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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Bryan Denham

Campbell Professor of Sports Communication


Phone: 864-656-1567

Fax: 864-656-0599

Educational Background

Ph.D. Communications with Minor in Applied Statistics
University Of Tennessee 1996

MA Communications
California State University, Fullerton 1993

BA Journalism and Political Science
Indiana University 1989

Courses Taught

Introduction to Human Communication
Introduction to Journalism
Basic Public Speaking
Newspaper Feature and Opinion Writing
Magazine Article Writing
Communication in a World Context
Communication Theory
Mass Communication Theory
Communication Research Methods
Sports Communication
Sports Media Criticism
Public Relations in Sports
Advanced Sports Communication (Media, Sport and Health)
Principles of Public Relations
Public Communication and Popular Culture
Political Communication
Mass Communication: History and Criticism
Senior Communication Seminar

Theory and Research in Mass Communication
Empirical Research Methods
Special Topics (Media, Sport and Health)
Media in Politics
Sports Writing


Dr. Denham has been a faculty member at Clemson for 25 years and has served two times as Department Chair. He studies the media, health, and policy dimensions of substance use in sport and society and has published more than 70 refereed journal articles in 50 unique outlets across the behavioral, social, and health sciences. He has also published 50 non-refereed articles and 10 book chapters, in addition to the Wiley text Categorical Statistics for Communication Research. Dr. Denham serves on five editorial boards and has reviewed manuscripts for more than 80 scholarly journals.

Research Publications

Statistics Text
Denham, B. (2016). Categorical statistics for communication research. Chichester, West Sussex UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Denham, B. (2022). Oriental irritants and occidental aspirants: Immigrant representations in Hearst magazines, 1905-1945. Journalism & Communication Monographs, 24, 4-64.

Denham, B. (2020). Magazine journalism in the golden age of muckraking: Patent-medicine exposures before and after the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. Journalism & Communication Monographs, 22, 100-159.

Selected Journal Articles
Denham, B. (2022). Sports Illustrated tackles drugs in sports: Examining the influence of a seminal magazine series. Sport in History. doi:10.1080/17460263.2022.2083219

Denham, B. (2022). Associations between sport and exercise participation, use of narcotic pain relievers, and concussions in high-school seniors. Journal of Sport Behavior, 45(3), 17-30.

Denham, B. (2021). Deception in weight-loss advertising: Newspaper use of press releases issued by the Federal Trade Commission. Newspaper Research Journal, 42(2), 198-214.

Denham, B. (2021). Dietary supplements in the USA: Problematic trends. Public Health Nutrition, 24, 2771-2775.

Denham, B. (2020). Male athlete representations in men's magazines: A study in mediated sport stacking. Communication and Sport, 8(6), 782-802.

Denham, B. (2020). Sports participation and attitudes toward race and ethnicity: A study of twelfth-grade students in the United States. Sociology of Sport Journal, 37(2), 143-151.

Denham, B. (2019). Attitudes toward legalization of marijuana in the United States, 1986-2016: Changes in determinants of public opinion. International Journal of Drug Policy, 71, 78-90.

Denham, B. (2019). Coverage of the Russian doping scandal in the New York Times: Intramedia and intermedia attribute agenda-setting effects. Communication and Sport, 7(3), 337-360.

Denham, B. (2019). Anabolic steroid cases in United States District Courts (2013-2017): Defendant characteristics, geographical dispersion, and substance origins. Contemporary Drug Problems, 46, 41-57.

Denham, B. (2017). When contaminated dietary supplements cause positive drug tests: Methylhexaneamine as a doping agent in sport. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 9, 677-689.

Denham, B. (2017). Athlete information sources about dietary supplements: A review of extant research. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 27, 325-334.

Denham, B. (2014). High school sports participation and substance use: Differences by sport, race and gender. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23, 145-154.

Denham, B. (2014). Intermedia attribute agenda-setting in the New York Times: The case of animal abuse in U.S. horse racing. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91, 17-37.

Honors and Awards

Faculty Award for Excellence in Research – Senior Scholar, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences at Clemson University, April 2020.

Research Fellow, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, November 2017.


Curriculum Vita

Link to Categorical Statistics for Communication Research

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall