- Academics
- Students
- Research
Centers & Institutes
- Centers & Institutes Overview
- Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research
- Center for Public Safety Research
- Center for Public Health Modeling and Response
- Center for Research on Health Disparities
- Clemson Rural Health
- Clinical Learning Research Center
- Human Factors Institute
- Institute for Engaged Aging
- Institute for Family and Neighborhood Life
- Institute for Parks
- Outdoor Lab
- Social Media Listening Center
- About
Employee Resources
Faculty Affairs - Faculty/Staff Awards
Faculty Affairs - Mentoring
The College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences is committed to providing and supporting high-quality mentoring opportunities for faculty at all ranks. Both departmental and college level mentoring programs are available and faculty are encouraged to become involved as a mentor and/or mentee. From mentoring circles to between and across departmental mentor pairings, the college hopes to help you find the perfect opportunity for you. To complement the experience, the college will support numerous education opportunities as well as recognition opportunities for exceptional mentoring.
- Mentor/Mentee Training
- Work Habits: Strengths & Areas to Strengthen
- Relationship-Building Exercises
- Pitfalls for New Faculty
- Preparing for Tenure Checklist
- Questions for Building Relationships & Positive Check-Ins
- Needs Assessment for New Faculty
- 5-Year Tenure Preparation Plan
- Active Mentoring Worksheet
- Assessment for a Mentoring Group or Individual Mentoring
- Leading a Balanced Life
- Connor, M., & Pokora, J. (2007). Coaching & Mentoring at Work: Developing Effective Practice. Open University Press: New York.
- Phillips, S. L., & Dennison, S. T. (2015). Faculty Mentoring: A Practical Guide for Mentors, Mentees, Administrators, and Faculty Developers. Stylus: Sterling, VA.
Faculty Affairs - Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment
Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment Resources
- Awards of Excellence
- Staff Awards of Excellence
Faculty/Staff Profiles - Communication/PR
How To View / Edit Your Profile
TO EDIT YOUR PROFILE, click here. Once completed, click "Update" at the bottom.
- Replace your CUID
https://www.clemson.edu/cbshs/about/profiles/index.html?userid=YourCUID - Example:
TO UPLOAD YOUR CV to your profile, you have two options:
- Upload your CV to your Clemson Box.com storage space, make the link publicly avilable and then copy/paste the link provided by Box.com into the corrisponding space within your profile edit screen. **NOTE** If you choose this option, you can edit your CV within Box.com but if you move/replace the document, you must upload a new link to your CV within your profile.
- Email your CV to twhims@clemson.edu. He will then supply you with a link. **NOTE** If you choose this option, you will have to email a new CV every time you make changes. The option above circumvents this procedure.
- CVs will always have the same base URL of https://media.clemson.edu/cbshs/cvs/XXXXXX.pdf - Where XXX is your CUID.
- Click "update" at the bottom of the form.
- Click "view profile"
- Refresh the subsequent pop-up profile page to view the changes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are editing your profile off campus, you must first log into the Clemson VPN in order to do so.
- Replace your CUID
How To Resize Your Profile Image
If your profile image does not upload to your faculty/staff profile, the images is probably too big. Here is how to resize your image to upload to your faculty/staff photo.
- Double-click the image file you want to resize to open it in Photos.
- Once it's opened, click the three dots in the top-right corner, then click "Resize."
- A small pop-up will appear, offering you three preset sizes for the picture. Pick "Define custom dimensions" at the bottom.
- A menu will appear that lets you set exactly how big you want the image to be. For width, type in 350 and make sure "Maintain aspect ratio" is checked
- Click "Save resized copy."
- Upload to profile
- Double click the image to open in the Preview app.
- From the top menu, choose Tools --> Adjust size.
- In the “Width” box, type in 350.
- In the "Resolution" box, type 72.
- Click OK then File-->Save.
- Upload to your profile.
Enhance Your Profile With Basic HTML
Placing the following code in your text before & after words or sentences will allow you to style your paragraph.- <i>Italics</i>
- <u>Underline</u>
- <strong>Bold</strong>
- <strong><i><u>This sentence will show up as bold, italics, underline.</u></i></strong>
- <hr> Will give you a horizontal rule/line
- <p> </p> will give you a paragraph spacer
- <a href="http://YourLinkHere.com">This sentence will show as a hot link</a>
- GOAL: I would like to have this italicized, then this bolded, then this underlined.
- WRITE: I would like to have <i>this Italicized</i>, then <strong>this bolded</strong> then <u>this underlined</u>.
- RESULT: I would like to have this Italicized, then this bolded, then this underlined.
LINKING: Basic Example
- GOAL: I would like to link to this website, WhimsWeb.Com, in a sentence.
- WRITE: I would like to link to this website, <a href="https://whimsweb.com">WhimsWeb.Com</a>, in a sentence.
- RESULT: I would like to link to this website, WhimsWeb.Com, in a sentence.
Request to Add or Delete from the Faculty/Staff Database
Here is a link to the form to request an addtion or deletion from the faculty/staff database.
Email Signatures
To create a new email signature, please download the Clemson email wordmark titled 2020_Clemson_email_logo.png. (Right click the hyperlink and choose "Download Linked File" or "Save Link As.") Then, follow instructions provided on pages 10-12 of the CBSHS Brand Guidelines.
College Identity Guidelines
During the summer of 2020, the University began implementing a new brand (with new wordmarks, fonts, etc.), and the CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations will be working over the next several months to refresh materials with the new brand. In the interest of fiscal prudence, do not throw away printed materials you are still using with the "old" brand. Instead, please let the CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations know when you are ready to reprint materials and we will revise them before reprinting.
Please see the CBSHS Brand Guidelines document for more details on brand colors, typography, etc. If you have any questions, please contact the CBSHS PR director. If you wish to create branded materials for internal use, please see the CBSHS Brand Guidelines for guidance. Please work with the CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations regarding the branding of materials to be distributed to outside audiences.
NOTE ABOUT WORDMARKS - The majority of the time you will use the RGB color style in .jpg (white background) or .png (transparent background) format. Color styles CMYK and SPOT are usually used for professionally printed material.
Brand Fonts
If you need to create materials that are outward facing (going to people other than faculty/staff/students), please contact Timothy Whims for design options. For internal projects, feel free to create projects using the fonts below. See page 5 of the CBSHS Brand Guidelines for more information, or contact Melanie if you need guidance/have questions.
- Source Serif - available for free download through Adobe Fonts * - can be used for in-house, internal projects created with Adobe and Microsoft products.
- Book Antiqua - already available on most computers - can be used for in-house, internal projects created with Microsoft products.
SANS SERIF FONTS- Trade Gothic Next LT - available for free download through Adobe Fonts * - can be used for in-house, internal projects created with Adobe and Microsoft products.
- Arial - already available on most computers - can be used for in-house, internal projects created with Adobe and Microsoft products.
* You must install Creative Cloud in order to install Adobe Fonts. Instructions for installing Creative Cloud and Adobe Fonts are on page 6 of the CBSHS Brand Guidelines.
Stationery Guidelines and PowerPoint Templates
As of summer 2020, the University has redesigned stationery staples such as letterhead, envelopes, business cards and notepads. They can be ordered through Ricoh. Please contact your administrative coordinator if you need to place an order.
College-branded digital letterhead is available.
College-branded PowerPoint Templates are also available below in 4:3 and Widescreen formats for your use.
Brand Colors
Please see page 7 of CBSHS Brand Guidelines or more information on colors that should be used on CBSHS, school/departmental, or center/institute materials.
The CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations fields requests for video projects and consults with requesters to determine if/how such requests can be fulfilled through internal/external sources. For more information, please contact the CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations. The CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations does not have a dedicated photographer to fulfill photography requests but can consult with requesters to determine how such requests can be fulfilled. The University has dedicated photographers and can be contacted directly regarding requests. For more information, contact the CBSHS Office of Communications and Public Relations
- Website and Social Media
- News Submissions
- Creating A Qualtrics Account
CBSHS Governance and Committees
- CBSHS Faculty By-laws
Faculty Advisory Committees
Department Year Name Email Co-Lead College Faculty Senator
Lauren Stephens
Co-Lead College Faculty Senator
Jeff Hallo
Leslie Hossfeld
School of Nursing
Catherine Murton
Public Health Science
Lu Zhang
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Aby Sene-Harper
Marissa Shuffler
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Marjie Britz
Political Science
Amber Curtis
Erin Ash
Curriculum Committee
Department Year Name Email School of Nursing
Casey Hopkins
Public Health Science
Debbie Falta
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Ryan Gagnon
Claudio Cantalupo
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Mike Coggeshall
Political Science
Brandon Turner
James Gilmore
Scholarship and Awards Committee
Department Year Name Email School of Nursing
Angie Newton
Public Health Science
Ralph Welsh
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Matt Brownlee
Jennifer Grandits
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Holly Williams
Political Science
Laura Olson
Miao Li
Research Committee
Department Year Name Email Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Studies
Bryan Miller
School of Nursing
Tracy Lowe
Public Health Science
Erin Hunter
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Matt Browning
Marissa Shuffler
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Miao Li
Political Science
Matthew Rhodes-Purdy
Virginia Harrison
Community, Engagement, Belonging and Access Committee
Department Year Name Email School of Nursing
Zahra Rahemi
Public Health Science
Amanda Stover
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Em Adams
Jenna Van Fossen
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Andrew Mannheimer
Political Science
Vaiva Kalesnikaite
Vanessa Condon
Elections Committee
Department Year Name Email School of Nursing
Jennifer Hall
Public Health Science
Becky Tugman
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Matt Brownlee
Rich Pak
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Marjie Britz
Political Science
Xiaobo Hu
Brandon Boatright
Industry Partnership Dean’s Ad Hoc Committee
Ed Bowers, Chair Dean’s Office Brandon Boatwright Communication Robert Sinclair Psychology Jasmine Townsend Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Christopher Farrell Nursing Bryan Miller Dean’s Office CBSHS Robert Carey Political Science Holly Williams Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice -
Global Engagement Committee
Department Year Name Email School of Nursing
Jason Thrift
Public Health Science
Erin Hunter
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Lane Glaze
Mark Small
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
Natalia Sianko
Political Science
Jeff Peake
Andrew Pyle
Rural Economic Development Committee
Name Department Ed Bowers Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Ken Robinson Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Natalia Sianko Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice -
Food and Nutrition Security Initiative Dean’s Ad Hoc Committee
Name Department Ye Luo Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Sarah Griffin Public Health Sciences Catherine Mobley Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Brooke Brittain Clemson Rural Health -
CBSHS Representatives to Clemson Committees
Academic Council – 1 per college, 3 year term, regular faculty
- Leslie Hossfeld, Dean
- Marjie Britz (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice) (2027)
Academic Eligibility – 2 per college, 3 year term, regular faculty; senior/principal lecturers
- Becky Tugman (Public Health) (2027)
- Terri Terramano (Nursing) (2027)
Academic Grievance – 3 per college, 3 year term, tenured faculty
- Betty Baldwin (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2025)
- Bruce Ransom (Political Science) (2026)
- Shirley Timmons (Nursing) (2027)
Academic Technology – 2 per college, 3 year term, all faculty
- Sara Sarasua (Nursing) (2025)
- Christianna Novakovic (Public Health Sciences) (2027)
Advising – 2 per college, 2 year term, all faculty
- Allysa Sutton (CBSHS Advising Center)
- Dan Anderson (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2025)
- Amelia Clinkscales (Public Health Sciences) (2026)
Athletic Council – 2 per college (1 reg, 1 alt), 3 year term, regular faculty
- Jasmine Townsend (Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management) (2025)
- Marissa Shuffler (Psychology) (2026) Alternate
Bookstore Advisory – 2 per college, 2 year term, all faculty
- Em Adams (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2025)
- Sarah Hague (Public Health Sciences) (2026)
Honors College – 1 per college, 3 year term, all faculty
- Elizabeth Ann Kaszynski Gilmore (Communication) (2027)
Creative Inquiry - 2 per college (1 reg, 1 alt), 3 year term, all faculty
- Heather Kettrey (Soc/Anth/CJ) (2025)
- Kaileigh Byrne (Psychology) (2027)
General Education – 2 per college, 3 year term, one regular faculty and one regular faculty/senior lecturer
- Leland (Daniel) Fecher (Communication) (2027)
- Matt Costello (Political Science) (2025)
Graduate Admissions, 2 per college, 3 year term, all grad faculty
- Heide Temples (Nursing) (2026)
- Jeff Hallo (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2027)
Graduate Advisory, 1 per college, 3 year term, grad faculty
- Lu Zhang (Public Health Sciences) (2026)
Graduate Council, 1 per college, 3 year term, grad faculty
- Lori Dickes (Political Science) (2025)
Graduate Fellowships, 1 per college, 3 years, grad faculty
- Matt Brownlee (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2027)
Graduate Grievance, 2 per college, 2 years, tenured faculty
- Skye Arthur-Banning (Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management) (2026)
- Lucia Gonzalez (Nursing) (2026)
Graduate Integrity, 3 per college, 3 years, tenured faculty
- Rachel Mayo (Public Health Sciences) (2027)
- Xiaobo Hu (Political Science) (2027)
- Shirley Timmons (Nursing) (2027)
Global Engagement, 1 per college, 3 years, all faculty
- Andrew Pyle (Communication) (2027)
Intellectual Property, 1 per college, 3 years, all faculty
- David White (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2026)
- Bryan Miller (ex-officio)
Distance Education Advisory Board, 2 per college (1 reg, 1 alt), 2 years, all faculty
- Corey Brookover (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2026)
- Tanya Staton (Public Health Sciences) (2026) - Alternate
Parking Review Board, 2 per college, 3 years, all faculty
- Stephanie Davis (Nursing) (2026)
- Lindsey Gorham (Public Health Sciences) (2027)
Undergraduate Admissions, 1 per college, 3 years, all faculty
- Dan Anderson (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2025)
Undergraduate Academic Integrity, 2 per college, 2 years, tenured faculty
- Heather Kettrey (SOC/ANTH/CJ) (2026)
- Karyn Jones (Communication) (2025)
Undergraduate Curriculum (pulled from college curriculum committee)
- Mike Coggeshall (SOC/ANTH/CJ)
- Claudio Cantalupo (Psychology)
CU Seed/Alumni Award, 1 per college, 1 year, regular faculty
- Amber Curtis (Political Science) (2025)
Research Advisory Board, 1 per college, 3 years, all faculty
- Marissa Shuffler (Psychology) (2027)
Mentoring, 1 per college, 2 years, tenured faculty
- Ed Bowers, Dean’s Office for Industry Partnership committee (2026)
Library Advisory, 1 per college, 3 years, all faculty
- Jenna Seawright (Nursing) (2026)
OTEI Advisory Board, 1 per college, 2 years, all faculty
- Keisha Ann Mitchell (Psychology) (2025)
University Awards Committee, 1 per college, 2 years, all faculty
- Debbie Falta (Public Health Sciences) (2025)
Senators (returning)
- Greg Cranmer (Communication) (2025)
- Marjie Britz (Soc/Anth/CJ) (2025)
- Jeff Hallo (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2026)
- Lauren Duffy (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) (2025) – FS President
New Senators
One Year Terms (2025)
- Qiping Fan (Public Health Sciences)
- Adam McFarlane (Nursing)
Two Year Terms (2026)
- Jason Thrift (Nursing)
- Shirley Timmons (Nursing)
- Rebekah Martin (Nursing)
- Anna Baker (Psychology)
- Marissa Shuffler (Psychology)
Three Year Terms (2027)
- Jennifer Holland (Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justic)
- Leslie Ravan (Nursing)
- Matthew Rhodes-Purdy (Political Science)
- Lauren Stephens (Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management)
- Joel Williams (Public Health Sciences)
Claudio Cantalupo (Psychology)