, Plant Pathology & Physiology
1993 Dee L. Cross, Animal, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences
1992 Eldon I. Zehr, Plant Pathology & Physiology
1991 John C. Morse, Entomology
1990 Don M. Henricks, Animal Science
1989 O. W. Barnett, Plant Pathology & Physiology
1988 Peter M. Burrows, Experimental Statistics
1987 Mark S. Henry, Agr Economics & Rural Sociology