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Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design

Costs and Tuition

Person conducting class

Clemson University has implemented a new, interactive Tuition and Fee Calculator developed by Student Financial Services and the Office of Finance and Operations. The online calculator provides graduate, online and undergraduate students an estimate of their academic tuition, fees and essential costs associated with attending Clemson University. The University encourages students and potential students to use this tool as a primary resource for estimating costs. While the tool does not calculate a final student bill, information on tuition and fees is communicated on the Student Financial Services web page.

The Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design program is a Tier 3 program.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

The nine-month stipend for Graduate Teaching Assistantships is highly competitive with all other similar programs. If there are courses for graduate assistants to teach in the summer (and there have been each summer), the stipend increases for minimester and five or eight-week courses.

Graduate teaching assistants teach either first-year composition courses in English or Professional Communication and Information Design (PCID) courses in Interdisciplinary Studies. Other arrangements for work can also be made in other departments and in labs. Teaching assignments in a department are determined by the student's master's degree and teaching experience, whether it in English, rhetoric, writing, communication, or another discipline.

Graduate Teaching Assistants pay a total of around $1,200 per Fall and Spring semester for insurance and other fees, such as parking. The fees for RCID students who teach or take  courses in the summer are approximately $600. 


All graduate school fellowships are competitive. The Director of RCID will nominate select accepted students for a fellowship. Because fellowships are distributed across all Colleges at Clemson University, there are very few awarded per college. The fellowships presently range from $10,000 to $15,000 for the year. For fellowship consideration, students should apply for acceptance to the Graduate School and the RCID program by December 15, with all materials submitted by that date.

The Graduate School issues its first decisions on fellowships January 15, followed by decisions February 15 and March 15. A student may hold both a graduate assistantship and a fellowship simultaneously.

College Arts and Humanities | Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
College Arts and Humanities | Department of Interdisciplinary Studies | 256F Sirrine Hall, Clemson, SC 29634