Full Name: Faequa Uniza Rahman
Hometown & Home Country: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mother Language: Bangla/Bengali
Field of Study: Masters of Architecture
Interests: In my leisure time, I enjoy doing the painting. Travelling is also my passion and I think it's a great opportunity to enhance knowledge about our world. Moreover, cooking and trying out different dishes and new cuisines triggers my inner joy in life. Apart from all of that, I find gardening to be stress-relieving. Recently I started collecting indoor plants for my home. I feel like I am madly in love with nature.
Favorite Quotation (if you have one): "Less is more" by Mies van der Rohe
Biggest Surprise Since Coming to the U.S.: Getting admission to Clemson University’s School of Architecture with a funded Graduate Assistantship offer in Center for Health Facilities Design and Testing (CHFDT) was the biggest break since coming to the US for me. Here, the school of Architecture of Clemson University has been named one of “America’s Best Architecture and Design Schools” by 'DesignIntelligence'. Not only that, for the seventh consecutive year, the Master of Architecture is also ranked one of the top 10 accredited architecture graduate programs at a public university. This was a dream come true moment for me.
What I Miss Most from Home: My family, friends and obviously food
What I Enjoy Most About Clemson: The beautiful campus life, especially the 'LEE HALL' (Department of Architecture).
How Clemson Has Enriched My Life: I came from Asia having a different background and culture. By joining Clemson, I got to know how to cope up with different surroundings, people, and cultures, which enhanced my adaptability. I am so blessed to have supportive colleagues from my workplace here and also friends who are still helping me to grow. I am learning new things every single day and I am so glad that I have chosen to be here. This is one of my greatest achievements that I will cherish my whole life. Clemson brought me unique professional experiences, which I believe is going to help me to nurture my professional life in the future. I feel so proud to be a Clemson Tiger!
Ambassador in Action (things you have done which highlight how you have been an ambassador for your country): I am blessed with the opportunity to start my Masters in “Clemson school of Architecture” as the first student from my country, Bangladesh. It wasn't an easy journey at all, completing 15 credits each semester along with the assistantship tasks and maintaining family life. I feel so blessed and grateful for where I am standing right now. No matter what struggles I came across, I will keep going because I have the will and strength to overcome it all. All my greatest accomplishments, I once thought I could never achieve, but I keep on succeeding in every challenge that I have faced. No matter what is beyond my control, nothing will ever make me less than a woman. I am and will always be a positive, hardworking, and optimistic empowering woman.
Advice for CU International Students & Scholars: Life is short and full of surprises. Be grateful and optimistic towards the goal. And always feel proud to be a 'CLEMSON TIGER".