Research Focus & Programming
Evaluation of Penergetic b WV application timing on boll lock in cotton
Study designed to identify the influence of Penergetic deer repellent application timing on boll lock in cotton. Research conducted at Sandhill REC and Edisto REC, with multiple replications for several commonly grown cotton varieties.
Research funded by BH Genetics
Cooperating scientists:
Cory Heaton
Extension Wildlife SpecialistMichael Plumblee
Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist
Assistant Professor of Agronomy -
Determining economic impact of deer damage on peanut in South Carolina
Field studies conducted throughout major peanut producing regions of South Carolina. Deer population surveys conducted to assess deer densities in rural farming areas. Exclusion cages used to prevent deer damage to crop, while allowing all other aspects of the grow out to remain the same. Analysis of yield between excluded and accessible areas of the field to determine yield impact from deer feeding. Research conducted at Sandhill REC, Edisto REC, Pee Dee REC, and on private farms in Orangeburg, Bamberg, Barnwell, Allendale, Colleton, Florence, and Dillon counties.
Research funded by the SC Peanut Board
Cooperating scientists:
Cory Heaton
Extension Wildlife SpecialistKendall Kirk
Precision Agriculture Engineer
Director, CU-CATPerry Loftis
Ph.D. student -
Evaluation of deer repellent effectiveness and compatibility with SC cotton cropping systems
Field studies to compare effectiveness of commercially available deer repellents in cotton. Field studies consist of small plot trials to offer side-by-side comparison of repellents, and whole field studies to evaluate individual repellents. Research conducted with cooperating farmers on private lands in Bamberg, Barnwell, Chesterfield, Colleton, Newberry and York counties. Additional studies in Edisto REC greenhouses to identify tank mix compatibility and crop safeness of common cotton herbicides applied with repellents.
Research funded by the SC Cotton Board
Cooperating scientists:
Cory Heaton
Extension Wildlife SpecialistMike Marshall
Assistant Professor
Agronomic & Forage Weed SciencePerry Loftis
Ph.D. student
Further analysis of the economic impact of deer populations on soybeans across South Carolina
Field studies conducted throughout major soybean-producing regions of South Carolina. Deer population surveys conducted to assess deer densities in rural farming areas. Exclusion cages used to prevent deer damage to crop, while allowing all other aspects of the grow out to remain the same. Analysis of yield between excluded and accessible areas of the field to determine yield impact from deer feeding. Research conducted at Sandhill REC, Edisto REC, Pee Dee REC, Piedmont REC, and on private farms in Anderson, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Chesterfield, Colleton, Dillon, and Florence counties.
Research funded by the SC Soybean Board
Cooperating scientists
Cory Heaton
Extension Wildlife SpecialistKendall Kirk
Precision Agriculture Engineer
Director, CU-CATPerry Loftis
Ph.D. student -
Initial investigation of Pronone Power Pellets for control of Callery Pear
Field studies to investigate application rates and timing on the effectiveness of power pellets for control of non-native invasive Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana). Replicated studies conducted at Sandhill REC.
Research funded by Pro-Serve Inc.
Cooperating scientists:
Cory Heaton
Extension Wildlife SpecialistMike Marshall
Assistant Professor
Agronomic & Forage Weed Science
SC Official Variety Trials
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