Research Focus & Programming
Corn Production
Corn research involves variety tests that are planted at various locations throughout the state and used as a basis for variety selection. Researchers also study insect pests such as the corn earworm and fall armyworm.
In addition, researchers also are studying corn and soybean cropping systems, double crop systems, variable rate prescription development, application technologies and management zone development. They are making hybrid and conventional variety evaluations, soil moisture sensor threshold evaluations and pesticide efficacy evaluations.
Michael Plumblee, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist
SC Corn Production Guide (PDF) -
Livestock and Forages
The forage-livestock systems program features research and Extension programming activities conducted by Dr. Liliane Silva, statewide Forages specialist. Dr. Silva develops multi-disciplinary research with an emphasis on forage physiology, establishment, and management, nutrient cycling dynamics, multispecies forage-based systems, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and enhanced sustainability and profitability of grasslands. Thus, she develops and delivers educational coursework and resources (e.g., courses, books, training) within the state, region, and nationally. Dr. Silva also develops online content through her personal media platforms entitled Forage Drops.
Since 1982, the Edisto Forage Bull Test Program has been conducted to evaluate the performance of bulls in an environment in which bull buyers expect their progeny to perform. This program is forage-based, and sales occur in October, aiming to help cattlemen to improve and grow their herds. Currently, this program is under restructuring and more information will be available soon.
Cooperative Extension Livestock & Forages Team
Livestock & Forages Team Blog
Forages Team Blog -
The Entomology Program focuses on insects important in cotton and soybeans. Researchers emphasize pest management based on the principles of Insect Pest Management (IPM). Researchers continue to develop comprehensive research and Extension programs that evaluate new strategies along with existing approaches for managing important agricultural insect pests. Research focuses on acquiring knowledge and understanding pest management techniques through cooperative applied research efforts.
Research includes refining monitoring methods and treatment thresholds for hemipteran pests in cotton and soybeans, evaluating new insecticide chemistries and delivery systems, using alternative control strategies for important insects and collaborating with researchers on other potential methods of detecting insect pests. Recent emphasis has been on management approaches for pestiferous insects of soybeans, particularly novel research on an invasive species (plataspid) recently discovered in the USA and emerged as an important pest in the crop.
Researchers are focused on addressing water quantity and water quality issues in South Carolina. One area they are looking at is increasing water-use efficiency by automating irrigation. This includes using intelligent irrigation systems, such as the Intelligent Water and Nutrient Placement (IWNP) program. This advanced technology is used with overhead irrigation systems to make it easier and cost-effective for farmers to apply the correct amount of irrigation water and nutrients where crops need them.
Other irrigation technologies include a GPS-based center-pivot auditing software used to calculate water-distribution uniformity in fields, soil moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling, a drip fertigation calculator, injection pump settings calculator and a watermark soil moisture calculator.
Researchers also are working with the South Carolina Water Resources Center staff to provide South Carolina residents with researched-based information about water use.
Peanut Production
Peanut research spans several areas of peanut production, including agronomics, integrated pest management and epidemiology. This involves evaluation of new cultivars and germplasm, as well as integrated utilization of protection products and practices to determine how these fit compared to current standards. Development of data-driven thresholds inform recommendations and implementation of practices, and results inform stewardship and resistance management of effective active ingredients. Research activities address both applied and basic peanut production questions to improve yield, sustainability and grower profit.
Technologies such as a Peanut Loan Rate Calculator, a Peanut Digger Conveyor Speed Calculator and a Peanut Yield Estimator have been developed to help farmers grow productive peanut crops.
Dan Anco
Extension Peanut Specialist and Associate Professor
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences -
Plant Bacteriology
Plant bacteriology research at EREC is led by Dr. Hehe Wang. Her program focuses on epidemiology, ecology, and genetics of bacterial pathogens and development of sustainable disease management strategies in different crop production systems. She is a member of the Clemson peach team and has been leading multiple research projects to address the bacterial disease concerns of the southeastern peach growers. In addition to bacterial pathogens, she also explores beneficial bacteria in managing plant diseases and promoting plant health and conduct molecular diagnosis of pathogens and pests.
Hehe Wang
Assistant Professor of Plant Bacteriology
Plant Bacteriologist/Pathologist
Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
Edisto Research and Education CenterOffice: 64 Research Rd., Blackville, SC 29817
Phone: 803-284-3343
Precision Agriculture
Researchers in this program work with South Carolina farmers to investigate new technologies and then help farmers learn how to use these new technologies to feed the state and the world sustainably and economically. Technologies developed by Edisto REC precision ag researchers help farmers with fertilizer applications, crop harvests, irrigation, planting, remote sensing, grain bin monitoring and hay storage.
To help farmers learn how to benefit from these new technologies, the Clemson University College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences has established CU-CAT – the Clemson University Center for Agricultural Technology. CU-CAT is a center for collaboration focused on research, education and outreach. Information provided by the Center comes from researchers of different disciplines who collaborate to provide research-based information for farmers.
Kendall Kirk, Precision Agriculture Engineer
Calculators & Web Apps -
Soil Fertility
Proper soil fertility is essential in growing productive crops. Web apps developed to help growers determine soil fertility include the Lime Rate Calculator, the Reverse Lime Rate Calculator and the Soil Acidification Calculator.
The Lime Rate Calculator is used to help growers know the recommended lime rate for a target soil pH. To help ensure the correct amount of lime is applied where it is needed most, growers can use the Reverse Lime Rate Calculator. The Soil Acidification Calculator is used by growers who want to lower soil pH.
Calculators & Web Apps -
Soybean Production
Soybean research involves providing South Carolina farmers with information they need to grow productive crops. Information provided by researchers includes a visual guide to soybean growth stages to help growers, consultants, Extension and research personnel correctly identify soybean growth stages in both determinate and indeterminate soybean varieties to allow for proper crop management of pests, irrigation and fertility.
Other research includes double cropping soybeans after corn and evaluating planter downforce on emergence of grain yield in soybeans. Researchers have also developed a South Carolina Soybean Production Guide, and a free app, MyIPM for Row Crops, to help identify and defeat diseases and pests in row crops.
Michael Plumblee, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist
Soybean Production Guide (PDF) Calculators & Web Apps -
Weed Science
Weed management is important in growing productive crops and weed scientists are determining the best weed management options for corn, cotton, peanut, soybean, small grains and forage growers in South Carolina.
Researchers are studying various weed control options such as cover crops, herbicides, using the stale seedbed technique and destroying seed heads on weeds.
Vegetable Research
Much of the vegetable research is conducted on sweet potatoes, pumpkins and watermelons.
Sweet potato research includes using black plastic mulch to deter subterranean insects in organic sweet potato beds. Researchers also are looking at how fertigation can help meet the daily nutrient needs of vegetable crops.
Variety trials for sweet potatoes, pumpkins and watermelons are planted to help researchers determine which varieties are best suited for South Carolina. Researchers also are looking at plasticulture vegetable production and honeybee management for pollination.
Drip Fertigation Calculator Pumpkins for Southern Growing (PDF)
State Grower Boards
National Grower Boards
SC Official Variety Trials
Crop Handbooks & Guides
Livestock & Forages BLOG
The Livestock and Forages Team assists producers and stakeholders by disseminating unbiased, research-based information on livestock and forage production topics. They employ approximately 14 extension agents and 4 specialists with primary livestock and forages responsibilities in South Carolina and offer coverage in every county in South Carolina.
Livestock & Forages Team Blog

Through the S.C. Crops Blog, Clemson agricultural scientists and Cooperative Extension Agents provide producers with the latest pest, weather, disease and variety trial information, and post news and updates from workshops and Field Days.
Science-based, peer-reviewed publications written by Extension personnel and university scientists for professional and academic audiences, as well as owners and managers of livestock, horses, timber and land.
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