We Were First Generation College Students
Becoming a Clemson Tiger is an exciting opportunity, but we understand that sometimes as a first-generation student, you worry that you won’t fit in on a college campus. We know how that feels. Many of our faculty and staff were the first in their family to attend college and understand what that is like for our current students. Going to college is a powerful transition that can at times feel overwhelming. You don’t have to experience that alone. You belong here.
Feel free to connect with faculty and staff who were first-generation themselves:
Name | Title | Phone | |
Crystal Anderson | Wildlife Biologist III | crhode2@clemson.edu | 864-634-2170 |
Crystal Bishop | Ph.D. Student - Forestry & Environmental Conservation | cbisho5@clemson.edu | |
Ryan Bohannon | PhD Student - Forest Resources | gbohann@clemson.edu | |
Luke Bower | Assistant Professor | lmbower@clemson.edu | |
Erin Buchholtz | Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Asst. Unit Leader - SC Cooperative Research Unit | ekbuchh@clemson.edu | 864-656-8558 |
George Cavender | Assistant Professor | gcavend@clemson.edu | 706-431-3746 |
DeAndra Cooper | Rural Health & Nutrition Agent: Williamsburg & Florence Counties | deandrw@clemson.edu | 843-401-1080 |
Allison Dawn | PhD Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | adawn@clemson.edu | |
Alexis Daymon | Administrative Assistant | adaymon@clemson.edu | 843-774-8218 |
Kenneth De León Colón | PhD Student & RA - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | krdeleo@clemson.edu | |
Catherine DiBenedetto | Associate Professor | CDIBENE@clemson.edu | 864-656-0296 |
Thomas Dobbins | Professor and Senior Associate Dean of Outreach and Engagement, and Director of Clemson Cooperative Extension | TDBBNS@clemson.edu | 864-656-3382 |
Jamie Duberstein | Research Scientist | JDUBERS@clemson.edu | 706-410-6722 |
Susan Duckett | Professor | sducket@clemson.edu | 864-656-1505 |
Eric Eliassen | Lexington County 4-H Youth Development Agent | eeliass@clemson.edu | 803-357-3537 |
James Frederick | Professor, Ag Science Curriculum Specialist | jfrdrck@clemson.edu | 843-992-8077 |
Amani Freeman | Graduate Student | amanif@clemson.edu | |
Maggie Gaither | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | magaith@clemson.edu | 803-553-8230 |
Myia Galloway | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | myiag@clemson.edu | 864-223-3264 |
Venkat Ganaparthi | Graduate student | vganapa@clemson.edu | 701-781-3923 |
Robert (Bobby) Greco | PhD Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | rmgreco@clemson.edu | |
Kenneth Greene | PhD Student | kgreene@clemson.edu | |
Jess Hartshorn | Associate Professor of Forest Health | jhartsh@clemson.edu | 864-656-4861 |
Lauren Hood | Graduate Research Assistant | eburdin@clemson.edu | |
Erika Hwang | Graduate Instructor of Record | erikaj@clemson.edu | |
Dawoon Jeong | Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics | dawoonj@clemson.edu | |
Khushwinder Kaur | Graduate Research Assistant | khushwk@clemson.edu | |
Samantha Kennett | PhD Student | skenne7@clemson.edu | |
Brittney King | Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent | bking7@clemson.edu | 843-519-2402 |
Sara Lalk | Graduate Research Assistant | slalk@clemson.edu | |
Amie Mabe | Greenville County 4-H Youth Development Agent | amiem@clemson.edu | 864-365-0627 |
Vishal Manjunatha | Research Associate | vmanjun@clemson.edu | |
Trisha Markus | Ph.D. Student | tmarkus@clemson.edu | |
Courtney Marneweck | Post-doctoral Researcher | cmarnew@clemson.edu | |
Gavin McAbee | Graduate Student | glmcabe@clemson.edu | 843-640-6441 |
Mason McNair | Dr. Mason McNair | mcnair5@clemson.edu | |
Nataly Medina | Graduate Research Assistant | nataly@clemson.edu | 773-727-4628 |
Daniela Negrete-Moreno | Graduate Research Assistant | dnmoren@clemson.edu | 803-507-2607 |
Dana Nelson | PhD Candidate - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | dnelso2@clemson.edu | |
Adarsha Neupane | Graduate Research Assistant | adarshn@clemson.edu | 864-722-7618 |
Kayla Payne | Chief of Staff | ksteel2@clemson.edu | 864-656-3225 |
Glen Payne | Urban Horticulture Agent | gpayne2@clemson.edu | 843-473-6025 |
Brandon Peoples | Associate Professor of Fisheries Ecology | peoples@clemson.edu | 864-656-4855 |
Sathiska Podduwala Hewage | Ph.D. Student | spodduw@clemson.edu | 864-765-8107 |
Robert (Bob) Polomski | Associate Extension Specialist--Horticulture/Arboriculture | bplmsk@clemson.edu | 864-656-2604 |
Sandi Priddy | Administrative Coordinator | priddy@clemson.edu | 864-656-3302 |
Christopher Pyles | PhD Student | capyles@clemson.edu | 229-254-6088 |
Yoseph Roman | yroman@clemson.edu | 843-683-2533 | |
Kayla Scarborough | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | klscarb@clemson.edu | 803-649-6297 |
Liliane Severino da Silva | Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist | lseveri@clemson.edu | 352-871-5830 |
Misty Shealy | Nursery Manager | mdsheal@clemson.edu | 864-656-2458 |
Kiana Smith | Reporting Coordinator | kianag@clemson.edu | 864-986-8096 |
James Smoak Jr | Research Farm Manager | jsmoak@clemson.edu | 803-671-1986 |
Ricardo ST AIME | Post-doctoral Researcher | rstaime@clemson.edu | 864-635-5435 |
James Strickland | Professor and Interim Department Chair | jrstric@clemson.edu | |
Aaron Turner | Assistant Professor | apturne@clemson.edu | 864-656-9869 |
Wanda Vandroff | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | wvandro@clemson.edu | 843-561-6077 |
Olivia Vasquez | Aiken and Edgefield Counties 4-H Youth Development Agent | ovasque@clemson.edu | 839-205-0599 |
Leandro Vieira-Filho (Leo) | Postdoctoral Fellow, Climate-Smart Forage Systems | lvieira@clemson.edu | 813-836-4125 |
Zhine Wang | PhD student | zhinew@clemson.edu | 626-560-4340 |
Sue Watts | Educational Program Coordinator | watts9@clemson.edu | 864-650-1811 |
Johanna Wesche | Ph.D. Candidate/ Graduate Research Assistant | jwesche@clemson.edu | |
Jonathan Windham | Greenhouse Manager | JWINDHA@clemson.edu | 843-519-0487 |
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |