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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Contact Us


Leslie Hossfeld, Ph.D., Dean
116 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-7640

Tracy Kelly, Director of Operations 
116 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-7913

Stefan BockDirector of Financial Strategic Operations
107 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-2077

Denise AndersonPh.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Faculty Success & Well-Being
109 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-5679

Bryan Miller, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Research
109 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-7435

Lior Rennert, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Health Sciences
111 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-7434

Joel Williams, MPH, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
523 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-1017

Ed Bowers, Ph.D., Director of Assessment and Engagement
132-G Sirrine Hall
(864) 656-1983

Administrative Organizational Chart


Department of Communication

Deanna Sellnow, Ph.D., Chair
407 Strode Tower
(864) 656-1567

Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

Bob Barcelona, Ph.D., Chair 
263 Lehotsky Hall 
(864) 656-3036

Department of Political Science

Joe Ura, Ph.D., Chair
232 Brackett Hall
(864) 656-4653

Department of Psychology

Pat Raymark, Ph.D., Chair
415 Brackett Hall
(864) 656-4715

Department of Public Health Sciences

Wiley Jenkins, Ph.D., Chair
535-A Edwards Hall
(864) 656-7117

Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice

Katherine Weisensee, Ph.D., Chair
132 Brackett Hall
(864) 656-3238

School of Nursing

John Whitcomb, Ph.D., RN, CCRN, FCCM, Director, Chief Academic Nursing Officer, Professor
412 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-9569

Departmental Organizational Chart

Centers and Institutes

Centers & Institutes Organizational Chart

Marketing and Communication

Shelley Gordon, Public Information Director
407-A Edwards Hall
(864) 656-1051

Sarah Swetlik, Associate Director
423 Edwards Hall
(678) 761-0894

Communication Services Requests

Academic Advising

309 Edwards Hall
Phone: (864) 656-5495
Fax: (864) 656-1688

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall