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Humanities Hub

Humanities Excellence Fund


Putting the humanities in action.

The Humanities Excellence Fund is helping to ensure that the best and brightest students continue to come to Clemson to study the humanities through scholarship support, study abroad/travel grants, support for faculty research and student enrichment activities such as the Clemson Literary Festival, Ethics Bowl and Debate Team.

Clemson has consistently been cited as a top school for “Writing in the Disciplines,” along with Princeton, Duke and Harvard. This is due in part to humanities-based initiatives such as the Pearce Center for Professional Communications, Writing in the Disciplines workshops for faculty, embedded Writing Fellows, the Client-based Writing Program, the Writing Center and publication of the national peer-reviewed WAC Journal.

An invitation to invest.

We need your support to continue the level of excellence we have achieved and our students thrive upon. We invite you to invest in the Humanities Excellence Fund and help provide world-class opportunities for humanities students at Clemson.

With your help, we can provide students and faculty with the resources they need to profoundly impact our state and our world. By supporting the humanities, you support the foundation of the University’s mission and the Clemson experience.

For more information, please contact:

Alma Garcia
Director of Development

Click here to contribute online!