Articles & Publications
- Tony Reda†, Pushparajah Thavarajah, William Bridges, W.Scott Whiteside, Robert Polomski, Emerson Shipe, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2022. Shelf life of greenhouse- and garden-grown kale in nitrogen-enriched and non-enriched packaging. Accepted, HortScience, 16770.
- Dil Thavarajah‡, Tristan J. Lawrence, Sarah E. Powers, Joshua Kay, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Emerson Shipe, Rebecca McGee, Shiv Kumar, Rick Boyles, 2022. Organic dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) biofortification for better human health. PLOS One, January 13, 2022,
- Sonia Salaria†, Jon Lucas Boatwright, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Shiv Kumar, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2022. Protein biofortification in lentils (Lens culinaris) toward human health. Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Breeding 13:869713. 05 April 2022 |
- Amod Udayanga†, Nathan Johnson†, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Leung Tang, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2022. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) as a high-throughput phenotyping tool for quantifying protein quality in pulse crops. The Plant Phenome Journal, 5, e20047.
- Tony Reda†, Sarah Powers, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2022. Falling into line: adaptation of organically grown kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and kale relatives to fall planting. Scientia Horticulturae. 295: 15 March 2022, 110878,
- Hasnae Choukri, Noureddine El Haddad, Khawla Aloui, Kamal Hejjaoui, Adil El-Baouchi, Abdelaziz Smouni, Dil Thavarajah, Fouad Maalouf, Shiv Kumar, 2022. High-temperature stress during the reproductive stage effects on grain yield and nutritional quality of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus). Front. Nutr., 15 April 2022 |
- Amod Udayanga†, Leung Tang, Pushparajah Thavarajah, William Bridges, Emerson Shipe, George Vandemark, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2021. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as a source of essential fatty acids – a biofortification approach. Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Breeding. 12:734980. doi: 3389/fpls.2021.734980.
- Sarah Powers†, J Lucas Boatwright, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2021. Genome-wide association studies of mineral and phytic acid concentrations in pea (Pisum sativum L.) to evaluate biofortification potential. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, jkab227,
- Nathan Johnson†, J Lucas Boatwright, William Bridges, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Shiv Kumar, Emerson Shipe, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2021. Genome-wide association mapping of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) prebiotic carbohydrates toward improved human health and crop stress tolerance. Scientific Reports, 11, 13926,
- Manish Roorkiwal, Sarita Pandey, Dil Thavarajah, Hemalatha R, Rajeev Varshney‡ 2021. Molecular mechanisms and biochemical pathways for micronutrient acquisition and storage in legumes to support biofortification for nutritional security. Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Breeding. 12:682842.
- Dil Thavarajah‡, Tristan Lawrence, Sarah Powers, Boone John, Nathan Johnson, Joshua Kay, Anuradha Bandaranayake, Emerson Shipe, Pushparajah Thavarajah, 2021. Genetic variation in the prebiotic carbohydrate and mineral composition of kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) adapted to an organic cropping system. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 96:103718
- Tony Reda†, Pushaparajah Thavarajah, Robert Polomski, William Bridges, Emerson Shipe, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2021. Reaching the Highest Shelf: An Organic Approach to Increasing the Nutritional Quality and Shelf Life of Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala). Plants, People, Planet, February 15, 2021.
- Sarah Powers†, Emily Mirsky, Anuruddha Bandaranayake, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Emerson Shipe, William Bridges, Dil Thavarajah‡ 2020. Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) shows genetic variation in phosphorus use efficiency in different P environments. Scientific Report, 10:18940.
- Shiv Kumar‡, Hasnae Choukri, Kamal Hejjaoui, Adil El Baouchi, Noureddine El Haddad, Abdelaziz Smouni, Fouad Maalouf, Dil Thavarajah‡, 2020. Heat and drought stress impact phenology, grain yield, and nutritional quality of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.). Frontiers in Nutrition, 7:296307.
- Nathan Johnson†. Casey Johnson, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Shiv Kumar, Dil Thavarajah‡ 2020. Lentil prebiotic carbohydrates play a vital role in human and plant health. Plants, People, Planet. 00:1-10.
- George Vandemark‡, Thavarajah, S*., Siva, N., Thavarajah, Dil‡. 2020. Genotype and environment effects on prebiotic carbohydrate concentrations in kabuli chickpea cultivars and breeding lines grown in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 11:112.
- Siva†, N., Thavarajah, P., Thavarajah Dil‡, 2020. Prebiotic carbohydrate concentrations of common bean and chickpea change during cooking, cooling and reheating. Journal of Food Science doi:1111/1750-3841.15066.
- Sarah Powers†, Dil Thavarajah‡ 2019. Checking Agriculture’s Pulse: Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.), Sustainability, and Phosphorus Use Efficiency. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 10:1489.
- Dil Thavarajah‡., Siva, N., Johnson, N., McGee, R., Thavarajah, P. 2019. Organic cover crops influence subsequent kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) biomass production and nutrient composition. Scientific Report, 9(1):10374.
- Siva†, N, Thavarajah P., Kumar, S., Thavarajah, Dil‡, 2019. Variability in Prebiotic Carbohydrates in Different Market Classes of Chickpea, Common Bean, and Lentil Collected From the American Local Market Frontiers in Nutrition, 6:38.
- Siva†, N., Johnson, C.R., Vincent R., Jesch, E., Whiteside, W., Thavarajah, P., Duckett, S., Thavarajah Dil‡ 2018. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) diet affects the gut microbiome and obesity markers in rats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66 (33):8805-8813.
- Siva†, N, P. Thavarajah, Thavarajah, Dil‡. 2018. The impact of processing and cooking on prebiotic carbohydrates in lentils. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 70:72-77.
- Christopher, G‡, Beck, R., Thavarajah, Dil‡ 2018. Dietary reference intake and nutritional yield of lentils in the northern Great Plains. Crop Science, 58 (3): 1342-1348.
- Gayani M.S*. Lokuge, J.K. Vidanarachchi‡., P. Thavarajah, N. Siva, Thavarajah, Dil‡., R. Liyanage, N. Balasooriya, J. Alwis 2018. Prebiotic carbohydrates and in vivo prebiotic effect of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) grown in Sri Lanka. Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 46 (4): 477 – 485.
- Kumar, J‡, Thavarajah, Dil‡, S. Kumar, A. Sarker, Narendra, P 2018. Analysis of genetic variability and genotype × environment interactions for iron and zinc concentration among diverse genotypes of lentils. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-4.
- Abeysekera, W.K.S.M., Arachchige, S.P.G., James, S., Sotheeswaran, S., Thavarajah, D., Thavarajah, P., 2018. Resistant starch content of thirty-eight selected rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties of Sri Lanka. Journal of Agriculture and Crops, 4(9), pp.93-98.
- Dil Thavarajah‡, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Alex Abare, Indika Mapa, Clarice J. Coyne, Shiv Kumar. 2017. Selecting Lentil Accessions for Global Selenium Biofortification, Plants 6(3):34.
- Indika Pathirana†, Pushparajah Thavarajah, Niroshan Siva, Anuradhi N. K. Wickramasinghe, Powell Smith, Thavarajah Dil‡, 2017. Moisture deficit effects on kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) biomass, mineral, and low molecular weight carbohydrate concentrations, Scientia Horticulturae 226:216-222.
- Christopher, G‡, Thavarajah, Dil‡ 2017. Carbohydrate concentration in lentils (Lens culinaris Medikus.): genotypic and environmental effects. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 9:1-8.
- Thavarajah P‡, Thavarajah Dil 2017. Calorie control to gut microbiome management- nutrient-rich foods for bodyweight control. Advances in Obesity, Weight Management, and Control. 7(5):00212.
- Siva†, N, Thavarajah, Dil‡, S. Duckett, J. Elliot, P. Thavarajah. 2017. Can lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) reduce the risk of obesity? Journal of Functional Foods, 38 (B): 706-715.
- Ekanayake†, LJ. Thavarajah‡, R. McGee, P. Thavarajah. 2017. Will selenium fertilization improve biological nitrogen fixation in lentils? Journal of Plant Nutrition, 40 (17): 2392-2401.
Previous Years
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, P. Thavarajah, A. Abare*. S. Basnagala, C. Lacher, P. Smith, G. Combs Jr. 2016. Mineral Micronutrients and Prebiotic Carbohydrate Profiles of USA-grown Kale (Brassica oleracea acephala L.), Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 52:9-15.
- Sen Gupta†, D., Thavarajah‡, T. Wang, RJ. McGee, CJ. Coyne, S. Kumar, P. Thavarajah 2016. Phenotyping cultivated and wild lentils for iron, zinc, copper, calcium, and magnesium concentrations. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10(10): 1381- 1387.
- Sen Gupta†, D, P. Cheng, G. Sablok, Dil Thavarajah, P. Thavarajah, CJ. Coyne, S. Kumar, M. Baum, RJ. McGee‡ 2016. Development of a panel of unigene-derived polymorphic EST-SSR markers in lentils using public database information. Crops Journal, 4(5), 425-433.
- Migliozzi*, M., Dil Thavarajah‡, P. Thavarajah, P. Smith. 2015. Lentil and kale: complementary nutrient-rich whole food sources to combat micronutrient and calorie malnutrition. Nutrient, 7 (11): 9285-9298.
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, P. Thavarajah, E. Viall, M. Gebhardt*, C. Lacher, S. Kumar, GF. Combs Jr. 2015. Will selenium increase lentil (Lens culinaris L.) yield and seed quality? Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 6:356.
- Johnson†, CR, Dil Thavarajah‡, P. Thavarajah, A. Fenlason, R. McGee, S. Kumar, GF. Combs Jr. 2015. A global survey of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates in lentils. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 44: 178-185.
- Johnson†, CR, Thavarajah‡, P. Thavarajah, S. Payne, J. Moore, JB. Ohm 2015. Processing, Cooking, and Cooling affect Prebiotic Concentrations in Lentil (Lens culinaris L.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 38: 106-111.
- Ekanayake† JE, Dil Thavarajah‡, E. Vial, Schatz, R. McGee, P. Thavarajah, 2015. The effect of selenium fertilization on lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) grain yield, seed selenium concentration, and antioxidant activity, Field Crops Research 177, 9-14.
- Amarakoon†, D., Dil Thavarajah‡, Sen Gupta, K. McPhee, T. Desutter, P. Thavarajah 2015. Genetic and Environmental Variation of Seed Iron and Food Matrix Factors of North Dakota Grown Field Peas (Pisum sativum L.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 37:67-74.
- Nair‡, R, Dil Thavarajah, P. Thavarajah, Giri, D. Ledesma, Ray-Yu Yang, P. Hanson, W. Easdown, J. d’A Hughes, J.D.H. (Dyno) Keatinge 2015. Mineral and phenolic concentrations of mungbean grown in semi-arid tropical India. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 39: 23-32.
- Rahman† MM, W. Erskine‡, Materne, L. McMurray, P. Thavarajah, Dil Thavarajah, K. H.M. Siddique. 2015. Enhancing selenium concentration in lentil (Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris) through foliar application. Journal of Agricultural Science, 153 (4):656-665.
- Sivapragasam† N, P. Thavarajah‡, JB Ohm, Dil Thavarajah. 2014. Surface properties of semi-synthetic enteric coating films: opportunities to develop bio-based enteric coating films for colon-targeted delivery. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber, 4(2): 139-143.
- Sivapragasam† N, P. Thavarajah‡, JB Ohm, K Margaret, Dil Thavarajah. 2014. Novel Starch-Based Nano Scale Enteric Coatings From Soybean Meal for Colon-Specific Delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers, 111: 273-279.
- Sivapragasam† N, P. Thavarajah‡, JB Ohm, Dil Thavarajah. 2014. Enzyme Resistant Carbohydrate Based Micro-scale Materials from Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris) Pulp for Food and Pharmaceutical Applications. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 3 (2):115-121.
- Ray H, K. Bett, B. Tar'an, A. Vandenberg, Dil Thavarajah, T. Warkentin‡. 2014. Mineral Micronutrient Content of Cultivars of Field Pea, Chickpea, Common Bean, and Lentil grown in Saskatchewan, Can Crop Science, 54 (4):1698-1708.
- Hwang* SH, Thavarajah‡, Dil Thavarajah. 2014. Phytoestrogen enriched tofu from soybean meal. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5(3) 256-261.
- Thavarajah P‡, Dil Thavaraj 2014. Inaccuracies in Phytic Acid Measurement: Implications for Mineral Biofortification and Bioavailability. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5(1).
- Sivapragasam† N, P. Thavarajah‡, JB, Ohm, Dil Thavarajah. 2014. Surface properties of semi-synthetic enteric coating films: potential bio-based enteric coating films for colon- targeted delivery Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, (2): 139-143.
- Joseph, O‡, M. Phelomene, N. Helene, H. Valens, O. Patrick, Dil Thavarajah, P. Thavarajah. 2014. Phenolic Compound Profiles of Two Common Beans Consumed by Rwandans. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5 (20): 2943.
- Johnson† CR, Dil Thavarajah‡, GF, Combs Jr, Thavarajah. 2013. Lentil (Lens culinaris L.): A prebiotic-rich whole food legume. Food Research International, 51(1): 107-113.
- Gupta† DS, Dil Thavarajah‡, Thavarajah, R. McGee, CJ. Coyne, S. Kumar. 2013. Lentils (Lens culinaris L.), a rich source of folates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61 (32): 7794–7799.
- DellaValle DM, Thavarajah, P. Thavarajah, A. Vandenberg, RP. Glahn‡ 2013. Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) as a candidate crop for iron biofortification: is there genetic potential for Fe bioavailability? Field Crops Research 144: 119-125.
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, Thavarajah, D. Amarakoon, A. Fenlason, CR Johnson, P. Knutson, T Warkentin, 2013. Changes in inositol phosphates in low phytic acid mutants and commercial cultivars of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) during germination and response to fertilization. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4: 251-256.
- Nair, RM‡, RY Yang, WJ Easdown, Dil Thavarajah, Thavarajah, Jd’A Hughes, D. Keatinge. 2013. Biofortification of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek var. radiata) as a whole food to enhance human health. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(8):1805–1813.
- Johnson†, CR, Dil Thavarajah‡, P Thavaraj 2013. Phenolics and phytic acid affecting iron bioavailability in lentil (Lens culinaris L.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 31(1): 82–86.
- Doehlert, DC, Dil Thavarajah, P Thavarajah, JB Ohm, S Simsek‡. Detailed composition analyses of diverse oat genotype kernels grown in different environments in North Dakota. Cereal Chemistry, 90 (6):572-578.
- Rahman† MM, W Erskine‡, MS Zaman, Thavarajah, Dil Thavarajah, K. Siddique, 2013. Selenium biofortification in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris): Farmers' field survey and genotype x environment effect. Food Research International, 54 (2):1596-1604.
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, P Thavarajah, 2012. Evaluation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) micronutrient composition: Biofortification opportunities to combat global micronutrient malnutrition. Food Research International, 49 (1): 99-
- Amarakoon†,, Dil Thavarajah‡, K. McPhee, P. Thavarajah, 2012. Naturally low phytic acid field peas (Pisum sativum L.) with high micronutrient concentrations: a food-based solution to global micronutrient malnutrition. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 27(1): 8-13.
- Thavarajah, P‡, Dil Thavarajah, GA Premakumara, Vandenberg, 2012. Detection of Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) using unique chemical fingerprint markers. Food Chemistry, 135(4):2203-6.
- Bueckert, R‡, Dil Thavarajah, P. Thavarajah, J. Pritchard, 2011. Phytic Acid and Mineral Micronutrients in Field Grown Chickpea (Cicer arietinum ) Cultivars from Western Canada. European Food Research and Technology, 233(3):203-212.
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, Thavarajah, A. Wejesuriya, M. Rutzke, RP. Glahn, GF Combs Jr, A. Vandenberg 2011. The potential of lentil (Lens culinaris L.) as a whole food for increased selenium, iron, and zinc intake: Preliminary results from a three-year study. Euphytica, 180 (1):123-128.
- Nelson†, A., Quideau, B, Frick, P. Hucl, Dil Thavarajah, MJ, Clapperton, D., Spaner‡, 2011. The soil microbial community and grain micronutrient concentration of historical and modern hard red spring wheat cultivars grown organically and conventionally in the black soil zone of the Canadian Prairies. Plant Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainability, 3(3):500-517.
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, Thavarajah, A. Sarker, M. Materne, G. Vandemark, R. Shrestha, O. Idrissi, O. Hacikamiloglu, B. Bucak, A. Vandenberg, 2011. A global survey of effects of genotype and environment on selenium concentration in lentils (Lens culinaris L.): Implications for nutritional fortification strategies. Food Chemistry, 125:72–76.
- Thavarajah, Dil‡, Thavarajah, CT. See, A. Vandenberg, 2010. Phytic acid and Fe and Zn concentration in lentil (Lens culinaris L.) seeds are influenced by temperature during the seed filling period. Food Chemistry, 122: 254-259.
- Thavarajah, , T. Warkentin‡, A. Vandenberg, 2010. Natural enrichment of selenium in Saskatchewan field peas (Pisum sativum L.). Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences, 90: 383-389.
- Thavarajah Dil, Thavarajah, A. Sarker, A. Vandenberg‡, 2009. Lentils (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris): A whole food for increased iron and zinc intake. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 57(12): 5413-5419.
- Thavarajah P, Dil Thavarajah, Vandenberg‡ 2009. Saskatchewan grown lentils, a natural food source with low phytic acid. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 57 (19): 9044–9049.
- Thavarajah,, J. Ruszkowski, A. Vandenberg‡. 2008. High potential for selenium biofortification of lentils (Lens culinaris L.). Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 56(22): 10747-10753.
- Lemke, RL‡, SP. Mooleki, SS. Malhi, G. Lafond, S. Brandt, JJ. Schoenau, H. Wang, Dil Thavarajah†, Hultgreen, WE, May. 2008. Effect of fertilizer nitrogen management and phosphorus placement on canola production under varied conditions in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences, 89: 29-48.
- Thavarajah, , A Vandenberg, G. George, I. Pickering‡, 2007. Chemical form of selenium in naturally Se-rich lentils (Lens culinaris L.) from Saskatchewan. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 55: 7337-41.
- Thavarajah, Dil†, Ball‡, 2006. Drought-induced changes in free amino acid and ureide concentrations of nitrogen-fixing chickpea. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 86:149-156.
- Thavarajah, Dil†, Ball‡, JJ. Schoenau, 2005. Nitrogen Fixation, Amino Acid, and Ureide. Associations in Chickpea. Crop Science, 25:2497-2500.
- Thavarajah, Dil†, JJ Schoencau‡, JR Bettany, G Hultgreen, P Qian, SS Malhi, R Lemki, 2003. Early supplies of available nitrogen to the seed row as affected by fertilizer placement. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26(3):683-
Chapters and Books
- Dil Thavarajah‡, Sarah Powers, Casey R. Johnson, George Vandermark, Pushparajah Thavarajah 2021. Pulse crop biofortification towards human health – target traits prebiotic carbohydrates, protein, and micronutrients. In: Biofortification of staple crops. Ed: Shiv Kumar, H.K.Dikshit, G.P.Mishra, and Akanksha Singh. Springer Nature.
- Sarah Powers, Dil Thavarajah‡ 2020. Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.): Potential for Nutritional Breeding In Advances in Environmental Research. Volume 77: Chapter 6. Justin A. Daniels (Editor), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA.
- Dil Thavarajah‡, Casey R. Johnson, Tristan J. Lawrence, Michael Lake, Pushparajah Thavarajah, 2020. Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) - a Nutritional “Powerhouse” Leafy Vegetable In Agricultural Research Updates, Volume 31: Chapter 3, Prathamesh Gorawala and Srushti Mandhatri (Editors). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA.
- Thavarajah Dil‡, Mcswain, M. CR. Johnson, SK. Agrawal, P. Thavarajah, 2019. Pulses, Global Health, and Sustainability: Future Trends. In: Health Benefits of Pulses. Ed: Wendy Dhal, Springer Nature.
- Thavarajah Dil‡, P. Thavarajah, CR. Johnson, SK. Agr 2016. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus): a whole food rich in prebiotic carbohydrates to combat global obesity. In: Grain Legumes (ISBN 978-953-51-4659-9). Ed: Aakash Goyal, InTech.
- Thavarajah Dil‡, Johnson, R. McGee, P. Thavarajah, 2015. “Phenotyping nutritional and anti-nutritional traits of lentils (Lens culinaris L.). In: Phenomics of crop plants: Trends, options, and limitations. Ed: Shiv Kumar Agrawal, India, Springer.
- Gupta, DS†‡, Dil Thavarajah, LJ. Ekanayake, CR. Johnson, D. Amarakoon, S. Kumar, 2015. Rice, Wheat, and Maize Biofortification, In Sustainable Agricultural Reviews, Cereals, pp, 123-140. Ed: Eric Licktfouse, Aakash Goyal, India, Springer.
- Thavarajah Dil‡, Thavarajah, GF. Combs Jr, 2014. Selenium in lentils (Lens culinaris L.) and theoretical fortification strategies, In: Handbook of Food Fortification and Health: From Concepts to Public Health Applications. Ed: VR Preedy, London, England, Springer
- Thavarajah Dil‡, P. Thavarajah, D. Sen Gupta 2013. Pulse biofortification in the genomic era: multidisciplinary opportunities and challengers, In: Legumes in the Omics Era, Eds: Gupta, N. Nadarajan, and DS. Gupta. India, Springer.
- Thavarajah Dil‡, Thavarajah, SK. Agrawal 2013. Lentils (Lens culinaris L.): linking whole foods for better human health. In: Legumes: Types, Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA.
- †Johnson CR, Thavarajah Dil‡, P. Thavarajah, Kumar, 2013. Lentil prebiotics: raffinose-family oligosaccharides, resistant starch, and health implications. In Oligosaccharides: Food Sources, Biological Roles and Health Implications, Nova Science Publ., Inc., New York, USA.
- Thavarajah Dil‡, Thavarajah 2012. Lentils (Lens culinaris L): a superior whole-food solution to micronutrient malnutrition. In: Micronutrients: Sources, Properties, and Health Effects. Eds: A.I. Betancourt, H.F. Gaitan. Nova Science Publ., Inc., New York, USA.