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Elevate Well-Being

CU Well. CU Thrive.

At Clemson, we believe well-being is an optimal and dynamic state that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. Our comprehensive approach encompasses mental/emotional, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, environmental, intellectual, and physical well-being. Join us in our vision to elevate well-being and create a thriving community for all!

Mental health and well-being are critical to the success of our University community. Recognized as a top institutional priority, we are committed to integrating well-being into every aspect of Clemson Elevate.

What is well-being?  An optimal and dynamic state that allows people to achieve their full potential.

Guiding Principles

Strengthen our Community

Identify key priorities to ensure the well-being of our community, including the gaps and overlaps in well-being programs and services. Share lessons learned, best practices, and evidence-based research to scale efforts.

Plan Strategically

Integrate well-being into Clemson Elevate pillars, policies, procedures, communication, colleges and strategic divisions.

Collaboration and Advocacy

Foster collaboration and shared well-being purpose. Advocate for the well-being of Clemson University and the State of South Carolina.

Research for Well-being and Health Improvement

Establish a research agenda and identify seed grants for Clemson Well-being. Create goals, SMART objectives, action plans, and metrics.

Well-being Resources

Upcoming Well-Being Events

    Well-being news from around Clemson

    Office of Well-Being - Office of Institutional Excellence
    Office of Well-Being - Office of Institutional Excellence |