Faculty & Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Om Prakash | Graduate Research Assistant | oghimir@clemson.edu | |
Jeffrey Adelberg | Professor of Horticulture | jadlbrg@clemson.edu | 864-650-3011 |
Madelyn Adkison | Technician | mhafer@clemson.edu | 706-871-9357 |
Peter Adler | Professor | padler@clemson.edu | 864-656-5044 |
Paula Agudelo | Professor of Plant Pathology | pagudel@clemson.edu | 864-656-2810 |
Junaed Ahmed | Graduate Research Assistant | junaeda@clemson.edu | 803-918-2179 |
Muhammad Ahmed | Assistant Professor | mahmed2@clemson.edu | 352-283-0173 |
Harika Amooru | Graduate Research Assistant | aharika@clemson.edu | 864-533-5921 |
Daniel J Anco | Extension Peanut Specialist | DANCO@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
John Andrae | Director Edisto Research and Education Center | jandrae@clemson.edu | 864-933-5987 |
Omer Atagul | Graduate Research Assistant | oatagul@clemson.edu | 864-533-2244 |
Helan Baby Thomas | Post-Doctoral Research Associate | hbabyth@clemson.edu | |
Paul Baker | Agricultural Assistant | pdbaker@clemson.edu | 317-501-3713 |
Carolina Ballen-Taborda | Postdoctoral Fellow | acballe@clemson.edu | |
Charles Beard | Research Specialist | cbrd@clemson.edu | 864-656-5070 |
Matheus Beger | Graduate Research Assistant | mbeger@clemson.edu | 864-499-6506 |
Robert Bellinger | Professor, Entomology | bbllngr@clemson.edu | 864-656-5042 |
Eric Benson | Professor | ebenson@clemson.edu | 864-656-7860 |
Richardson BIEN-AIME | rbienai@clemson.edu | 864-788-2528 | |
Tom Bilbo | Assistant Professor | tbilbo@clemson.edu | 843-402-5323 |
Brett Blaauw | Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist | bblaauw@clemson.edu | |
Lucas Boatwright | Research Assistant Professor | jboatw2@clemson.edu | 864-656-9958 |
Richard Boyles | Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding & Genetics | rboyles@clemson.edu | 843-519-0488 |
Sandra Branham | Assistant Professor of Vegetable Breeding and Genetics | sebranh@clemson.edu | 843-402-5311 |
Carlyle Brewster | Department Chair & Professor | carlylb@clemson.edu | 864-656-3352 |
Matthew Brown | Graduate Research Assistant | msb5@clemson.edu | |
Ufuk Caglar | Graduate Research Assistance | ucaglar@clemson.edu | 864-533-7708 |
Tyler Campbell | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | htcampb@clemson.edu | 843-402-5399 |
Michael Caterino | John and Suzanne Morse Chair of Arthropod Biodiversity | mcateri@clemson.edu | 864-656-3105 |
Sohaib Chattha | Graduate Research Assistant | mchatth@clemson.edu | |
Morgan Chaudry | PhD Student, Graduate Research Assistant | mchaudr@clemson.edu | |
Juang Chong | Adjunct Professor of Entomology | juanghc@clemson.edu | 786-525-0717 |
Elizabeth Cieniewicz | Assistant Professor of Plant Virology | ecienie@clemson.edu | 864-656-6930 |
Alex Clobas-Celiz | Graduate Research Assistant | aclobas@clemson.edu | 864-705-5745 |
M Anto Conti | Graduate Research Assistant | conti3@clemson.edu | 864-705-5746 |
Gillian Cook | Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II | gilliah@clemson.edu | 864-656-7455 |
Jennifer Corbin | Project Manager | jcorbin@clemson.edu | 479-414-9981 |
Brodie Cox | Research Specialist | brodiec@clemson.edu | 803-640-6696 |
Joseph Culin | Professor | jculin@clemson.edu | 864-650-0154 |
Matthew Cutulle | Associate Professor of Vegetable Weed Science | mcutull@clemson.edu | 843-402-5399 |
Than Dam | Climate-smart Post Doctoral Fellow | tdam@clemson.edu | |
Shikha Dubey | Graduate Research Assistant | shikhad@clemson.edu | 678-427-8025 |
Rabia El-Hawaz | Research Associate, Ph.D. | rabiae@clemson.edu | 864-650-0615 |
Brittany Ellis | Research Associate | brittar@clemson.edu | 864-656-5066 |
Jackie Ellis | Instructor/Training Coordinator I | jells@clemson.edu | 864-656-5048 |
Benjamin Fallen | Assistant Professor | BFALLEN@clemson.edu | 843-519-0472 |
Bhupinder Farmaha | Associate Professor, Nutrient Management Specialist | bfarmah@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
James Faust | Professor of Floriculture Physiology | jfaust@clemson.edu | 864-633-7227 |
Michael Ferro | Collection Manager | MFERRO@clemson.edu | 864-656-3105 |
Kelly Ann Flynn | Emerging Crops Program Coordinator | kgilker@clemson.edu | 864-656-5057 |
James Frederick | Professor, Ag Science Curriculum Specialist | jfrdrck@clemson.edu | 843-992-8077 |
Chahat Garg | Graduate Research Assistant | chahatg@clemson.edu | 864-635-1950 |
Don Garrett | Adjunct Instructor | dgarret@clemson.edu | 864-650-7215 |
Megan Garvey | Graduate Research Assistant | garvey3@clemson.edu | |
Ksenija Gasic | Professor of Horticulture, Peach Genetics and Breeding | kgasic@clemson.edu | 864-656-3664 |
Sagar GC | Graduate ResearchAssistant | sagarg@clemson.edu | 571-358-2799 |
Amna Ghani | Graduate Research Assistant | aghani@clemson.edu | 843-532-8616 |
Celeste Giles | Laboratory Manager | cegiles@clemson.edu | 864-478-6648 |
Jasmine Gill | Graduate Research Assistant | gill8@clemson.edu | |
Dr. Gunbharpur S. Gill | Post-Doctoral Research Associate | gsgill@clemson.edu | |
Sarala Giri | Graduate Research Assistant | sgiri@clemson.edu | 839-569-8959 |
Andrew Gitto | Research Assistant/Lab Manager | agitto@clemson.edu | 864-656-6704 |
Mohit Goyal | Graduate Research Assistant | mgoyal@clemson.edu | 959-231-6937 |
Jeremy Greene | Professor of Entomology | greene4@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Priyanka Gupta | Graduate Research Assistant | priyang@clemson.edu | 864-722-7864 |
Adam Haberski | habersk@clemson.edu | ||
Shelby Hammond | Graduate Research Assistant | shammo3@clemson.edu | |
Curt Harden | Graduate Research Assistant | curth@clemson.edu | |
David Harshman | Ag. Science Assoc. | dhrshmn@clemson.edu | |
Jenna Hershberger | Assistant Professor of Vegetable Breeding and Genetics | jmhersh@clemson.edu | 843-519-0472 |
Ryan Holmes | Research Associate | rholmes@clemson.edu | 803-528-6459 |
Jennifer Hooper | CAFLS Payroll and Personnel Manager | jthoope@clemson.edu | 864-656-0626 |
Michael Itam | mitam@clemson.edu | ||
Bhupinder Jatana | Assistant Professor- Horticulture, Vegetable Crops | bjatana@clemson.edu | 864-633-9087 |
Steven Jeffers | Professor of Plant Pathology & Extension Specialist, Ornamental Crops & Trees | sjffrs@clemson.edu | 864-656-7157 |
Michael Jones | Extension Cotton Specialist | majones@clemson.edu | 843-519-0477 |
Zachary Jones | Graduate Research Assistant | ztjones@clemson.edu | |
Priyanka Joshi | joshi6@clemson.edu | 864-765-4587 | |
Tursynbek Kaiyrbekov | Graduate Research Assistant | tkaiyrb@clemson.edu | |
Foster Kangben | Graduate Research Assistant | fkangbe@clemson.edu | 864-353-6754 |
Harleen Kaur | Graduate Research Assistant | hkaur@clemson.edu | 217-607-3255 |
Khushwinder Kaur | Graduate Research Assistant | khushwk@clemson.edu | |
Simranpreet Kaur | Graduate Research Assistant | simrank@clemson.edu | 831-920-9121 |
Joshua Kay | Lab Technician | jakay@clemson.edu | 864-607-8237 |
Anthony Keinath | Professor of Plant Pathology | tknth@clemson.edu | 843-402-5390 |
Julia Kerrigan | Associate Professor, Mycology | jkerrig@clemson.edu | 864-656-2640 |
Atiya Khan | Graduate Student | atiyak@clemson.edu | |
Bunu Khanal | Graduate Research Assistant | bkhanal@clemson.edu | |
Churamani Khanal | Assistant Professor, Plant Nematology | ckhanal@clemson.edu | 864-656-5741 |
Pragya Kiju | Graduate Student | pkiju@clemson.edu | 406-289-0621 |
Stephen Kresovich | Robert and Lois Coker Trustees Endowed Chair of Genetics | SKRESOV@clemson.edu | 864-656-1194 |
Sonika Kumar | Post-Doctoral Fellow | sonikak@clemson.edu | |
Elizabeth Leonard | Research Associate | eleona2@clemson.edu | 864-656-5060 |
Danyang Liu | Research Specialist | danyanl@clemson.edu | 352-281-6484 |
Haibo Liu | Professor of Turfgrass and Soil Sciences | haibol@clemson.edu | 864-506-6260 |
Sydney Lykins | Graduate Research Assistant | slykins@clemson.edu | |
Luvina Madrid | Graduate Research Assistant | lmadrid@clemson.edu | 864-788-9700 |
Michael Marshall | Assistant Professor-Agronomic/Forage Weed Science | marsha3@clemson.edu | 803-522-1415 |
Lambert (Bert) McCarty | Professor of Turfgrass Science & Management | bmccrty@clemson.edu | 864-656-0120 |
Mason McNair | Dr. Mason McNair | mcnair5@clemson.edu | |
Samantha Mehl | Graduate Research Assistant | smehl@clemson.edu | |
Juan Carlos Melgar | Associate Professor of Pomology | jmelgar@clemson.edu | 864-656-4562 |
Sarah Miller | Postdoctoral Research Associate | sbm3@clemson.edu | |
Camila Montoya | Graduate Research Assistant | acmonto@clemson.edu | |
John Morse | Professor Emeritus of Entomology | jmorse@clemson.edu | 864-656-5049 |
John Mueller | Professor of Plant Pathology | JMLLR@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Swabir Alhassan Musah | Graduate Research Assistant | salhass@clemson.edu | 854-216-2023 |
Sruthi Narayanan | Associate Professor of Crop Ecophysiology | SKUTTY@clemson.edu | 864-656-2419 |
Jacqueline Naylor-Adelberg | Agricultural Science Associate | jnaylor@clemson.edu | |
Daniela Negrete-Moreno | Graduate Research Assistant | dnmoren@clemson.edu | 803-507-2607 |
Fernando Oreja | Assistant Professor in Weed Science | foreja@clemson.edu | 919-591-1543 |
Milan Panth | Post Doctoral Fellow | mpanth@clemson.edu | 615-730-0931 |
Sabina Parajuli | sabinap@clemson.edu | 843-324-7777 | |
Dara Park | Professor in Soil and Water Dynamics | darap@clemson.edu | 843-319-4957 |
Kim Phillips | Administration Coordinator | kimp@clemson.edu | 864-656-4964 |
Michael Plumblee | Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist | mplumbl@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Robert (Bob) Polomski | Associate Extension Specialist--Horticulture/Arboriculture | bplmsk@clemson.edu | 864-656-2604 |
Pratima Poudel | Graduate Research Assistant | pratimp@clemson.edu | 843-615-3681 |
Garner Powell | Laboratory Technician | garnerp@clemson.edu | 864-656-6930 |
Virgil Quisenberry | VQSNBRR@clemson.edu | 864-982-0470 | |
Mahmoud Rady | Graduate Research Assistant | mrady@clemson.edu | 806-224-7565 |
Nihal Rajapakse | Professor Emeritus | nrjpks@clemson.edu | 864-650-1885 |
Alexandra Ratay | Graduate Research Assistant | aratay@clemson.edu | 603-491-9072 |
Francis Reay-Jones | Professor of Entomology & IPM Coordinator | freayjo@clemson.edu | 843-519-0480 |
Tony Reda | Graduate Research Assistant | creda@clemson.edu | |
Gregory Reighard | Professor Emeritus of Horticulture | grghrd@clemson.edu | 864-710-2692 |
Trevor Rife | Assistant Professor of Phenomics and Crop Improvement | twrife@clemson.edu | 843-519-0460 |
Joseph Roberts | Associate Professor of Turfgrass Pathology and Nematology | jar7@clemson.edu | 843-519-0492 |
Shane Robinson | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | shane9@clemson.edu | |
Sachin Rustgi | Associate Professor of Molecular Breeding and Faculty Scholar in Clemson University School of Health Research | srustgi@clemson.edu | 843-519-0475 |
Sonia Salaria | Ph. D. Graduate Research Assistant | ssalari@clemson.edu | |
Pawanjit Kaur Sandhu | Graduate Research Assistant | psandhu@clemson.edu | |
Gautam Saripalli | Postdoctoral Fellow | gsaripa@clemson.edu | 240-556-8768 |
Christopher Saski | Professor of Systems Biology | SASKI@clemson.edu | 864-656-6929 |
Malarvizhi Sathasivam | Graduate Research Assistant | msathas@clemson.edu | |
Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris | Research Scientist, USDA-ARS | rschmi3@clemson.edu | 509-454-6556 |
Linus Schmitz | Lab Manager | linuss@clemson.edu | 864-656-6704 |
Elise Schnabel | Research Associate | eschnab@clemson.edu | 846-633-0789 |
Guido Schnabel | Professor of Plant Pathology - Fruit Crops | schnabe@clemson.edu | 864-656-6705 |
Akanksha Sehgal | Postdoctoral Research Associate | akansks@clemson.edu | 662-617-3945 |
Suman Sharma | sumans@clemson.edu | ||
Gursewak Singh | Graduate Research Assistant | gursews@clemson.edu | 864-986-5273 |
Prabhsimran Singh | Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant | prabhs@clemson.edu | 864-789-0743 |
Simardeep Singh | Graduate Research Assistant | simards@clemson.edu | 860-938-6874 |
Jinbo Song | Post doctoral fellow | sjinbo@clemson.edu | 864-656-5066 |
W. Walker Spivey | Associate Plant Breeder | wwspive@clemson.edu | 843-877-2197 |
Ricardo ST AIME | Post-doctoral Researcher | rstaime@clemson.edu | 864-635-5435 |
William Stafstrom | Postdoctoral Researcher | wstafst@clemson.edu | |
Sangita Subedi | Graduate Research Assistant | sangits@clemson.edu | |
Sivakumar Sukumaran | Research Assistant Professor- Quantitative/Population Genetics | ssukuma@clemson.edu | 864-656-9959 |
Vidya Suseela | Associate Professor of Soil Ecology | vsuseel@clemson.edu | |
S. Cory Tanner | Horticulture Program Team Director | shannt@clemson.edu | 864-656-1523 |
Mandeep Tayal | Carl and Ruby Nettles Fellow | mtayal@clemson.edu | |
Nishanth Tharayil | Professor of Plant Ecophysiology | ntharay@clemson.edu | 864-656-4453 |
Dil Thavarajah | Professor of Pulse Quality and Nutritional Breeding | dthavar@clemson.edu | 864-656-2607 |
Maggie Thomas | Graduate Research Assistant | mlt5@clemson.edu | |
Malone Thomason | Graduate Research Assistant | malonet@clemson.edu | 706-599-7943 |
Linda Tindal | Student Services Manager | ltindal@clemson.edu | 864-656-3683 |
Jason Todd | Graduate Student | jltodd@clemson.edu | 256-424-3621 |
Morgan Tomlin | Graduate Student | mltomli@clemson.edu | |
Matthew Turnbull | Associate Professor | turnbul@clemson.edu | 864-656-2328 |
Ellen Vincent | Principal Lecturer Horticulture | ellenav@clemson.edu | |
Hehe Wang | Assistant Professor of Plant Bacteriology | hehew@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Zhine Wang | PhD student | zhinew@clemson.edu | 626-560-4340 |
Brian Ward | Assistant Professor, Organic Vegetable Specialist, Rice Production | bw@clemson.edu | 843-402-5389 |
Madeline Watkins | mcwatki@clemson.edu | 843-605-1729 | |
Jared Weaver | Graduate Research Assistant | jweave8@clemson.edu | 704-619-9901 |
Patrick Wechter | Director / Research Leader | wwechte@clemson.edu | 843-402-5398 |
Johanna Wesche | Ph.D. Candidate/ Graduate Research Assistant | jwesche@clemson.edu | |
Alfred (Al) Wheeler | Adjunct Professor of Entomology | AWHLR@clemson.edu | 864-656-5061 |
Sarah White | Professor, Water Quality and Treatment; and Nursery Extension Specialist | swhite4@clemson.edu | 864-656-7433 |
Noah Willsea | Graduate Research Assistant | nwillse@clemson.edu | 616-375-0376 |
McKena Wilson | Postdoctoral Fellow | mckenaw@clemson.edu | |
Wyatt Witman | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | wtwitma@clemson.edu | 843-694-8365 |
Rongzhong Ye | Associate Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry and Soil Health | rongzho@clemson.edu | 843-519-0494 |
Geoffrey Zehnder | Professor Emeritus | zehnder@clemson.edu | 864-933-6742 |
Pat Zungoli | Professor of Entomology | pzngl@clemson.edu | 864-656-5041 |
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Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Copyright © 2025 Clemson University
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences | 171 Poole Agricultural Center Clemson, SC