J Visa Scholars

  • J-1 Exchange Visitors

    The US Department of State (DOS) administers the J Exchange Visitor category to implement the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act (Fulbright-Hayes Act) of 1961. The overall purpose of that Act, and the objective of the Exchange Visitor category, is “to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchanges.” (NAFSA Advisors Manual).  For more information about the Exchange Visitor program, you can view the J-1 Welcome Brochure published by the United States Department of State.

    Individuals coming to the US as Exchange Visitors enter the country in a variety of categories set by the US Department of State. Currently, Clemson University is authorized to sponsor J-1 Exchange Visitors in the following categories: Student, Non-Degree Student, Short-Term Scholar, Research Scholar, Professor, and Specialist. See definitions below.

  • J-1 Exchange Visitor Categories at Clemson University

    Student: International students may join Clemson as full-time degree-seeking students in J-1 status. While there are some minor differences between J-1 and F-1 students, the primary reason why individuals enter the US as J-1 students is based on the source of funding they receive.  Students receiving funding from other sources, such as non-governmental organizations, usually also enter the US in J-1 status. Students must demonstrate adequate funds for the entire period of study in the US, so the J-1 status is not used by the majority of international students. Students who receive funding from the government of their home country or the US (e.g. Fulbright) are issued a DS-2019 so they may apply for a J-1 visa.

    Non-Degree Student In some cases, Clemson University will issue a DS-2019 to an international to enter the US as a non-degree student.  There is a 24 month maximum stay for non-degree students. For more information on Clemson University’s Exchange Programs, please contact the Office of Global Education (OGE) Study Abroad Office. Individuals who are eligible for this Exchange Visitor category are participants in an academic exchange program between Clemson University and a foreign academic institution, or through a Memorandum of Understanding between the schools

    Short-Term Scholar: An individual sponsored by a Clemson department to join the University as a short-term scholar enters the US for a short-term visit for the purpose of lecturing, observing, consulting, training, or instructing in special skills. This category has a maximum stay of six months. As with all Exchange Visitor categories, this is a non-tenured track position.

    Research Scholar An individual sponsored by a Clemson department to join the University for the purpose of conducting research, observing, or consulting on a research project. A Research Scholar may also teach or lecture at the discretion of the sponsor. This category has a maximum stay of five years. As with all Exchange Visitor categories, this is a non-tenured track position.

    Professor An individual sponsored by a Clemson department to join the University for the purpose of teaching or lecturing. A Professor may conduct research at the discretion of the sponsor. This category has a maximum stay of five years. As with all Exchange Visitor categories, this is a non-tenured track position.

    Specialist A specialist is a expert in a field of specialized knowledge/skill that is sponsored by a Clemson department for the purpose of observing, consulting, or demonstrating the special knowledge or skill. This category has a maximum stay of one year. As with all Exchange Visitor categories, this is a non-tenured track position.

  • Category Rules

    Category Rules

  • Process to Request DS-2019

    What is a DS-2019 Form?The DS-2019 or "Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status" is the official document used for administration of the exchange visitor program. It allows a prospective exchange visitor to apply for an interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate in order to obtain a J visa to enter the United States. 

    On the document, both the exchange visitor and their designated sponsor are listed, along with a brief description of the exchange visitor's program (with start and end date), category of exchange (research scholar, short-term scholar, exchange students, etc.), and an estimated cost of the program. 

    More information about the purpose of the DS-2019 can be found here.

    How can I apply for one?

    Universities issue this form to prospective exchange visitors they have invited to participate in a research or academic exchange. Once the exchange visitor has been given the DS-2019, they can apply for the J-1 visa.

    It is important to note that even if the DS-2019 has been issued and you have been accepted into a program, the Consular Officers in charge of reviewing visa applications will have the final decision regarding the issuance of a visa. 

    At Clemson University, the DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility requests are submitted by the department on behalf of the exchange visitors.

    What is the timeline?

    1. Department invites scholar to Clemson University.

    2. Scholar works with the academic department to complete and submit the IS-200 Request for DS-2019 for Scholars or IS-201 Request for DS-2019 for J-1 Non-Degree Student to is@clemson.edu.

    3. Please allow International Services up to 5 business days for processing of the IS-200 or IS-201.

    4. The DS-2019 will then be shipped to you along with additional information about the next steps to take.


    What to do after receiving DS-2019 Form?

    After you receive your form, you may begin the process of applying for a J-1 visa. Please click "How to Apply for Your Visa" on the left for more information.


    Process After DS-2019 Issuance


  • Introduction to DS-2019

    Introduction to DS-2019

  • Check in Process

    The J-1 check-in process is completed entirely online by the exchange visitor; there is no need to physically report to the Office of International Services. Please complete and provide the forms/documents below and submit via email to is@clemson.edu. These forms will need to be provided for any J-2 dependents as well in order for the check-in process to be completed. Once your forms have been submitted, please allow 3-5 business days for your request to be processed. 

    -Copy of J visa page within passport (please be sure the image includes your entry stamp)

    -Copy of DS-2019 with consular notes

    -Completed IS-205 form

    -Certificate of insurance coverage or summary of coverage benefits

    -I-94 record - obtain your electronic I-94 here.

  • J-1 Arrival Process
    1. J-1 Exchange Visitors must complete the check-in requirements within 15 days of the program start date.
    2. Must show proof of insurance compliance in order to complete the check-in process.
    3. After completion of the check-in process, please allow 3-5 business days for the Clemson University Identification Number to be issued.
    4. J-1s not paid by the university will receive an email with a Clemson University Identification Number and a letter to take to the Tiger One Card office.
    5. Non-paid visitors will be charged a $30 fee for the Tiger One card.

    The Office of International Services has created an Exchange Visitor Guide and Frequently Asked Questions page to help assist incoming exchange visitors with questions and resources about visas and the immigration process, housing and transportation, and other important topics. For more information please visit the Exchange Visitor Guide.

  • Exchange Visitor Guide

    The Exchange visitor Arrival Guide can be found here: http://www.clemson.edu/campus-life/campus-services/international/J-arrival-guide/arrival-guide.html.

    We also have a Frequently Asked Questions page to assist with questions once you arrive to the U.S.