Plant-parasitic Nematode Identification Course Program
Join us December 13-20, 2024
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
G-100 and H-101, Biosystems Research Complex
December 13, Friday
6:00 - 7:00 pm Welcome Reception in the Lobby of Best Western
December 14, Saturday
9:00 - Welcome & Introductions
9:30 - Introduction to Nematodes
10:00 - Coffee Break
10:15 - Anatomy & Physiology
12:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Classification & Use of Taxonomic Keys
2:00 - Extraction of Nematodes from Soil
2:30 - Introduction to Laboratory Procedures
2:45 - Coffee Break
3:00 - Laboratory: Nematode Extraction and Picking
4:30 - Adjourn
December 15, Sunday
8:30 - Morphology & Biology of Dorylaimida
9:00 - Laboratory: Xiphinema and Longidorus
10:00 - Coffee Break
10:15 - Laboratory: Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus
12:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Morphology & Biology of Aphelenchina
2:00 - Laboratory: Aphelenchus and Aphelenchoides
3:00 - Coffee Break
3:15 - Laboratory: Bursaphelenchus
4:30 - Adjourn
December 16, Monday
8:30 - Morphology & Biology of Criconematoidea
9:00 - Laboratory: Mesocriconema, Hemicriconemoides and Hemicycliophora
10:00 - Coffee Break
10:15 - Laboratory: Paratylenchus, Gracilacus and Tylenchulus
12:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Morphology & Biology of Heteroderoidea
2:00 - Laboratory: Heterodera
3:00 - Coffee Break
3:15 - Laboratory: Rotylenchulus
4:30 - Adjourn
December 17, Tuesday
8:30 - Review
9:00 - Identification Exam I
11:00 - Go over Exam I
11:30 - Lunch
1:00 - Visit Campus and SC Botanical Gardens
4:30 - Adjourn
December 18, Wednesday
8:30 - Group Photo
9:00 - Morphology & Biology of Heteroderoidea (contd.)
9:30 - Laboratory: Meloidogyne
12:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Morphology & Biology of Tylenchoidea
2:00 - Laboratory: Pratylenchus and Radopholus
3:00 - Coffee Break
3:15 - Laboratory: Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus and Scutellonema
4:30 - Adjourn
December 19, Thursday
8:30 - Morphology & Biology of Tylenchoidea (contd.)
9:00 - Laboratory: Dolichodorus and Belonolaimus
10:00 - Coffee Break
10:15 - Laboratory: Tylenchorhynchus and Tylenchus
12:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Nematodes of Turfgrasses
2:30 - Coffee Break
2:45 - Morphology & Biology of Tylenchoidea (contd.)
3:15 - Laboratory: Anguina and Ditylenchus
4:00 - Course Review
4:30 - Adjourn
December 20, Friday
9:00 - Identification Exam II - Cumulative
11:30 - Critique & Presentation of Certificates
12:00 - Adjourn