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Cormorants on a rice trunk
James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center



  • 2024

    Abesh, B. F., J. T. Anderson, and J. A. Hubbart. 2024. Using MODFLOW to model riparian wetland shallow groundwater and nutrient dynamics in an Appalachian Watershed. Water 16:1772. 

    Abesh, B.F., J. T. Anderson, and J. A Hubbart. 2024. Surface water (SW) and shallow groundwater (SGW) nutrient concentrations in riparian wetlands of a mixed land-use catchment. Land 13:409.

    Becker, D. N., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Influence of wetland and landscape characteristics on freshwater turtle relative abundance and movement patterns in West Virginia, USA. Wetlands 44:19.

    Boucher, M., T. R. Rainwater, M. Stoner, L. Sigler, S. L. Whitmire, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Conquering the crush: A novel tool for holding crocodilian jaws open. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1534.

    Bryzek, J. A., W. Veselka IV, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. State role and involvement in determining wetland mitigation performance standards in the United States. Ecology & Society 29(1):30.

    Noe, K. L., C. T. Rota, M. W. Frantz, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Restored wetland size and age influence small mammal communities in West Virginia, USA. Wetlands 44:48.

    Staggs, J. M., D. J. Brown, A. F. Badje, J. T. Anderson, L. V. Carlson, C. N. Lapin, M. M. Cochrane, and R. A. Moen. 2024. Influences of aquatic and terrestrial habitat characteristics on abundance patterns of adult wood turtle. Journal of Wildlife Management 88:e22589.

    Von Haugg, C. L. and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Method for evaluating and measuring cavities suitability for nesting wood ducks. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1531:1-12.

  • 2023

    Anderson, J. T. 2023. Wetlands and wildlife for the future: The Clemson University James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Jalaplavit 13(2)15-21. 

    Anderson, J. T., editor. 2023. Advances in Environmental Sustainability: Proceedings of the 2022 8th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research. Springer 172 pp. ISBN 978-3-031-26364-4, ISBN 978-3-031-26365-1 (eBook)

    Bauer, B. A., R. M. Kaminski, P. D. Gerard, E. P. Wiggers, and J. D. Lanham. 2023. Aquatic invertebrate biomass in coastal South Carolina impoundments managed for waterfowl. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 10:85–91.

    Bryzek, J. A., W. Veselka IV, C. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Woody vegetation indicators vary with time since wetland restoration. Wetlands 43:89.

    Masto, N. M., A. C. Hsiung, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, M. R. Kneece, G. L. Wilkerson, R. F. Baldwin, R. D. Hanks, E. P. Wiggers, T. H. Folk, R. D. Perry, R. H. Coen, R. C. Leland, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Waterbird-habitat relationships in South Carolina: Implications for protection, restoration, and management of coastal and inland wetlands. Restoration Ecology. 31(7): e13956 

    MacKenzie, A., W. E. Veselka, P. Kinder, M. P. Strager, S. T. Grushecky, J. A. Hubbart, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Restoring a first order stream and adjacent riparian wetlands in West Virginia: Integrating lessons from wetland science and practice. Wetland Science and Practice 41(2):61-69.

    Millikin, A. R., S. Coster, A. Welsh, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Pool age and local habitat are associated with effective number of breeders in spotted salamander populations colonizing created vernal pools. Diversity 15(124):1-17.

    Millikin, A. R., D. R. Davis, D. J. Brown, S. K. Woodley, S. Coster, A. Welsh, J. L. Kerby, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Prevalence of ranavirus in spotted salamander larvae from created vernal pools in West Virginia, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 59:24-36. 

    Naunyal, M., B. Khadka, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Effect of land use and land cover change on plant diversity in the Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, Nepal. Forests 14:(3) 529. 

    Petrauski, L., S. Owen, G. Constantz, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Changes in avian spring arrival dates of 115 species in the central Appalachians over 127 years. American Journal of Climate Change 12(4):527-547. 

    Skelly, B. P., H. L. Clipp, S. M. Landry, R. Rogers, Q. Phelps, J. T. Anderson, and C. T. Rota. 2023. A flexible Bayesian approach for estimating survival probabilities from age-at-harvest data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:1061-1073. 

    Suthar, A. R., M. Boucher, C. L. Von Haugg, J. E. McCall, A. C. Hsiung, A. MacKenzie, J. A. Bryzek, S. De Silva, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Global Climate Change and Impacts on Wetland Fauna. In Global Climate Change and Wildlife Management. Apple Academic Press, Palm Bay, Florida USA. Book Chapter. Accepted and under review.

    Thakur, T. K., M. P. Barya, J. Dutta, P. Mukherjee, A. Thakur, S. L. Swamy, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Integrated phytobial remediation of dissolved pollutants from domestic wastewater through constructed wetlands: An interactive macrophyte-microbe-based green and low-cost decontamination technology with prospective resource recovery. Water 15(22):3877. 

    Thakur, T. K., M. P. Barya, J. Dutta, P. Mukherjee, A. Thakur, S. L. Swamy, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Contaminant removal in different constructed wetland types. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia 

  • 2022

    Becker D. N., J. A. Hubbart, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Biodiversity monitoring of a riparian wetland in a mixed-use watershed in the Central Appalachians, USA, before restoration. Diversity 14(4):304. 

    Brown, D. J., A. L. Gulette, K. J. Oxenrider, D. N. Becker, J. T. Anderson, L. Schumacher, J. L. Mota, M. B. Watson, and T. K. Pauley. 2022. Distribution records for Trachemys scripta elegans (red-eared slider) in West Virginia, USA. Herpetological Review 53:93-94.

    Bryzek, J. A., K. L. Noe, S. De Silva, A. MacKenzie, C. L. Von Haugg , D. Hartman, J. E. McCall, W. Veselka IV, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Obligations of researchers and managers to respect wetlands: practical solutions to minimizing field monitoring impacts. Land 11(4):481.

    Croft, G. D., R. M. Kaminski, E. P. Wiggers, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2022. Reproduction and management of box-nesting wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Journal of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9:89-95. 

    Davis, J. B., M. R. Boudreau, T. G. Peterson, R. M. Kaminski, and M. E. Colvin. 2022. Wintering waterfowl use of forested wetlands in Delta National Forest, Mississippi. Journal Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 9:96-104. 

    Gulette, A. L., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Geographical distribution. Chelydra serpentina (snapping turtle). Herpetological Review 53:440-441.

    Gulette, A. L., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Geographical distribution. Apalone spinifera (spiny softshell). Herpetological Review 53:260.

    Gulette, A. L., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Geographical distribution. Sternotherus odoratus (Eastern musk turtle). Herpetological Review 53:261-262.

    Gulette, A. L., D. J. Brown, L. Schumacher, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Geographical distribution. Pseudemys rubriventris (Northern red-bellied cooter). Herpetological Review 53:261.

    Landry, S. M., J. E. Roof, R. E. Rogers, A. B. Welsh, C. W. Ryan, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Dietary patterns suggest West Virginia bobcats are generalist carnivores. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13(2):447-459; e1944-687X.

    Masto, N. M., R. M. Kaminski, and H. H. Prince. 2022. Hemi-marsh concept prevails? Kaminski and Prince (1981) revisited. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22301

    Noe, K. L., C. T. Rota, M. W. Frantz, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Restored and natural wetland small mammal communities in West Virginia, USA. Land 11(9):1482. 

    Olaniyi, O., D. Hlengwa, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Assessing the driving forces of Guinea savanna transition using geospatial technology and machine learning in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria. Geocarto International 37(27):17242–17259. 

    Rounsville Jr., T. F., R. E. Rogers, A. B. Welsh, C. W. Ryan, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Novel hair snare and genetic methods for non-invasive bobcat detection. Ecology and Evolution 12(1):1-12.

    Slabe, V.A., J. T. Anderson, B. A. Millsap, J. L. Cooper, A. R. Harmata, Marco Restani, R. H. Crandall, B. Bodenstein, P. H. Bloom, T. Booms, J. Buchweitz, R. Culver, K. Dickerson, R. Domenech, E. Dominguez-Villegas, D. Driscoll, B. W. Smith, M. J. Lockhart, D. McRuer, T. A. Miller, P. A. Ortiz, K. Rogers, M. Schwarz, N. Turley, B., M. E. Finkelstein, C. A. Triana, C. R. DeSorbo, and T. E. Katzner. 2022. Demographic implications of lead poisoning for eagles across North America. Science 375:779-782. 

    Xia, W., B. Zhu, Z. Shuanghu, H. Liu, X. Qu, Y. Liu, L. G. Rudstam, J. T. Anderson, L. Ni, and Y. Chen. 2022. Climate, hydrology, and human disturbance drive long-term (1988-2018) macrophyte patterns in water diversion lakes. Journal of Environmental Management 319:115726. 

  • 2021

    Anderson, J. T. 2021. Harvest of fish and wildlife: New paradigms for sustainable management. (Book Review). Journal of Field Ornithology 92:537.

    Davis, J. B., M. R. Boudreau, K. C. Monroe, and R. M. Kaminski. 2022. Resource use overlap by sympatric wintering American black ducks and mallards wintering in Tennessee. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13:460-472.

    Lavretsky, P., E. Duenez, M. Kneece, and R. M. Kaminski. 2021. Population genetics of a translocated population of mottled ducks and allies. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1616-1627. 

    Masto, N. M., R. M. Kaminski, P. D. Gerard, B. E. Ross, and M. R. Kneece, and G. L. Wilkerson. 2021. Aerial strip-transect surveys: Indexing autumn-winter waterbird abundance and distribution in South Carolina. Journal of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies 8:89-100. 

    Monroe, K. C., J. B. Davis, A. P. Monroe, R. M. Kaminski, M. J. Gray, and D. L. Meehan, T. D., R. M. Kaminski, et al. 2021. Half-century winter duck abundance and temperature trends in the Mississippi and Atlantic flyways. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:713-722.

    Monroe, K.C., J.B. Davis, A.P. Monroe, R.M. Kaminski, M.J. Gray, and D.L. Evans. 2021. Winter habitat selection by a declining American black duck population. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:16-26. 

    Veselka, W. IV, W. S. Kordek, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Using multiple taxa and wetland classification schemes for enhanced detection of biological response signatures to human impairment. Ecological Indicators 133:1-6.

  • 2020

    Bauer, B. A., R. M. Kaminski, D. Lanham, P. D. Gerard, and E. P. Wiggers. 2020. Hydrological management for submersed aquatic vegetation in South Carolina coastal impoundments. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:579-584.

    Croft, G. D., R. M. Kaminski, E. P. Wiggers, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2020. Nest-box use by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:662-669.

    Marty, J. R., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, M. G. Brasher, and S. A. Rush. 2020. Gulf coast riceland seed biomass estimates for waterfowl conservation. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1315-1325. 

    Masto, N. M., B. A. Bauer, R. M. Kaminski, C. Sharpe, R. C. Leland, E. P. Wiggers, and P. D. Gerard. 2020. Rake sampling to estimate biomass of submersed aquatic vegetation in coastal wetlands. Wetlands 40:957-966.

    Vilella, F. J., J.A. Cruz-Burgos, R.M. Kaminski, H.R. Murkin, J.B. Davis, S.L. Weitzel, and F. Vizcarra. 2020. Avian community responses to management of vegetation and water levels in restored wetlands at the Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Naturalist 72:1-21.

  • 2019

    Lancaster, J.D., S.E. McClain, M.C. Gross, C.N. Jaques, N.M. Masto, R.M. Kaminski, and H.M. Hagy. 2019. Assessment of excreta collection methods to estimate true metabolizable energy of waterfowl foods in wild ducks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:282-290. 

    Straub, J. N., A. G. Leach, R. M. Kaminski, A. W. Ezell, and T. D. Leininger. 2019. Red oak acorn yields in green-tree reservoirs and non-impounded forests in Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 43:491-499.

  • 2018

    Masto, N. M. and G. D. Croft. 2018. Follow that duck! Clemson students migrate to deepen their waterfowl knowledge. The Wildlife Professional Winter (Nov-Dec) 2018:39-43.

    Tapp, J.L,, M.W. Weegman, E.B. Webb, R.M. Kaminski, and J.B. Davis. 2018. Waterbird communities and seed biomass in managed and reference-restored wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Restoration Ecology 26:591-599.

  • 2017

    Alford, A.B., R.M. Kaminski, S.C. Grado, L.R. D’Abramo, and J.L. Avery. 2017. Harvest of crayfish as an ecosystem service of wetlands compared to production system with planted forage. Journal of Aquaculture Economics and Management. 20:295-313. 

    Davis, J.B., F. J. Vilella, J. D. Lancaster, M. Lopez-Flores, R. M. Kaminski, and J.A. Cruz-Burgos. 2017. White-cheeked pintail duckling and brood survival across wetland types at Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico. The Condor 119:308-320.

    Foth, J.R., R.M. Kaminski, J.B. Davis, J.N. Straub, and T.D. Leininger. 2017. Aquatic invertebrate community composition, diversity, and biomass from sweep-net samples in non-impounded bottomland hardwood forests and greentree reservoirs. Journal of the Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Association 5:125-135.

    Marty, J.R., J.B. Davis, M.G. Brasher, R.M. Kaminski, and E.L. Brinkman. 2017. Density of lead and nontoxic shotshell pellets in Gulf Coast prairie ricelands. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:1-8.

  • 2016

    Alford, A.B., W. Schilling, and R.M. Kaminski. 2016. Consumer acceptability of crayfish Procambarus clarkii harvested from commercial production fields and moist-soil wetlands. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 25:875-884. 

    Newcomb, K. C., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, and M. J. Gray. 2016. Winter survival of female American Black Ducks in Tennessee, USA. The Condor 118:33-45.

    Straub, J.N., R.M. Kaminski, A.G. Leach, A.E. Ezell and T.D Leininger. 2016. Acorn yield and masting traits of red oak in the Lower Mississippi River alluvial valley. Forest Science 62:18-27. 

  • 2015

    Davis, J.B., J.N. Straub, G. Wang, R.M. Kaminski, and B.D. Leopold. 2015. Simulations of wood duck recruitment from nest boxes in Mississippi and Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:907-916.

    Feaga, J. S., F. J. Vilella, R. M. Kaminski, and J. B. Davis. 2015. Waterbird use of catfish ponds and Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative wetlands in Mississippi. Waterbirds 38:269-281.

    Fleming, K.S., R.M. Kaminski, M.L. Schummer, K.D. Nelms, G.N Ervin, and T. Tietjen. 2015. Species richness and density of wintering ducks on Wetlands Reserve Program easements in Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:310-318.

    Hagy, H., and R.M. Kaminski. 2015. Determination of foraging threshholds and effects of application on energetic carrying capacity for waterfowl. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118349.

    Lancaster, J.D., J.B. Davis, R.M. Kaminski, A.D. Afton, E.J. Penny. 2015. Mallard use of a managed public hunting area in Mississippi. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:281-287.

    Marty, J.R., J.B. Davis, R.M. Kaminski, M.G. Brasher, G. Wang. 2015. Waste rice and natural seed abundances in rice fields in the Louisiana and Texas Coastal Prairies. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:121-126.

    Shipes, J.C., J.B. Davis, E.P. Wiggers, W.E. Mills, R.M. Kaminski, M.R. Kneece. 2015. Annual habitat selection by mottled ducks in Coastal South Carolina. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:268-273.

    St. James, E.A., M.L. Schummer, R.M. Kaminski, E.J. Penny, L.W. Burger. 2015. Effect of weekly hunting frequency on rate of ducks harvested. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6:247-254.

Theses and Dissertations

  • 2024

    Von Haugg, C. L. 2024. Caught on camera: evaluating wood duck (Aix sponsa) cavity occurrence and trapping efficiency. Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

    McCall, J. 2024. Avian Temporal Trends and Habitat Relations within the South Atlantic Coastal Zone. Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

  • 2022

    Bryzek, J. A. 2022. Wetland mitigation performance standards: the intersection of science, practice, and policy. West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA (Kennedy Center Graduate Student Partners Program).

    Miller, E. M. 2022. Recruitment, cost indexes, and management of box-nesting wood ducks in South Carolina and North Carolina. Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

    Noe, K. 2022. Small mammal communities of restored and natural wetlands in West Virginia. Thesis, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA (Kennedy Center Graduate Student Partners Program).

    Shurba, J. 2022. Reproductive ecology and microbial communities from wood duck nest boxes in Georgia and Florida. Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

  • 2021

    Hernandez-Rubio, L. A. 2021. Advancing waterfowl ecology and management: Assessments of an online course, professional credentials, and graduate student publication performance. Dissertation, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

  • 2019

    Masto, N. M. 2019. Evaluation of aerial surveys to monitor fall-winter waterbird populations in South Carolina. Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

  • 2018

    Bauer, B. A. 2018. Effects of hydrological management for submersed aquatic vegetation biomass and invertebrate biomass and diversity in South Carolina coastal impoundments. Thesis, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA. South Carolina, USA.

    Croft, G. D. 2018. Reproduction and nest-box selection by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Thesis, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA.


  • 2022

    McCall, J. E., J. A. Bryzek, C. L. Von Haugg, M. Boucher, S. De Silva, A. MacKenzie, A. R. Suthar, A. C. Hsiung, K. L. Noe, S. Accettullo, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. What is a wetland? [Audio podcast]. In The World of Wetlands, Episode 1. The Clemson University James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. World of Wetlands - Episode 1: What is a wetland?


  • 2024

    Anderson, J. T. 2024. My life in wetlands: Take home lessons for a fulfilling career. Society of Wetland Scientists Student Virtual Conference. Virtual. (Invited-Keynote Speaker).

    Anderson, J. T., C. Anderson, M. Boucher, R. Brown, A. de Castro, S. De Silva, R. M. Greco, Jr., J. Grinstead, A. MacKenzie, J. E. McCall, O. E. Olaniyi, C. Pettengill, A. R. Suthar, and C. L. Von Haugg. 2024. Wildlife of tidal freshwater forested wetlands. Forested Wetlands of the Upper Estuary, Charleston, South Carolina. (Invited).

    Boucher, M., S. Whitmire T. Rainwater, T. Farmer, and J. T. Anderson 2024. Exploring alligators as indicators of microplastic pollution in wetlands. The Wildlife Society, Wetlands Working Group, Online. (Invited)

    Boucher, M., T. Rainwater, M. Stoner, L. Sigler, S. L. Whitmire, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Conquering the crush: a novel alligator crocodilian jaw prop. IUCN-SSC Crocodile Specialist Group Conference, Darwin, Australia. (Poster)

    Boucher, M., T. Rainwater, S. Whitmire, J. Bowden, T. Farmer, and J. T. Anderson 2024. Leveraging alligator management to explore regional alligator diet and contaminants of emerging concern. IUCN-SSC Crocodile Specialist Group Conference, Darwin, Australia.

    Boucher, M., S. L. Whitmire, T. Rainwater, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Exploring alligator diet and microplastic contamination in alligator-inhabited wetlands. Microplastics in the Coastal Region,, Charleston, South Carolina. (Poster).

    Fleming, A., S. Drescher, S. Corey, B. Taylor, J. Enderlin, A. Foster, K. Bradford, C. Baker, V. Kackley, R. Luksic, J. Creswell, J. Keglovits, M. Boucher, and J. T. Anderson. Exploration of diet and parasitism of American alligators in Louisiana. 19th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry, Clemson, South Carolina (Poster) *Peoples Choice Award

    Fowler, T., J. T. Anderson, B. Neale, A. Wunderley, R. Huffman, and C. Brzorad. 2024. Wetlands: what are they…Why they matter…and what can you do to protect them? SC7 Resiliency Conference. Charleston, South Carolina (Invited—Panel Discussion).

    Greco, R., M. Tellez, J. Espinal, J. Pena, A. Rosenblatt, J. Brocca, C. M. Bodinof Jachowski, and J.T. Anderson. 2024 Home range selection patterns of American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. IUCN-SSC Crocodile Specialist Group Conference, Darwin, Australia. (Poster)

    Hsiung, A., B. E. Ross, H. M. Hagy, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Identifying drivers of mallard and green-winged teal populations in North America. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Webinar, Virtual. (Invited).

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, C. M. Lituma, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Avian response to wetland restoration in Preston County, West Virginia. Audubon Society Mountaineer Chapter Annual Science in the Scope: The Latest in Bird Research by WVU Graduate Students, Morgantown, West Virginia (Invited).

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, C. M. Lituma, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Restoration impacts on flora and fauna abundance and diversity. Delaware Wetlands Conference, Wilmington, Delaware.

    MacKenzie, A., and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Collaborative solutions to overcome challenges in stream and wetland mitigation. Environmental Markets Conference 2024. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    McCall, J., J. D. Lanham, D. Kunkel, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Waterbird migration chronology and wetland selection in Georgetown, South Carolina. Ducks 9 Conference, Portland, Oregon. (Poster)

    Miller, E. M., R. M. Kaminski, B. A. Bauer, G. K. Yarrow, K. Barrett, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Evaluating deterrents to reduce depredation of wood duck eggs in nest boxes. Ducks 9 Conference, Portland, Oregon.

    Shurba, J., K. Whitehead, B. Bauer, K. Barrett, G. Yarrow, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. The influence of shavings on wood duck reproductive ecology and eggshell bacteria. Ducks 9 Conference, Portland, Oregon.

    Suthar, A. R., M. A. McAlister, B. A. Bauer, T. H. Folk, J. Dozier, J. A. Elmore, E. K. Buchholtz, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Eyes in the Sky: Evaluating drone as a tool for aerial waterbird survey in antebellum rice fields in Coastal South Carolina. ACE Basin Symposium, Walterboro, South Carolina.

    Suthar, A. R., J. A. Elmore, E. K. Buchholtz, T. H. Folk, and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Quantifying habitat use by secretive marsh birds in antebellum rice fields using drone and autonomous recording units in coastal South Carolina. The Wildlife Society, Wetlands Working Group, Online. (Invited)

    Thompson, W., A. Stegmann, B. Murry, S. De Silva, J. T. Anderson. 2024. Development of community size-spectra-based indices of biotic integrity for West Virginia wetlands. Division of Forestry & Natural Resources Research Symposium, West Virginia University. (Poster)

    Von Haugg, C. L. and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Method for evaluating cavity suitability for nesting wood ducks (Aix sponsa). Ducks 9. Portland, Oregon. (Invited).

  • 2023

    Abernathy, B., D., J. E. McCall, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. UPIC internship: Avian use of wetlands in Georgetown, SC. Behind the Gate, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC. (Poster)

    Anderson, J. T. 2023. My journey as a wetland scientist: Under the sphagnum moss to the mountain top and down the other side. 96th Annual Meeting of the West Virginia Academy of Sciences, Pipestem, WV. (Invited-Keynote Speaker)

    Anderson, J. T. 2023. Restoring wetlands to conserve biodiversity and promote multiple ecosystem services. 2023 8th Asia Conference on Environment and sustainable development (ACESD 2023). Sapporo, Japan (Virtual). (Invited-Keynote Speaker).

    Boucher, M., J. T. Anderson, T. Rainwater, and S. Whitmire. 2023. Alligators as indicators of microplastic and persistent pollutants in wetlands. Behind the Gate, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC. (Poster)

    Boucher, M., J. T. Anderson, T. Rainwater, and S. Whitmire. 2023. Alligators as indicators of microplastic and persistent pollutants in wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, SC. (Poster)

    Boucher, M., T. Rainwater, S. Whitmire, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Alligators as indicators of microplastic pollution in wetlands. The Wildlife Society, Wetlands Working Group, Online. (Invited)

    Boucher, M., M. Stoner, L. Sigler, T. Rainwater, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Creation and deployment of a novel tool for crocodilian snout opening. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) 77th Annual Conference – 2023, Corpus Christi, Texas. (Poster) *Best Poster Presentation

    Boucher, M., T. Rainwater, S. Whitmire, J. Bowden, T. Farmer, and J. T. Anderson. 2023 Regional alligator diet and ecotoxicology of contaminants of emerging concern: an overview and update. 2023 Palmetto Alligator Research and Management Symposium, Georgetown, South Carolina.

    Clark, J., A. S. H. Hagan, J. T. Anderson, and M. Folk. 2023. Comparison of soil organic matter depth among reference sites and two restored wetlands in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina. Forestry and Environmental Conservation Graduate Seminar Poster Session, Clemson, South Carolina (Poster).

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, C. T. Rota, E. A. Byers and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Water quality in West Virginia wetlands and their relationships with watershed land cover/ land-use practices. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, SC.

    Fleming, A., S. Drescher, V. Kackley, J. Enderlin, S. Corey, S. Rogers, B. Taylor, A. Foster, C. Baker, M. Boucher, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Preliminary exploration of the diet of American alligators from Louisiana. 2023 Palmetto Alligator Research and Management Symposium, Georgetown, SC. (Poster)

    Greco, R., A.E. Rosenblatt, M. Tellez, J. Brocca, and J.T. Anderson. 2023 A snapshot of American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) diet in the hypersaline conditions of Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. Clemson University College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences Graduate Symposium, Georgetown, SC. (Poster)

    Hsiung, A, B. E. Ross, H. M. Hagy, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Evaluating the cross-seasonal effect of winter survival on continental waterfowl population growth rate. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, SC.

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, C. M. Lituma, C. C. Arantes, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Wetland mitigation impacts on avian biodiversity: an update. Mountaineer Chapter of the Audubon Society, Morgantown, West Virginia. (Invited)

    MacKenzie, A., W. E. Veselka, P. Kinder, S. T. Grushecky, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Early indications: using a biochar soil amendment to enhance woody vegetation growth and survivorship in two north central West Virginia riparian wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, SC.

    McCall, J., and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Wetland type productivity for waterbirds: 2022 recap and 2023 sneak peek. DeBordieu Colony Board Meeting, Georgetown, South Carolina (Invited).

    McCall, J., and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Avian-wetland habitat relations and temporal trends within the South Atlantic Coastal Zone. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, South Carolina.

    McCall, J., D. Kunkel, J. D. Lanham, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Waterbird migration chronology and wetland selection in coastal South Carolina, USA. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) 77th Annual Conference – 2023, Corpus Christi, Texas. (Poster)

    McCall, J., J. D. Lanham, D. Kunkel, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Waterbird migration chronology and wetland selection in Georgetown South Carolina. South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS) meeting – 2023, Columbia, South Carolina.

    McCall, J., J. D. Lanham, D. Kunkel, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Waterbird use and selection of wetlands in coastal South Carolina, USA. The Wildlife Society 30th Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. (Poster)

    Molina, J. T., C. C. Arantes, B. A. Murry, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Integrating data sets to understand climate change vulnerability for West Virginia watersheds. West Virginia American Fisheries Society 2023 Meeting, Morgantown, West Virginia.

    Pettengill, C., R. Brown, L. Taylor, T. L. O’Halloran, A. E. Scaroni, M. Motallebi, J. Whetstone, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Will oysters assist recovery at a Litte Edisto saltmarsh? Clemson University College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences Graduate Symposium, Georgetown, South Carolina. (Poster) *Third Place Poster Presentation

    Sanchez, N. K., S. S. Li, M. Boucher, T. Rainwater, J. T. Anderson, and M. P. Sullivan. 2023. Alligator webs: Linking alligator nutritional subsidies, food webs, and ecosystem functions in coastal South Carolina. 2023 Palmetto Alligator Research and Management Symposium, Georgetown, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Shurba, J., K. Whitehead, K. Barrett, G. Yarrow, R. Kaminski, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Effect of nesting material on wood duck nest box selection, reproduction, and eggshell bacteria. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, South Carolina.

    Suthar, A. R., and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Understanding waterbird habitat relations with antebellum rice fields using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous recording units (ARUs) in coastal South Carolina. Second Annual Ag Tech Spotlight Event, Clemson, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Suthar, A. R. and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Understanding waterbird habitat relations with antebellum rice fields using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAS) and autonomous recording units (ARUs) in coastal South Carolina. Delta Waterfowl’s Prairie Pothole Waterfowl Ecology Field Course 2023, Bismarck, North Dakota.

    Suthar, A. R., M. A. McAlister, J. Dozier, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. A comparative study of uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) and ground-based survey methods to quantify waterbird numbers in an antebellum rice field of coastal South Carolina. The Wildlife Society 30th Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky (Poster)

    Suthar, A. R., M. A. McAlister, J. Dozier, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Assessing Waterbird Populations in Antebellum Rice Field Impoundments through Drone and Ground Surveys at Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center, South Carolina. South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS) meeting – 2023, Columbia, South Carolina.

    Suthar, A. R., M. A. McAlister, J. Dozier, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. A comparison of waterbird populations in tidal broken and tidal functional antebellum rice field impoundments using uncrewed aircraft systems at Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center, South Carolina. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) 77th Annual Conference – 2023, Corpus Christi, Texas. (Poster)

    Suthar, A. R., M. A. McAlister, J. Dozier, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Flight and feet: Assessing waterbird populations in tidal broken and tidal functional antebellum rice field impoundments through uncrewed aircraft systems and ground surveys at Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center, South Carolina, USA. Wildlife Conservation Drones and Technologies Summit – 2023, Burnet, Texas. (Poster)

    Suthar, A. R., M. A. McAliser, J. Dozier, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Understanding waterbird habitat relations with antebellum rice fields using uncrewed aircraft (UAV) and autonomous recording units (ARUs) in coastal South Carolina. Behind the Gate, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Suthar, A. R., and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Understanding waterbird habitat relations with antebellum rice fields using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous recording units (ARUs) in coastal South Carolina. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Von Haugg, C. L., and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Novel method for measuring internal and external tree cavity dimensions for nesting wood ducks. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) 77th Annual Conference – 2023, Corpus Christi, Texas. (Poster)

    Von Haugg, C. L., R. F. Baldwin, B. A. Bauer, A. S. Bridges, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Wood duck nest site selection and relative abundance of suitable nesting cavities in coastal South Carolina. The Wildlife Society 30th Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. (Poster)

    Von Haugg, C. L., R. F. Baldwin, B. A. Bauer, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Relative abundance of natural cavities suitable for nesting wood ducks at two sites in coastal South Carolina. Behind the Gate, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Von Haugg, C. L., R. F. Baldwin, B. A. Bauer, A. S. Bridges, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Relative abundance of natural cavities suitable for nesting wood ducks at two sites in coastal South Carolina. Society of Wetland Scientists South Atlantic Chapter 2023 Conference, Georgetown, South Carolina. (Poster). *Third Place Poster Presentation

  • 2022

    Anderson, J. T. 2022. Identifying wetlands and their importance. North Carolina Wetlands Law and Compliance Webinar. Half Moon Education, Inc. Virtual. (Invited)

    Anderson, J. T. 2022. Wetland preservation, restoration, creation and enhancement. North Carolina Wetlands Law and Compliance Webinar. Half Moon Education, Inc. Virtual. (Invited)

    Anderson, J. T. 2022. Overview of the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Clemson University Annual Cooperators Meeting, Clemson, South Carolina. (Invited)

    Anderson, J. T. 2022. Identifying wetlands and their importance. South Carolina Wetlands Law and Compliance Webinar. Half Moon Education, Inc. Virtual. (Invited)

    Anderson, J. T. 2022. Wetland preservation, restoration, creation and enhancement. South Carolina Wetlands Law and Compliance Webinar. Half Moon Education, Inc. Virtual. (Invited)

    Bryzek, J., C. T. Rota, W. Veselka, E. Byers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. State wetland mitigation standards: Performance standards and monitoring criteria. National Association of Wetland Managers Annual State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

    Bryzek, J., C. T. Rota, E. Byers, W. Veselka, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Chronosequence approach to using woody vegetation as an indicator of wetland mitigation restoration trajectory in West Virginia. National Mitigation and Ecosystem Banking Conference, Boise, Idaho.

    Bryzek, J., C. Rota, W. Veselka, E. Byers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Woody vegetation development and restoration trajectory in mitigated wetlands in West Virginia. Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design Twenty-Sixth Annual Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholarship Conference, Morgantown, West Virginia.

    Bryzek, J., C. T. Rota, E. Byers, W. Veselka, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Feasibility of stem-area-at-groundline to assess woody vegetation development in mitigated wetlands. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    Clark, J., A. S. Hagan, M. Folk, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Vegetative and biogeochemical comparison of two wetlands at Brosnan Forest Coldwater Branch Mitigation Bank. Clemson University Water Research Symposium, Clemson, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Clay, L., T. L. O’Halloran, J. T. Anderson, and R. Kaminski. 2022. Contrasting carbon dioxide and methane fluxes between proximal tidal saltmarsh and impounded brackish marsh wetlands in coastal South Carolina, USA. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    Clay, L., T. L. O’Halloran, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Comparing carbon dioxide and methane fluxes between a natural salt marsh and managed wetlands. South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Research Symposium, Charleston, South Carolina. (Poster)

    Clay, L., T. L. O’Halloran, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Comparing carbon dioxide and methane fluxes between a natural salt marsh and managed wetlands. Clemson University Water Research Symposium, Clemson, South Carolina. (Poster)

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, E. A. Byers, R. E. Kellner, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Assessing seasonal wetland water quality in relation to watershed land cover/land use. Mid-Atlantic Wetland Working Group-New England Biological Assessment of Wetlands Working Group, Linthicum Heights, Maryland.

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, E. A. Byers, R. E. Kellner, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Influences of watershed scale stressors and local climate to wetland ecosystem health. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, C. T. Rota, E. A. Byers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Wetlands and water quality: relationships with watershed land cover/land-use, soils, and water inputs. National Association of Wetland Managers Annual State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting, Shepherdstown, West Virginia. (Invited)

    MacKenzie, A., W. E. Veselka, S. T. Grushecky, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. A test of a hardwood biochar soil amendment on trees and shrubs in riparian wetlands. 2022 North American Biochar & Bioenergy Conference, Morgantown, West Virginia. (Poster). Second Place Poster.

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, C. M. Lituma, C. C. Arantes, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Impacts of riparian wetland mitigation on avian composition. Great Lakes Wetlands and Waterfowl Graduate Student Symposium, Winous Point, Ohio. (Invited).

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, W. E. Veselka, C. M. Lituma, C. C. Arantes, J. A. Hubbart, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. A wetland mitigation program to improve aquatic and riparian ecology in Preston County, WV. Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design Twenty-Sixth Annual Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholarship Conference, Morgantown, West Virginia. (Poster)

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Avian and small mammal response during wetland restoration. 77th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Long Branch, New Jersey. (Poster)

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Avian composition prior and during wetland restoration. Brooks Bird Club 2022 Annual Meeting, Terra Alta, West Virginia (Invited).

    MacKenzie, A., D. N. Becker, J. T. Anderson. 2022. Bird and small mammal response during riparian wetland restoration. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan (Poster). First Place (Society Wetland Scientists).

    McCall, J., and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Wetland productivity for waterbirds in Georgetown, South Carolina. College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences Graduate Student Research Symposium, Florence, South Carolina (Poster).

    McCall, J., and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Wetland productivity for avian species in Georgetown SC. DeBordieu Colony Board Meeting, Georgetown, South Carolina (Invited).

    McCall, J., and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Wetland type mapping and abundance on Hobcaw Barony. Clemson College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, Clemson, South Carolina (Poster).

    McCall, J., D. Kunkel, J. D. Lanham, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Waterbirds temporal trends and habitat relations in Georgetown County, South Carolina. 76th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Charleston, West Virginia (Poster).

    McCall, J., and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Avian use of wetlands in Georgetown, South Carolina. Behind the Gate, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, South Carolina (Poster).

    Molina, J. T., C. C. Arantes, B. A. Murry, J. T. Anderson, and W. Veselka. 2022. Integrating data sets to understand climate change vulnerability for aquatic fauna in West Virginia watersheds. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    Molina, J. T., C. C. Arantes, B. A. Murry, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Integrating data sets to understand climate change vulnerability for West Virginia watersheds. 76th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Charleston, West Virginia.

    Noe, K., M. W. Frantz, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Small mammal communities are mostly similar between mitigated and natural wetlands in West Virginia. 77th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Long Branch, New Jersey.

    Noe, K., M. W. Frantz, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Similarities and differences in small mammal communities of mitigated and natural West Virginia wetlands. Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design Twenty-Sixth Annual Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholarship Conference, Morgantown, West Virginia.

    Noe, K. L., M. W. Frantz, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Mitigated versus natural wetlands: how do small mammal communities compare? Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    Shurba, J., K. Whitehead, K. Barrett, G. Yarrow, R. Kaminski, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Effects of nest materials on wood duck box selection, nest success, and microbial growth from nest boxes in Georgia and Florida. 76th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Charleston, West Virginia.

    Slabe, V., R. Crandall, T. Miller, A. Duerr, M. Braham, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Non-lead ammunition distribution programs to offset golden eagle mortalities in Wyoming. 14th Wind Wildlife Research Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.

    Von Haugg, C. L., R. F. Baldwin, B. A. Bauer, A. S. Bridges, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Characteristics of cavities suitable for nesting wood ducks in South Carolina forest types. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Clemson University Annual Cooperators Meeting, Clemson, South Carolina.

    Von Haugg, C. L., B. A. Bauer, R. F. Baldwin, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Occurrence of cavities suitable for wood duck nesting in coastal South Carolina forest types. Behind the Gate, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, South Carolina (Poster).

    Von Haugg, C. L., R. F. Baldwin, B. A. Bauer, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Relative abundance of natural cavities suitable for nesting wood ducks at two sites in coastal South Carolina. 76th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Charleston, West Virginia (Poster). *Best Poster Presentation

    Von Haugg, C. L., B. A. Bauer, R. F. Baldwin, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Tree cavity availability for nesting wood ducks across South Carolina forest types. College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences Graduate Student Research Symposium, Florence, South Carolina (Poster).

    Von Haugg, C. L., R. F. Baldwin, B. A. Bauer, A. S. Bridges, D. L. Hagan, E. P Wiggers, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Relative abundance of natural cavities suitable for nesting wood ducks. South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Columbia, South Carolina.

  • 2021

    Anderson, J. T. 2021. An overview of the Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Pate Foundation. Virtual. (Invited)

    Anderson, J. T. 2021. Faunal response to wetland mitigation. 2021 2nd International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment. Virtual. (Invited—Plenary Speech).

    Anderson, J. T. 2021. If we build it, will they come? Response of biota to wetland mitigation in the Central Appalachians. Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University. Virtual. (Invited)

    Bryzek, J., W. Veselka, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Investigating stem area at ground line as a performance standard metric to evaluate mitigation wetland sites. West Virginia University Women in Natural Resources 2nd Annual Symposium, Virtual.

    Bryzek, J., W. Veselka, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Feasibility of stem area at groundline as a performance standard metric in compensatory mitigation wetlands. The Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design. Twenty-Fourth Annual Virtual Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholarship Conference.

    Crandall, R., V. A Slabe, T. A Miller, A. Duerr, M. Braham, T. Katzner, and J. T Anderson. 2021. Non-lead ammunition distribution programs to offset golden eagle mortalities in Wyoming. Raptor Research Foundation 2021 Annual Conference. Virtual.

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, E. A. Byers, R. E. Kellner, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Relationships between landuse practices, geography, and global climate change to wetland water quality functions. INTECOL Wetlands Conference. Virtual.

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, E. A. Byers, R. E. Kellner, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Evaluating the impacts of land cover/ land-use practices to wetland water quality functions. The Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design Diversity Celebration. (Poster)

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, E. A. Byers, R. E. Kellner, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Evaluating the impacts of land cover/ land-use, geography, and global climate change to the water quality functions of wetlands across West Virginia. The Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design. Twenty-Fourth Annual Virtual Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholarship Conference. (Second Place Ph.D. Lightning Talk)

    De Silva, S., J. A. Hubbart, M. P. Strager, E. A. Byers, R. E. Kellner, C. T. Rota, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Evaluating impacts of anthropogenic disturbance to wetland water quality functions. Advances in West Virginia Water Research. Institute of Water Security and Science. Virtual (Poster).

    Halley, Y.A., M. Williams, A. B. Welsh, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. An environmental DNA assay for quantifying spotted salamander abundance. Advances in West Virginia Water Research. Institute of Water Security and Science. Virtual (Invited).

    Hernandez-Rubio, L. A. 2021. Assessment of credentials and experiences for a successful career in waterfowl science and conservation. 75th Annual Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Roanoke, Virginia, Virtual.

    Hernandez-Rubio, L. A. 2021. Assessment of credentials and experiences for a successful career in waterfowl science and conservation. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual.

    Hernandez-Rubio, L. A. 2021. Waterfowl Professionals’ and Students’ Perceptions of Graduate Student Publication Practices. Poster, The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual. (Poster)

    Hernandez-Rubio, L. A. 2021. Assessment of credentials and experiences for a successful career in waterfowl science and conservation. North American Waterfowl Professional Education Plan Steering Committee,, Virtual.

    Lozon, D. N., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Should they stay or should they go? Landscape factors affecting snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) movements. West Virginia University Women in Natural Resources 2nd Annual Symposium, Virtual. (Poster)

    Lozon, D. N., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. How does wetland soil contamination relate to freshwater turtle heavy metal bioaccumulation? Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Annual Meeting. Virtual.

    Lozon, D. N., J. A. Hubbart, D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Mercury levels in snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) raise concern for West Virginia daily harvest limits. The Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design. Twenty-Fourth Annual Virtual Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholarship Conference. (First Place M.S. Lightning Talk)

    Lozon, D. N., D. J. Brown, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Landscape characteristic influencing snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) movement in a mixed-use watershed. 76th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual. (Poster)

    Miller, E. M., C. L. Von Haugg, R. M. Kaminski, B. A. Bauer, and J. T. Anderson. 2021. Effects of rat snakes on box-nesting wood ducks in South Carolina. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference. Roanoke, Virginia. (Poster)

    Slabe, V. A, J. T. Anderson, et al. 2021. Demographic implications of lead poisoning for eagles across North America. Raptor Research Foundation 2021 Annual Conference. Virtual.

  • 2020

    Kaminski, R. M. and NAWPEP steering committee. 2020. Who will mind the marsh? A strategic plan by the North American Waterfowl Professional Education Plan. Seminar given to the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, October 2020.

    Shurba, J. A., E. M. Miller, R. M. Kaminski, B. A. Bauer, E. P. Wiggers, P. Schmidt, G. R. Hepp, B. E. Ross, and K. J. Whitehead. 2020. Regional examination of the contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the Southeastern United States. Project update given to the South Carolina chapter of the Wildlife Society, 2020, via Zoom.

    Kaminski, R. M. and North American Waterfowl Professional Education Plan (NAWPEP) Steering Committee. 2020. What is NAWPEP? Presentation to Waterfowl Working Group at Association Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting, 10 September 2010.

    Miller, E., J. Shurba, J. Merendino, B. Bauer, R. Kaminski, E. Wiggers, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, and P. Schmidt. 2020. Contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the Southeastern & Mid-Atlantic states. Clemson University, Baruch Institute. 13 July 2020.

    Bauer, B., R. Kaminski, P. Gerard, J. D. Lanham, and E. Wiggers. 2020. Hydrological management for submersed aquatic vegetation and invertebrates in South Carolina. ACE Basin Research Symposium, Edisto Island, SC, March 4, 2020.

    Senn, L. H.-R., R.M. Kaminski, C.K. Williams, and S.L. Rodriguez. 2020. Waterfowl Professionals’ and Students’ Perceptions of Graduate Student Publication Practices. Presented at Hobcaw Research Symposium 2020, Georgetown, SC, Feb 7th.

  • 2019

    Bauer B. A., R. M. Kaminski, E. P. Wiggers, G. R. Hepp, and P. Schmidt. 2019. Regional examination of the contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the southeastern United States: Pilot study and regional plan. Symposium: 21st Century Waterfowl, Waterbird, and Wetland Science and Conservation in Southeastern U.S. SEAFWA Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29 October 2019.

    Croft, G. C., R. M. Kaminski, E. W. Wiggers, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2018. Nest box use by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks across coastal South Carolina. Symposium: 21st Century Waterfowl, Waterbird, and Wetland Science and Conservation in Southeastern U.S. SEAFWA Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29 October 2019.

    Senn, L.H., R.M. Kaminski, S. Rodriguez, A. Hagan, D. Hitchcock, and W. Conner. 2019. Development and assessment of an online university course in waterfowl ecology and management. Symposium: 21st Century Waterfowl, Waterbird, and Wetland Science and Conservation in Southeastern U.S. SEAFWA Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29 October 2019.

    Miller, E., J. Shurba, J. Merendino, B. Bauer, R. Kaminski, E. Wiggers, B. E. Ross, and P. Schmidt. 2019. Regional examination of the contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the southeastern United States: 2019 pilot study at Lake Moultrie, South Carolina. Symposium: 21st Century Waterfowl and Wetland Science and Conservation in Southeastern United States, SEAFWA, Hilton Head Island, SC. 29 October 2019.

    Shurba, J. A., E. Miller, M. J. Merendino, B. A. Bauer, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, and E. Wiggers. 2019. Mississippi and Atlantic Flyway study of box-nesting wood duck recruitment 2019 pilot study at Lake Moultrie, South Carolina. SEAFWA Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29 October 2019.

    Masto, N. M., R. M, Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, P. Gerard. 2019. Evaluation of aerial surveys to estimate abundance and distribution of waterbird populations in South Carolina. Invited presentation. Symposium: 21st Century Waterfowl, Waterbird, and Wetland Science and Conservation in Southeastern U.S. SEAFWA Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29 October 2019.

    Senn, L. H.-R., R.M. Kaminski, C.K. Williams, and S.L. Rodriguez. 2019. Professionals’ and students’ perceptions of graduate student publication practices. The South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Columbia, SC, 16 October 2019.

    Bauer, B. A., R. M. Kaminski, P. D. Gerard, J. D. Lanham, and E. P. Wiggers.  2019. Effects of hydrological management for submersed aquatic vegetation and invertebrates in South Carolina coastal impoundments.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Bauer, B., E. Wiggers, R. Kaminski, G. Hepp, and P. Schmidt.  2019.  Contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic states.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Croft, G.D., R.M. Kaminski, E.P. Wiggers, and P.D. Gerard.  2019.  Box-nesting ecology of wood duck and black-bellied whistling duck in South Carolina.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Croft, G.D., R.M. Kaminski, E.P. Wiggers, and P.D. Gerard.  2019.  Nest-box selection by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks across coastal South Carolina. 8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Eadie, J-Mc., K.M. Ringelman, D. N. Koons, and R.M. Kaminski. 2019.  Who’s Minding the Marsh? Participants, Professionals and Partners in the 21st Century.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Ringelman, K.M. Price, E.E., Dugger, D.B. L.H. Senn, and R.M. Kaminski. 2019.  Education and training of future waterfowl professionals.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Marty, J., J.B. Davis, M. Brasher, R.M. Kaminski, S. Rush.  2019.  Autumn–winter rice and natural seed abundance: Biomass estimates for avian habitat conservation in Gulf Coast prairie croplands.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    1. Guyn, M.G. Anderson, T. Moorman, R.M. Kaminski, and C.W. Williams.  2019. WHO WILL MIND THE MARSH 2.0: Can partnerships help preserve the future for professional waterfowl/wetland education?  8thNorth American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Masto, N.M., R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, M. R. Kneece, P. Gerard, and K. Barrett.  2019.  Aerial transect surveys for monitoring fall–winter waterfowl abundance and distribution in South Carolina.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Masto, N.M., R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross3, M. R. Kneece, P. Gerard, and K. Barrett.  2019. Modeling double-observer aerial count data to estimate detection, abundance, and habitat relationships of waterfowl wintering in South Carolina.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    J.D. Lanham, C.W. Williams, R.M. Kaminski, and K. Adams. 2019. Who will mind the marsh? Welcoming and diversifying new participants in waterfowl and wetlands conservation.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Sharpe, C., J. Eidson, C. Leland, T. Turner, S. Braswell, C. Watson, J. Tolson1, R. Coen, N. M. Masto, T. Byars, C. Gallman, B. Bauer, and R. M. Kaminski.  2019.  A rake sampling method to estimate biomass of submersed aquatic vegetation for waterfowl in managed South Carolina and other applicable wetlands. 8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    O’Halloran, T., M. Motallebi, and R.M. Kaminski.  2019.  Beyond waterfowl habitat: Valuing multiple ecosystem services in managed wetlands to inform conservation.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Senn, L.H., R.M. Kaminski, S. Rodriguez, A. Hagan, D. Hitchcock, and W. Conner. 2019.  Development and assessment of an online university course in waterfowl ecology and management. 8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Senn, L.H., R.M. Kaminski, C.K. Williams, and S. L. Rodriguez.  2019.  Professionals’ and students’ perceptions of graduate student publication practices.  8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Lancaster, J.D., J.B. Davis, R.M. Kaminski, and G.M. Street. 2019. Habitat use by female mallards during and after waterfowl hunting seasons in Mississippi. 8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2019.

    Ross, B. E., N. M. Masto, R. M. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. 8th North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. August 2019.

    Sharpe, C., R. Leland, T. Turner, T. Byars, C. Gallman, A. Brown, J. Eidson, C. Ferrah, S. Braswell, C. Watson, N. M. Masto, B. Bauer, and R. Kaminski. 2019. Garden-Rake Sampling to Estimate Biomass of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in South Carolina Managed Coastal Wetlands. Poster. 2019 Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies annual conference, Hilton Head, SC.  

    Sharpe, C., J. Eidson, R. C. Leland, T. Turner, C. Farah, S. Braswell, C. Watson, J. C. Tolson, R. Coen, B. BauerN. M. Masto, R. M. Kaminski. 2019. A rake sampling method to estimate biomass of submersed aquatic vegetation for waterfowl in managed South Carolina coastal wetlands. 2nd Place Overall Poster, 14th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC. 2 Apr 2019.

    Singletary, D., N. Schmidt, A. Taylor, J. McCall, G. Rabon, M. Dudley, C. Gray, G. C. Croft, N. M. Masto, R. M. Kaminski. 2019. Wood duck (Aix sponsa) use of and reproduction in artificial nest boxes: Clemson University undergraduate research in Piedmont South Carolina. Poster, 14th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC. 2 Apr 2019.

    Kaminski, R.M.  2019.  Winter waterfowl needs fulfilled from wetland complexes.  Invited lecture to Wetlands Ecology class, Clemson University, Baruch Institute.  21 March 2019.

    Kaminski, R.M.  2019.  In field lectures on waterfowl and wetlands ecology and management.  Spring break field trip to North Carolina waterfowl management refuges and areas.  16-19 March 2019.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2019.  Waterfowl in winter:  Ducks’ needs met by habitat complexes.  Invited lecture, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Santee Coastal Reserve WMA, Charleston, SC, 20 February 2019.

  • 2018

    Senn, L. H.R. (2018) Converting In-Person Courses into an Online Format. Presented at Clemson Teaching Forum, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 17 December 2018.

    Masto, N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, and P. Gerard. 2018. Aerial surveys for fall-winter waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina. Invited presentation to inaugural forum of university endowed waterfowl and wetlands programs’ faculty and graduate students. Paul Bonderson’s Bird Haven Ranch, Willows, CA, 10-12 December 2018.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2018.  University waterfowl and wetlands programs:  past, present, and a brightening future.  Invited presentation to inaugural forum of university endowed waterfowl and wetlands programs’ faculty and graduate students. Paul Bonderson’s Bird Haven Ranch, Willows, CA, 10-12 December 2018.

    Senn, L. H.R., R. M. Kaminski, S. Rodriguez, A. Hagan, D. Hitchcock, and W. Conner. (2018) Development, Delivery, and Assessment of an Online University Course in Waterfowl Ecology and Management. Presented at The South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Clemson, SC, 26-27 November 2018.

    Masto, N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, K. Barrett, and P. Gerard. Abundance and whereabouts of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina: aerial transect survey project update. Clemson University and South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Cooperative Programs Meeting, Kresge Outdoor Lab, Clemson, SC. 7 November 2018. 

    Kaminski, R.M.  2018.  Who will mind the marsh?  Keynote address to Indigo Society of Georgetown, SC, 2 November 2018.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2018.  Waterfowl in winter, habitat needs and management. South Carolina ACE Basin Waterfowl and Wetlands Management Workshop, Nemours Wildlife Foundation, Yemassee, SC.  30 October 2018.

    Bauer, B., R.M. Kaminski, and E.W. Wiggers.  2018.  Ecology and management of aquatic invertebrates in brackish wetlands.  South Carolina ACE Basin Waterfowl and Wetlands Management Workshop, Nemours Wildlife Foundation, Yemassee, SC.  30 October 2018.

    Croft, G., R.M. Kaminski, E.W. Wiggers, P.D. Gerard, and G. Yarrow.  2018.  Wood duck and black-bellied whistling duck nest box use in South Carolina.  South Carolina ACE Basin Waterfowl and Wetlands Management Workshop, Nemours Wildlife Foundation, Yemassee, SC.  30 October 2018.

    Kneece, M., C. Shipes, J.B. Davis, E.W. Wiggers, and R.M. Kaminski.  2018.  Ecology and management of mottled ducks in ACE Basin, South Carolina.  South Carolina ACE Basin Waterfowl and Wetlands Management Workshop, Nemours Wildlife Foundation, Yemassee, SC.  30 October 2018.

    Kneece, M., N. Masto, R.M. Kaminski, B. Ross, K. Barrett, P. Gerard, and A. Pearse.  2018.  Waterfowl and waterbird abundance and whereabouts in South Carolina.  South Carolina ACE Basin Waterfowl and Wetlands Management Workshop, Nemours Wildlife Foundation, Yemassee, SC.  30 October 2018.

    Schummer, M.L., A.M. Smith, R.M. Kaminski, K.M. Hunt, E. St. James, and H. Havens.  Achievement-oriented effects of waterfowl-hunt quality at Mississippi Wildlife Management Areas. SEAFWA, Mobile, AL. 23 October 2018

    Kaminski, R.M.  2018.  The James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, Clemson Univeristy.  Mentor-Mentee luncheon, SEAFWA, Mobile, AL, 22 October 2018.

    Schmidt, P., E. W. Wiggers, and R.M. Kaminski.  2018.  Evaluating wood duck nest boxes and advancing recruitment. Science and management needs for cavity nesting ducks in the southern USA Symposium, SEAFWA, Mobile, AL. 22 October 2018.

    Davis, A.D., J.B. Davis, R.M. Kaminski, and S.E. Stephens.  2018.  Use of nest boxes by wood ducks and hooded mergansers at Noxubee and Yazoo National Wildlife Refuges, Mississippi. Science and management needs for cavity nesting ducks in the southern USA Symposium, SEAFWA, Mobile, AL. 22 October 2018.

    Davis, J.B., and R.M. Kaminski.  2018. Ecology and management of wood duck ducklings and broods produced in nest boxes.  Science and management needs for cavity nesting ducks in the southern USA Symposium, SEAFWA, Mobile, AL. 22 October 2018.

    Croft, G. C., R. M. Kaminski, E. W. Wiggers, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2018. Nesting duck use, production, and selection of nest structures in coastal South Carolina. Symposium: Science and management needs for cavity-nesting ducks in southern United States. SEAFWA Conference, Mobile, Al, 22 October 2018.

    Croft, G. C., R. M. Kaminski, E. W. Wiggers, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2018. Reproduction, nest-box selection and satellite tracking of black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Symposium: Science and management needs for cavity-nesting ducks in southern United States. SEAFWA Conference, Mobile, Al, 22 October 2018.

    Hepp, G. R., and R. M. Kaminski.  Co-organizers.  Science and management needs for cavity-nesting ducks in southern United States:  A symposium.  2018 SEAFWA Conference, 22 October, Mobile, AL.

    Kaminski, R.M., E.W. Wiggers, and P. Schmidt.  2018. Tackling waterfowl research and management questions at a regional scale.  Invited presentation to SEAFWA Wetlands Wildlife Subcommittee, 21 October, Mobile, AL.

    Bauer, B. 2018.  Influence of hydrological management for widgeongrass (Ruppia maritima) on widgeongrass and other submersed aquatic vegetation biomass in South Carolina coastal impoundments.  Invited presentation, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 9 October 2018.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2018.  Moist-soil habitat ecology and management recommendations for Shiawassee Waterfowl Management Area and National Wildlife Refuge, St. Charles, Michigan.  Invited keynote lecture.  11-12 September 2018.

    Croft, G. D. 2018. Reproduction and nest-box selection by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. M.S. thesis defense public seminar, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, 7 September 2018.

    Kaminski, R. M, and E. Wiggers.  2018.  University-based waterfowl and wetlands programs:  Past, present, and bright future.  Invited presentation to South Carolina Plantation Managers’ Annual Meeting, Brosman Forest, St. George, SC, 9 August 2018.

    Bauer B.A., R.M. Kaminski, J.D. Lanham, P.D. Gerard, E.P. Wiggers, and C.P. Marsh. 2018. Wetland Management for Widgeongrass and Aquatic Invertebrate Biomass in South Carolina Tidal Coastal Impoundments. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Council, Baruch Institute, 25 July 2018.

    Masto, N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, and P. Gerard. 2018. Aerial strip-transect surveys to estimate abundance and distribution of wintering waterfowl and other waterbirds in South Carolina. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Council, Baruch Institute, Georgetown, South Carolina, 25 July 2018.

    Senn, L. H.R., and R.M. Kaminski (2018) Development, Delivery, and Assessment of an Online University Course in Waterfowl Ecology and Management. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Council, Baruch Institute, Georgetown, SC, 25 July 2018.

    Croft, G. D., E. P. Wiggers, R. M. Kaminski, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2018. Use, production, and selection of nest boxes by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Council, Baruch Institute, 25 July 2018.

    Croft, G. D., E. P. Wiggers, R. M. Kaminski, P. D. Gerard, and G. K. Yarrow. 2018. Use, production, and selection of nest boxes by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Invited presentation to South Carolina Wildlife Federation, Columbia SC, 16 July 2018.

    Croft. G.D., R.M. Kaminski, E.P. Wiggers, P.D. Gerard, and G.K. Yarrow. 2018. Lowcountry survey of box nesting ducks and management recommendation. Oral presentation, DeBordieu Environmental Forum. Georgetown, S.C.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2018. Baruch and Boeing: A conversation for collaboration in coastal wetland conservation. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC. 11 May 20

    Masto, N. M. and R. M. Kaminski. 2018. Wetland management for waterfowl and other wetland dependent wildlife. Invited Presentation to Wetland Wildlife Biology undergraduate students, Clemson, SC. 12 April. 2018.

    Masto, N. M., R. C. Leland, and R. M. Kaminski. 2018. Aerial surveys and undergraduate waterfowl and wetlands research at Clemson University. Invited Presentation, Clemson University Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Clemson, SC. 9 April 2018

    Masto, N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, and P. Gerard. 2018. An update on aerial surveys of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina. Invited Presentation, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Migratory Game Bird Committee Meeting, James W. Webb Wildlife Center, Garnett, SC. 4 April 2018.

    Croft, G.D., E.P. Wiggers, R.M. Kaminski, P.D. Gerard. 2018. Reproductive use and selection of nest boxes by wood ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks and satellite tracking of black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Invited Presentation, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Migratory Game Bird Committee Meeting, Webb Wildlife Center, Garnett, SC; 4 April 2018.

    Eidson, J., C. Sharpe, R. C. Leland, R. H. Coen, I. Talty, S. Byrd, C. Farah, R. Frazier, M. King, C. Massey, R. Theo, T. Turner, N. M. Masto, R. M. Kaminski. 2018. Evaluation of a rake-collection method to estimate biomass of submersed aquatic vegetation as waterfowl forage in managed coastal South Carolina wetlands. Poster, 13th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC; 2 April 2018.

    Masto, N. M. 2018. College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences (CAFLS) video nomination and donor event. Interview, Madren Center Broadcasting Studio, Clemson, SC; 15 March 2018.

    Croft, G.D., E.P. Wiggers, R.M. Kaminski, P.D. Gerard. 2018. Waterfowl use, production and selection of nest boxes and satellite tracking of black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. Invited Presentation, Friends of Nemours Wildlife Foundation Event, Yemassee, SC; 10 March 2018.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2018. Waterfowl and wetlands science and conservation at Clemson University. Invited presentation to Southeastern Wildlife Exposition, Charleston, SC; 16-17 February 23, 2018.

    Senn, L.H.R., A. McCracken , and A. Hoots. 2018. Environmental Studies Alumni Panel. Invited speaker, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC; February 22, 2018.

    Kaminski, R.M., and C.K. Williams. 2018. University-based waterfowl and wetlands history and research programs. Invited presentation to South Atlantic Flyway Workshop, Nemours Wildlife Foundation, Yemassee, SC; 21 February 2018.

    Senn, L.H.R., B.A. Bauer, G.D. Croft, N.M. Masto, and R.M. Kaminski. 2018. Current Research of Clemson’s James C. Kennedy Waterfowl & Wetlands Conservation Center. Poster, Presented at Hobcaw Research Symposium 2018, Georgetown, SC; February 9, 2018.

    Masto, N. M, M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, P. Gerard, A. T. Pearse. 2018. Aerial waterbird surveys in South Carolina: An overview and application to the Santee Delta region. Invited presentation, 2018 Hobcaw Research Symposium, Georgetown, SC; 9 February 2019.

    Senn, L.H.R., B.A. Bauer, G.D. Croft, N.M. Masto, and R.M. Kaminski. 2018. Current Research of Clemson’s James C. Kennedy Waterfowl & Wetlands Conservation Center. Poster, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science 50th Anniversary Event, Georgetown, SC.

  • 2017

    O'Rourke, B., A. M. Alexander, N. Masto, and M. Owens. 2017. Philanthropy at Clemson: The power of philanthropy. Invited presentation to Presidential Leadership Institute, Madren Center, Clemson, SC.

    Croft, G.D., E.P. Wiggers, R.M. Kaminski and P.D. Gerard. 2017. Waterfowl and other bird use and production from nest boxes in coastal South Carolina. Poster, The Department of Forestry & Environmental Conservation, Clemson University NRGSA, Clemson, SC.

    Eadie, J., R. Kaminski, D. Koons, and K. Ringelman. 2017. Who’s minding the marsh: Future of waterfowl conservationists and professionals. Invited presentation to Future of Waterfowl Workshop and Symposium, National Conservation Training Center,  Shepherdstown, WV.

    Masto, N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, P. Gerard, A. T. Pearse. 2017. Aerial strip-transect surveys of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina: Summary and Revisions to 2016-2017 Surveys. Poster, 71st Annual Conference of SEAFWA, Louisville, KY.

    Croft, G.D., E.P. Wiggers, R.M. Kaminski, P.D. Gerard. 2017. Lowcountry Survey of Box Nesting Ducks and Other Birds. Invited Presentation at Joint SE-TWS/SEAFWA Wetlands Wildlife Committee Meeting. 71st Annual Conference of SEAFWA, Louisville, KY.

    Masto. N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, K. Barrett, P. Gerard, A.T. Pearse. 2017. Aerial surveys to estimate waterbird abundance and distribution in South Carolina: Summary and Revisions to 2016-2017 surveys. Invited Presentation at Joint Southeastern TWS/SEAFWA Wetlands Wildlife Committee Meeting. 71st Annual Conference of SEAFWA, Louisville, KY.

    Croft, G.D., R.M. Kaminski, E.P. Wiggers, and P.D. Gerard. 2017. Waterfowl and other bird use and production from nest boxes in coastal South Carolina. Poster, 71st Annual Conference of SEAFWA, Louisville, KY.

    Bauer, B.A., J. D. Lanham, R.M. Kaminski, P. D. Gerard, E. P. Wiggers, and C.P. Marsh. 2017. Influence of wetland management for widgeongrass ( Ruppia maritima) on aquatic invertebrate communities in South Carolina coastal impoundments. Poster, 71st Annual Conference of SEAFWA, Louisville, KY.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2017. “I have a dream” for sustaining university waterfowl and wetlands programs: James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation CENTERS. Invited presentation. Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Georgetown, SC, 10 October 2017.

    Masto, N.M., M.R. Kneece, R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, A.T. Pearse, P. D. Gerard, and K. Barrett. 2017. Aerial strip-transect surveys of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina. 2017 Annual Meeting of South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Columbia, SC.

    Bauer, B. A., J. D. Lanham, R.M. Kaminski, P.D. Gerard, E. P. Wiggers, and C. P. Marsh. 2017. Influence of wetland management for widgeon grass on aquatic invertebrate biomass in South Carolina coastal impoundments. 2017 Annual Meeting of South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Columbia, SC.

    Croft, G.D., R.M. Kaminski, E.P. Wiggers, and P.D. Gerard. 2017. Waterfowl and other birds use and production from nest boxes and satellite tracking of black-bellied whistling ducks in coastal South Carolina. 2017 Annual Meeting of South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Columbia, SC.

    Bauer, B., J. D. Lanham, R. Kaminski, P. Gerard, E. Wiggers, and C. Marsh. 2017. Influence of wetland management for widgeongrass ( Ruppia maritima) on aquatic invertebrate biomass in South Carolina coastal impoundments. Poster, 71 st Annual Conference of SEAFWA, Louisville, KY.

    Bauer, B.A. 2017. Waterbirds, aquatic Invertebrates, and wetland management in coastal South Carolina. Seminar Series in Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina Beaufort, 22 September 2017.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2017. University-based waterfowl programs: Past, present, and seeking a bright future. Introduction to a Caucus to Advance University-based Waterfowl and Wetlands Programs, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. 16 September 2017.

    Kaminski, R. M.  2017.  5 minutes about the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Speaker Series in Ecology and Natural Resources, Clemson University, 31 August 2017.

    Bauer, B.A. 2017. Widgeongrass management and aquatic invertebrates. South Carolina Plantation Managers Association Annual Meeting, Beaufort, SC, 17 August 2017.

    Masto, N. M., M. R. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, A. T. Pearse, P. Gerard, and K. R. Barrett. 2017. Aerial line-transect surveys to estimate abundances and habitat associations of waterfowl and other waterbirds in South Carolina. Annual Meeting of Sponsors of Aerial Survey Project, Georgetown, SC, 3 August 2017.

    Croft, G., R.M. Kaminski, E. Wiggers, P. Gerard, and G. Yarrow. 2017. Waterfowl and other bird production from nest boxes in coastal South Carolina. Annual Meeting of the Pate Foundation, Belle W. Baruch Institute for Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 28 July 2017.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2017. Roles of the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Invited presentation to the Georgetown County Soil and Water Conservation District. Georgetown, SC, 19 June 2017.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2017. Roles of the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Invited seminar to Georgetown, SC Rotary Club, 16 May 2017.

    Kneece, M. R. and R. M. Kaminski. 2017. Aerial Surveys for Waterfowl and Waterbirds Take Flight! Invitied Seminar to Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 15 May 2017.

    Clemson’s Kennedy Center Creative Inquiry Students. 2017. Artificial nest structures and estimation of submersed aquatic vegetation forage for waterfowl in coastal South Carolina. Poster presented at Clemson University Focus on Creative Inquiry, Clemson University campus, April 2017.

    Masto, N. M. 2017. Wetland conservation for people and waterfowl with emphasis on forested wetlands. Invited presentation to Clemson undergraduate students in Wetland Wildlife Biology, Clemson University, 14  April  2017.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2017. 100 years of waterfowl conservation: The Migratory Bird Treaty through The North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Invited keynote address, James C. Kennedy Endowed Chair in Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 30 March 2017.

    Masto, N. 2017. Biomass and diversity of submersed aquatic vegetation in managed South Carolina coastal wetlands. Invited presentation at Graduate Student Arts and Science Research Symposium, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 24 March 2017.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2017. Wetland ecology and management: Focus on lowland forested systems and green-tree reservoirs. Invited presentation to Clemson graduate students in Forested Wetlands Ecology, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, 22 March 2017.

    Davis, J. B., R. M. Kaminski, F. J. Vilella, P. J. Barbour, and E. Webb. 2017. Evaluations of USDA NRCS’s Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative following the Gulf Oil Spill. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, 5 February 2017.

  • 2016

    Perry, R., D. Harrigal, R. Kaminski, et al. 2016. Management of South Atlantic Coastal Impoundments for Waterbirds. Invited presentation, Symposium: Conservation and Management of Tidal Wetlands for Fish and Wildlife in the Face of Changing Environmental Conditions, Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA. 18 October 2016

    Kaminski, R. M. 2016. Teaching, research, and outreach functions of the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Invited presentation to the Atlantic Flyway Technical Section, Jacksonville, Florida, 3 October 2016.

    Barron, D., M. Kneece, G. Croft, and R. M. Kaminski. 2016. Wood duck and other avian use of and production in nest structures at DeBordieu Colony, Georgetown, SC. Invited undergraduate intern poster presentation, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, 30 September 2016.

    Kaminski, R. M., and M. R. Kneece. 2016. The inaugural year of the Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Center. Clemson University and South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Annual Coordinating Meeting, Clemson Univeristy, 8 September 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. and R. M. Kaminski. 2016. The inaugural year of the Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Center. South Carolina Plantation Managers Association Meeting, Baruch Institute, 18 August 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. and R. M. Kaminski. 2016.  Aerial line-transect surveys for waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina. South Carolina Plantation Managers Association Meeting, Baruch Institute, 18 August 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. 2016. Aerial Line-transect Surveys for Waterfowl and Waterbirds in South Carolina. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting, West Columbia, SC, 9 August 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. and R. M. Kaminksi. 2016. Aerial Line-Transect Surveys for Estimating Abundances of Waterbirds in South Carolina. South Carolina Bird Conservation Meeting, Columbia, SC, 4 August 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. 2016. Mottled Ducks in South Carolina: How much do we really know? South Carolina Bird Conservation Meeting, Columbia, SC, 4 August 2016

    Croft, G., D. Harrigal, R. Kaminski, E. Wiggers, P. Gerard, and G. Yarrow. 2016. Movements, habitat use and nest box use by black-bellied whistling and other ducks in coastal South Carolina. Bird Conservation Coordinating Meeting, Columbia, SC, 4 August 2016.

    Davis, J.B., R. M. Kaminski, F. Vilella, and L. Webb. 2016. Aspects of an Evaluation of USDA/NRCS’s Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative, After the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 2016.

    Bauer, B. A. 2016. Aquatic invertebrate communities in managed impounded wetlands in the ACE Basin. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 15 July 2016

    Croft, G. D. 2016. Blackbellied and other duck use of artificial nest structures in the Santee Delta and ACE Basin. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 15 July 2016.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2016. State of the Kennedy Center: 2015-2016 in review. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 15 July 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. 2016. Ongoing and future research and outreach: Aerial waterbird surveys and use of artificial nest structures by mottled and wood ducks. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 15 July 2016.

    Masto, N. M. 2016. Planned research on submersed aquatic vegetation biomass and diversity in managed wetlands in the Santee Delta and ACE Basin. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 15 July 2016.

    Kneece, M. R. and R. M. Kaminski. 2016. Project Updates from the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Annual Coordination Meeting. Lone Star Mercantile, Santee, SC, 10 June 2016. 

    Kaminski, R.M., G. Yarrow, and S. Van Bloem. 2016. Seeking mutualism: Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center and Clemson colleagues. Inaugural Clemson All Campus Research Symposium, Clemson University, 4 May 2016.

    Kaminski, R. M.  2016. Seeking mutualism between the Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Center and Clemson colleagues. Invited presentation for Clemson University Research Symposium, 4 May 2016.

    Kaminski, R. M.  2016. What is the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center? Invited lecture for Southwestern Virginia Community College, Baruch Institute for Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 27 April 2016.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2016. Waterfowl habitat ecology and conservation in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and Gulf Coast: Sharing science and management with California. Invited seminar, University of California-Davis, 8 April 2016.

    Kneece, M.R., R.M. Kaminski, E.P. Wiggers, and J.B. Davis. 2016. Evaluation of nest structure use by Mottled Ducks in the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto Rivers Basin, South Carolina. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Migratory Bird Committee Meeting, Webb Wildlife Center, Garnett, SC.

    Kneece, M.R, R.M. Kaminski, and A.T. Pearse. 2016. Aerial transect surveys to estimate abundances and habitat associations of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Migratory Bird Committee Meeting, Webb Wildlife Center, Garnett, SC.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2016. Mission and progress of James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. Invited presentation, South Carolina Chapter The Wildlife Society, Georgetown, SC, 9 March 2016

    Kaminski, R. M. 2016. What’s happening 12 months after establishing the Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center? Hobcaw Barony Research Symposium, 12 February 2016.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2016. Moderator: Session on wintering ecology and management, 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD, 5 February 2016.

    Davis, J. B., T. W. Arnold, R. M. Kaminski, R. R. Cox, Jr., J. D. Lancaster, and B. D. Leopold. 2016. Evidence for optimal brood size in box-nesting wood ducks. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Feaga, J. S., F. J. Vilella, R. M. Kaminski, and J. B. Davis. 2016. Waterbird use of catfish ponds and Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative wetlands in Mississippi. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Foth, J. R., F. J. Vilella, and R. M. Kaminski. 2016. Waterbird use of wetlands and aquaculture ponds in the Mississippi Alluvial and Gulf Coast regions. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Kaminski, R.M. 2016. University-based waterfowl programs: Past, Present, and Foresights. Invited Special Session, 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Kennedy Center, Clemson University, Undergraduate Creative Inquiry Students. 2016. “Aquatic invertebrate biomass and composition in managed South Carolina coastal wetlands.” Poster and 2nd place undergraduate award, 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Kneece, M. R., J. C. Shipes, J. B. Davis, E. P. Wiggers, R. M. Kaminski, and M. E. Colvin. 2016. Nesting ecology of mottled ducks in coastal South Carolina. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Kneece, M. R., J. D. Lancaster, J. B. Davis, J. C. Shipes, and D. E. Harrigal. 2016. Survival and recovery of mottled ducks in coastal South Carolina. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, E. J. Penny, and A. D. Afton. 2016. Linking habitat use and survival to identify suitable winter habitats for female mallards in Mississippi. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, and K. D. Nelms. 2016. Diurnal use of private, public, and incentivized conservation wetlands by female mallards in Mississippi. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Marty, J. R., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, M. G. Brasher, and G. Wang. 2016. Waste-rice and natural seed abundance in rice fields in the Gulf Coast Prairies of Louisiana and Texas. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Marty, J. R., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, M. G. Brasher, and E. Brinkman. 2016. Index of spent shot in Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast Prairie wetlands. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Shipes, J. C., M. R. Kneece, J. B. Davis, E. P. Wiggers, and R. M. Kaminski. 2016. Social indices of breeding mottled ducks in coastal South Carolina. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Straub, J. N., J. B. Davis, G. Wang, R. M. Kaminski, and B. D. Leopold. 2016. Simulations of wood duck recruitment from nest boxes in Mississippi and Alabama. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

    Tapp, J. L., M. W. Weegman, R. M. Kaminski, J. B. Davis, E. B Webb, and K. D. Nelms. 2016. Evaluating the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative after the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill: Waterbird and seed abundances. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

  • 2015

    Foth, J.R., F. J. Vilella, and R.M. Kaminski. 2015. Shorebird use of wetlands and aquaculture ponds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and Gulf Coast regions. 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. Mississippi State, Mississippi.

    Foth, J.R., F. J. Vilella, and R.M. Kaminski. 2015. Shorebird use of wetlands and aquaculture ponds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and Gulf Coast regions. Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit coordinating committee meeting. Mississippi State, Mississippi.

    Foth, J.R., F. J. Vilella, and R.M. Kaminski. 2015. Shorebird use of wetlands and aquaculture ponds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and Gulf Coast regions. The Waterbird Society, Bar Harbor, Maine.

    Foth, J.R., F. J. Vilella, and R.M. Kaminski. 2015. Shorebird use of wetlands and aquaculture ponds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and Gulf Coast regions. Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jackson, Mississippi.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Annual ecology winter management of habitat for waterfowl. Lecture, Waterfowl and Wetlands Management Workshop, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, 30 October 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. History, birth, and future of James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, Keynote address, Nemours Wildlife Foundation annual meeting, 25 October 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Annual ecology and winter management of habitat for waterfowl. Invited lecture, Georgetown-Horry Community College, 22 October 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Mission and activities of the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Research and Forest Science. Invited presentation to faculty and staff, 14 October 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. The James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center: 2015-2016 action plans. Invited presentation to South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife & Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, 18 August 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Teaching, research, and outreach mission of The James C. Kennedy Waterfowl & Wetlands Conservation Center. Ducks Unlimited South Carolina 2015 Convention, Greenville, SC. August 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Death or life by Power Point? Presentation to student summer interns, Belle W. Baruch Institute for Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 23 July 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Vision and mission of James C. Kennedy Waterfowl & Wetlands Conservation Center. Presentation to Pate Foundation, Pawleys Island, 17 July 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. Vision and mission of James C. Kennedy Waterfowl & Wetlands Conservation Center. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 16 July 2015.

    Kneece, M., C. Shipes, B. Davis, E. Wiggers, and R. Kaminski. 2015. Annual Ecology and Management of Mottled Ducks in the ACE Basin, South Carolina. Presentation to Kennedy Center Advisory Committee, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Georgetown, SC, 16 July 2015.

    Kaminski, R. M. 2015. The James C. Kennedy Waterfowl & Wetlands Conservation Center. Waterfowl and Wildlife Annual Coordination Meeting, Santee, SC. May 2015.

James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center
James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center | Baruch Institute, PO Box 596, Georgetown, SC 29442-0596