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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Kathleen Cartmell

Associate Professor
Clemson University Department of Public Health Sciences

Office: 519 Edwards Hall

Phone: 864 656-2719


Educational Background

2013 Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina PhD

1998 International Health and Epidemiology
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health MPH

1990 Political Science
College of Charleston BA

Courses Taught

Dr. Cartmell teaches courses at Clemson in population health, qualitative and mixed methods research, and health systems design and delivery.


Dr. Kathleen Cartmell is a health services researcher, with a focus on dissemination and implementation of evidence-based strategies for cancer prevention and control. She received her PhD from the Medical University of South Carolina in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and her Master of Public Health Degree from the Emory University Rollins School of Public Health. Most of her research focuses on developing and testing interventions to optimize vaccination (HPV, Covid) and tobacco cessation at the health system and community levels. Dr. Cartmell also conducts research in India and Kenya, designed to optimize the delivery of palliative care in low resource settings.

Research Interests

Dr. Cartmell's current research projects include: 1) a multi-level intervention to optimize HPV vaccination in South Carolina; 2) a train the trainer intervention within African American churches to improve Covid vaccine confidence; 3) evaluation of use of the Google/Apple exposure notification app at Clemson; and 4) a palliative care navigation intervention in Kolkata, India that utilizes community health workers to expand access and quality of services to medically underserved rural patients.

Research Publications

Melvin, C. L., Sterba, K. R., Gimbel, R., Lennert, L., Cartmell, K. B. (2022). Dissemination and Implementation of a Google Apple Exposure Notification System for COVID-19 Risk Mitigation at a National Public University: Protocol for a Pilot Evaluation Study in a Real-World Setting. JMIR, 11(1), e32567.

Cartmell, K. B., Kenneson, S. A., Roy, R., Bhattarchee, G., Panda, N., Kumar, G., Qanungo, S. (2022). Feasibility of a Palliative Care Intervention Utilizing Community Health Workers to Facilitate Delivery of Home-based Palliative Care in India. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, In Press.

White, A. A., Neelon, B., Martin, R., Korte, J., Roberts, J., Williams, E., Cartmell, K. B. (in press). Spatial patterns of HPV and Tdap vaccine dose administration and the association of health department clinic access in Georgia counties. Vaccine, 40(9), 1352-60.

Hauck, C., Kelechi, T., Cartmell, K. B., Mueller, M. (2021). Trial-level factors affecting accrual and completion of oncology clinical trials: a systematic review. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 24, 100843.

Zhang, L., Neroda, P., Hsieh, M.C., Wu, X.C., Cartmell, K. B., Mayo, R. M., Wu, J., Hicks, C. (2021). Racial disparity and social determinants in receiving timely surgery among stage I-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer patients in a U.S. southern state. Frontiers in Public Health, 2(9), 662876.

Qanungo, S., Calvo-Schimmel, A., McGue, S., Singh, P., Roy, R., Bhattacharjee, G., Panda, N., Kumar, G., Chowdhury, R., Cartmell, K. B. (2021). Barriers, Facilitators and Recommended Strategies for Implementing a Home-Based Palliative Care Intervention in Kolkata, India. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 38(6), 572-582.

Lee, S. J., Cartmell, K. B. (2021). An Association Rule Mining Analysis of Lifestyle Behavioral Risk Factors in Cancer Survivors with High Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(5), 366.

Sundstrom, B., Cartmell, K. B., White, A., Russo, N., Well, H., Young-Pierce, J., Brandt, H. M., Roberts, J. R., Ford, M. E. (2021). HPV Vaccination Champions: Evaluating a Technology-Mediated Intervention for Parents. Frontiers in Digital Health, 3, 636161.

Neroda, P., Hsieh, M., Wu, X. C., Cartmell, K. B., Mayo, R. M., Wu, J., Hicks, C., Zhang, L. (2021). Racial Disparity in the Timely Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 16(1).

Ford, M. E., Bryant, D. C., Cartmell, K. B., Sterba, K., Burshell, D. R., Hill, E. G., Kim, J., De Toma, Allan, Knight, K. D., Reed, T., Weaver, K., Calhoun, E., Esnaola, N. F. (2020). Challenges and successes in recruiting African Americans with early-stage, non-small cell lung cancer to an NIMHD-funded, NCORP-based patient navigation trial (6th ed., vol. 29). New Orleans, LA: Eleventh AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved.

Mendhi, M. M., Newman, S. D., Pope, C., Cartmell, K. B., Premji, S. (2020). Perceptions of traditional birth attendants and midwives related to neonatal airway management in rural Uganda: a focused ethnographic qualitative study. Jouornal of Global Health Reports, 4.

Ford, M., Cannady, K., Nahhas, G., Knight, K., Chavis, C., Malek, A., Martino, E., Frazier, S., Gathers, A., Lawton, C., Cartmell, K. B., Luque, J. (2020). Assessing an intervention to increase knowledge related to cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. Advances in Cancer Research, 146, 115-137.

Hauck, C., Kelechi, T., Cartmell, K. B., Mueller, M. Scoping Review: Barriers and Facilitators of Enrollment in Pediatric Oncology Clinical Trials. Pediatric Nursing, 47(2).

Kompelli, A., Cartmell, K. B., Sterba, K. R., Alberg, A. J., Xiao, C. C., Sood, A. J., Garrett-Meyer, E., White-Gilberson, S., Rosenzweig, S. J., Day, T. A. (2020). Clinical versus pathological staging for patients treated with definitive surgery for head and neck squamous cell cancer. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 6(1), 41-48.

Cartmell, K. B., Bonilha, H. S., Simpson, K. N., Ford, M. E., Bryant, D. C., Alberg, A. J. (2020). Patient barriers to clinical trial participation and navigator activities to assist. Advances in Cancer Research, 146, 139-166.

Mendhi, M., Premji, S. S., Cartmell, K. B., Newman, S. D., Pope, C. (2020). Self-efficacy measurement instrument for neonatal resuscitation training: An integrative review. Nurse Education in Pratice, 43, 1-9.

Lee, S. J., Cartmell, K. B. (2019). Self-reported depression in cancer survivors versus the general population: a population-based propensity-score matched analysis. Quality of Life Research, 29(2), 483-494.

Cartmell, K. B., Mzik, C. R., Sundstrom, B. L., Luque, J. S., White, A., Pierce, J. Y. (2019). HPV vaccination communication messages, messengers and messaging strategies. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(5), 1014-1023.

Kilpatrick, D. J., Cartmell, K. B., Diedhiou, A., Cummings, K. M., Warren, G. W., Wynne, K. L., Biggers, S. R., Gillam, P. S. (2019). A collaborative model for facilitating the delivery of smoking cessation treatments to cancer patients: Results from three oncology practices in South Carolina. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 14(2), 112-124.

Warren, G. W., Cartmell, K. B., Garrett-Mayer, E., Salloum, R. G., Cummings, K. M. (2019). Attributable Failure of First-line Cancer Treatment and Incremental Costs Associated With Smoking by Patients With Cancer. JAMA Network Open, 2(4).

Potts, M., Cartmell, K. B., Qanungo, S., Nemeth, L. (2019). A qualitative evaluation of a home-based palliative care program utilizing community health workers in India. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 25(2), 181-189.

Mendhi, M., Cartmell, K. B., Newman, S., Premji, S. (2019). Review of educational interventions to increase traditional birth attendants' neonatal resuscitation self-efficacy. Women and Birth, 32(1), 16-27.

Cartmell, K. B., Dooley, M., Mueller, M., Nahhas, G., Dismuke, C. L., Warren, G., Cummings, K. M. (2018). Effect of an evidence-based inpatient tobacco dependence treatment service on 30, 90 and 180 day hospital readmission rates. Medical Care, 56(4), 358-363.

Cartmell, K. B., Dismuke, C. L., Dooley, M., Mueller, M., Nahhas, G., Warren, G., Fallis, P., Cummings, K. M. (2018). Effect of an evidence-based tobacco dependent treatment service on 1-year post-discharge health care costs. Medical Care, 56(10), 883-889.

Keleman, L. E., Abbott, S., Qin, B., Perez, L. C., Morman, P. G., Wallace, K., Cartmell, K. B., Schildkraut, J. M. (2018). Cigarette smoking and the association with serous ovarian cancer in African American women: African American Cancer Epidemiology Study (AACES). Cancer Causes and Control, 28(7), 699-709.

Sundstrom, B., Aylor, E., Cartmell, K. B., Brandt, H., Bryant, D. C., Hughes-Halbert, C., Young-Pierce, J. (2018). Beyond birds and bees: a qualitative content analysis of online HPV vaccination communication. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 11(30), 205-214.

Cartmell, K. B., Young-Pierce, J., McGue, S., Alberg, A. J., Luque, J., Zubizeretta, M., Brandt, H. (2018). Barriers, facilitators and potential strategies for improving HPV vaccination: A statewide assessment to inform action. Papillomavirus Research, 5, 21-31.

Luque, J. S., Soulen, G., Davila, C. B., Cartmell, K. B. (2018). Access to healthcare for uninsured latina immigrants in South Carolina. BMC Health Services Research, 18(310), 1-12.

Cartmell, K. B., Sterba, K., Pickett, K., Zapka, J., Alberg, A. J., Sood, A. J., Esnaola, N. F. (2018). Availability of patient-centered cancer support services: a statewide survey of cancer centers. PLOS One, 13(3), 1-11.

McDonnell, K. K., Strayer, S. M., Sercy, E., Campbell, C., Friedman, D., Cartmell, K. B., Eberth, J. (2018). Developing and testing a brief clinic-based lung cancer screening decision aid for primary care settings. Health Expectations, 21(4), 796-804.

Su-Jung, L., Park, Y. J., Cartmell, K. B. (2018). Sarcopenia in cancer survivors is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(7), 2313-2321.

Potts, M., Cartmell, K. B., Nemeth, L., Bhattacharjee, G., Qanungo, S. (2018). A systematic review of palliative care intervention outcomes and outcome measures in low resource countries. Journal of Pain and Sympton Management, 55(5), 1382-1396.

Bond, S. M., Cartmell, K. B., Lopez, C. M., Ford, M. E., Brandt, H. M., Gore, E. I., Alberg, A. J. (2017). Racial and ethnic group knowledge, perceptions and behaviors about HPV, HPV vaccination and cervical cancer among adolescent females. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 29(5), 429-435.

Ford, M. E., Bryant, D. C., Cartmell, K. B., Sterba, K., Burshell, D. R., Hill, E. G., De Toma, Allan, Knight, K. D., Weaver, K., Calhoun, E., Esnaola, N. F. (2017). Interim Recruitment Outcomes in an NCORP-Based Patient Navigation Trial for African Americans with Early Stage Lung Cancer. (7th ed., vol. 27, pp. 65-66). Philadelphia, PA: American Association of Cancer Research.

Nahhas, G. J., Wilson, D., Talbot, V., Cartmell, K. B., Warren, G. W., Toll, B. A., Carpenter, M. J., Cummings, K. M. (2016). Feasibility of implementing an "opt-out" tobacco cessation service. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19(8), 937-943.

Melvin, C. L., Jefferson, M. S., Rice, L. J., Cartmell, K. B., Halbert, C. H. (2016). Predictors of Participation in Mammography Screening among Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic White, and Hispanic Women. Frontiers in Public Health. 4.

Alberg, A. J., Morman, P. G., Crankshaw, S., Wang, F., Bandera, E. V., Cartmell, K. B., Schildkraut, J. (2016). Socioeconomic status in relation to the risk of ovarian cancer in African American women: A population-based case control study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 184(4), 274-283.

Mitchell-Brown, F., Nemeth, L., Cartmell, K. B., Newman, S., Goto, K. (2016). A study of Hmong immigrants' experience with diabetes education: a community engaged qualitative study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28(6), 540-549.

Ersek, J., Eberth, J., McDonnell, K., Strayer, S., Sercy, E., Cartmell, K. B., Friedman, D. (2016). Knowledge, attitudes and use of low dose computed tomography for lung cancer screening among family physicians. Cancer, 122(15), 2324-2331.

Cartmell, K. B., Bonilha, H. S., Matson, T., Bryant, D. C., Zapka, J., Bentz, T. A., Ford, M. E., Hughes-Halbert, C., Simpson, K. N., Alberg, A. J. (2016). Patient participation in cancer clinical trials: a pilot test of lay navigation. Contemporary clinical trials communication, 3, 86-93.

Esnaola, N. F., Bryant, D. C., Cartmell, K. B., Calhoun, E., Sterba, K., Burshell, D. R., Hill, E. G., Wahlquist, A. E., Knight, K. D., Ford, M. E. (2016). A patient navigation model to increase rates of lung-directed therapy with curative intent (LDTCI) in African Americans with early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (3rd ed., vol. 25). Philadelphia, PA: American Association of Cancer Research.

Alberg, A. J., Cartmell, K. B., Sterba, K. R., Bolick, S., DaGuise, V. G., Hebert, J. R. (2014). Outcome evaluation of a state comprehensive cancer control plan: Laying the foundation. Journal of Public Health Practice and Management, 19(4), 300-307.

Carpenter, M. J., Ford, M. E., Cartmell, K. B., Alberg, A. J. (2012). Misperceptions of nicotine replacement therapy within racially and clinically diverse groups. Journal of the National Medical Association, 103(9-10), 879--888.

Bryant, D. C., Williamson, D., Cartmell, K. B., Jefferson, M. (2011). A lay patient navigation training curriculum targeting disparities in cancer clinical trials. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 22(2), 68-75.

Carter, C. L., Onicescu, G., Cartmell, K. B., Sterba, K. R., Tomsic, J., Alberg, A. J. (2011). The comparative effectiveness of a team-based versus group-based physical activity intervention for cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(8), 1699-1707.

Ryan, K., Garrett-Mayer, E., Alberg, A. J., Cartmell, K. B., Carpenter, M. J. (2011). Predictors of cessation pharmacotherapy use among black and non-hispanic white smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13(8), 642-652.

Cartmell, K. B., Miner, C., Carpenter, M. J., Vitoc, C. S., Biggers, S., Onicescu, G., Alberg, A. J. (2011). Secondhand smoke exposure in young people and parental rules against smoking at home and in the care. Public Health Reports, 126(4), 572-582.

Cartmell, K.B., Dismuke, C.E., Dooley, M., Mueller, M., Nahhas, G.J., Warren, G.W., ...Cummings, K.M. (2018). Effect of an evidence-based inpatient tobacco dependence treatment service on 1-year post-discharge healthcare costs. Medical Care, 56(10), 883-889.

Kilpatrick, D.J., Cartmell, K.B., Abdoulaye, D., Cummings, K.M., Warren, G.W., Wynne, K.L., ... Gillam, P.S. (2019). A collaborative model for facilitating the delivery of smoking cessation treatments to cancer patients: Results from three oncology practices in South Carolina. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 14(2), 112-124.

Cartmell, K.B., Mzik. C.R., Sundstrom, B.L., Luque, J.S., & White, A. (2018). HPV vaccination communication messages, messengers and messaging strategies. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(5), 1014-23.

Potts, M., Cartmell, K.B., Qanungo, S., Nemeth, L. (2019). A qualitative evaluation of a home-based palliative care program utilizing community health workers in a low resource country. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 25(2), 181-189.

Lee, S.J., Park, Y.J., & Cartmell K.B. (2018). Sarcopenia in cancer survivors is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk. Supportive Care in Cancer; 26(7), 2313-2321.

Cartmell, K.B., Young-Pierce, J., McGue, S., Alberg, A.J., Luque, J., Zubizeretta, M., & Brandt, H. (2018). Barriers, facilitators and potential strategies for improving HPV vaccination: A statewide assessment to inform action. Papillomavirus Research, 5, 21-31.

Luque, J.S., Soulen, G., Davila, C.B., & Cartmell, K. (2018). Access to healthcare for uninsured latina immigrants in South Carolina. BMC Health Services Research, 18(310).

Mendhi, M., Cartmell, K.B., Newman, S., Premji, S., & Pope, C. (2018). Review of educational interventions to increase traditional birth attendants' neonatal resuscitation self-efficacy. Women and Birth, 2018 May 21,

Cartmell, K.B., Dooley, M., Mueller, M., Nahhas, G., Dismuke, C., Warren, G., & Cummings, K.M. (2018). Effect of an evidence-based inpatient tobacco dependence treatment service on 30, 90 and 180 day hospital readmission rates. Medical Care, 56(4), 358-363.

Cartmell, K.B., Sterba, K.R., Pickett, K., Zapka, J., Alberg, A.J., Sood, A.J., & Esnaola NF. (2018) Availability of patient-centered cancer support services: A statewide survey of cancer centers. PLOS One, 13(3).

McDonnell, K.K., Strayer, S.M., Sercy, E., Campbell, C., Friedman D,B., Cartmell, K.B., & Eberth, J.M. (2018). Developing and testing a brief clinic-based lung cancer screening decision aid for primary care settings. Health Expectations, 21(4), 796-804.

Sundstorm, B., Aylor, E., Cartmell, K.B., Brandt, H.M., Bryant, D.C., Hughes Halbert, C., & Young-Pierce, J. (2018). Beyond birds-and-bees: a qualitative content analysis of online HPV vaccination communication, Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 11(3), 205-214.

Potts, M., Cartmell, K.B., Nemeth, L., Bhattacharjee, G., & Qanungo, S. (2017). A systematic review of palliative care intervention outcome and outcome measures in low resource countries. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 55(5), 1382-1396.e7.

Kelemen, L.E., Abbott, S., Qin, B., Peres, L.C., Moorman, P.G., Cartmell, K.B., & Schildkraut, J.M. (2017). Cigarette smoking and the association with serous ovarian cancer in African American women: African american cancer epidemiology study (AACES); Cancer Causes and Control, 28(7), 699-709.

Nahhas, G.J., Wilson, D., Talbot, V., Cartmell, K.B., Warren, G.W., Toll, B.A., Carpenter, M.J., Cummings, M. (2016) Implementation of an "opt-out" tobacco-cessation service. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19(8), 937-943.

Bond, S.M., Cartmell, K.B., Lopez, C.M., Ford, M.E., Brandt, H.M., Gore, E.I., & Alberg, A.J. (2016). Racial and ethnic group knowledge, perceptions and behaviors about HPV, HPV vaccination, and cervical cancer among adolescent females. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 29(5), 429-35.

Alberg, A.J., Moorman, P.G., Crankshaw, S., Wang, F., Bandera, E.V., Cartmell, K.B., ...Schildkraut JM. (2016). Socioeconomic status in relation to the risk of ovarian cancer in African American women: A population-based case-control study; American Journal of Epidemiology, 184(4), 274-283.

Mitchell-Brown, F.M., Nemeth, L., Cartmell, K., Newman, S., & Goto K. (2016) A study of Hmong immigrants' experience with diabetes education: A community engaged qualitative study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28(6), 540-549.

Cartmell, K.B., Bonilha, H.S., Matson, T., Bryant, D.C., Zapka. J., Bentz, T.A., Ford, M.E., Hughes-Halbert, C., Simpson, K.N., & Alberg, A.J. (2016). Patient participation in cancer clinical trials: A pilot test of lay navigation. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communication, 3, 86-93.

Ersek, J., Eberth, J., McDonnell, K., Strayer, S., Sercy, E., Cartmell, K. & Friedman, D. (2016). Knowledge, attitudes and use of low-dose computed tomography for lung cancer screening among family physicians. Cancer, 122(15), 2324-2331.

Alberg, A.J., Cartmell, K.B., Sterba, K.R., Bolick, S., Daguise, V.G., & Hebert, J.R. (2013). Outcome evaluation of a state comprehensive cancer control plan: Laying the foundation. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 19(4), 300-307.

Carter, C.L., Onicescu, G., Cartmell, K.B., Sterba, K.R., Tomsic, J. & Alberg, A.J. (2012). The comparative effectiveness of a team-based versus group-based physical activity intervention for cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(8), 1699-1707.

Bryant, D.C., Williamson, D., Cartmell, K.B., Ford. M. (2011). A lay patient navigation training curriculum targeting disparities in cancer clinical trials. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 22(2), 68-75.

Carpenter, M.J., Ford, M.E., Cartmell, K., & Alberg, A.J. (2011). Misperceptions of nicotine replacement therapy within racially and ethnically diverse groups. Journal of the National Medical Association, 103(9-10), 879-888.

Cartmell, K.B., Miner, C., Carpenter, M.J., Vitoc, C.S., Biggers, S., Onicescu, G., ...Alberg, A.J. (2011). Secondhand smoke exposure in young people and parental rules against smoking at home and in the car, Public Health Reports, 126(4), 575-582.

Ryan, K.K., Garrett-Mayer, E., Alberg, A.J., Cartmell, K.B., & Carpenter, M.J. (2011). Predictors of cessation pharmacotherapy use among black and nonhispanic white smokers, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13(8), 646-652.

Carter, C.L., Onicescu, G., Cartmell, K.B., Sterba, K.R., Tomsic, J., Fox, T., Dunmeyer, E. & Alberg, A.J. (2010). Factors associated with cancer survivors’ selection between two group physical activity programs. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 4(4), 388-98.

Reed, S.G., Cartmell, K.C., Duffy, N.G., Herrin, A.E., Sinha, D., Hollinger, A., ...Day, T.A. (2010). Oral cancer preventive practices of South Carolina dentists and physicians. Journal of Cancer Education, 25(2), 166-173.

Carpenter, M.J., Garrett-Mayer, E., Cartmell, K.B., Vitoc, C., Biggers, S. & Alberg, A.J. (2009). Adolescent non-daily smokers: Favorable views of tobacco yet receptive to cessation. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 11(4), 348-355.

Honors and Awards

2019 MUSC College of Health Professions Alumni Association Outstanding Achievement in Research Award

2018 MUSC High Impact Publication Recognition, MUSC College of Medicine Dean's Office

2018 MUSC High Performing Instructor Recognition (based on receipt of 4.5/5 or higher in student evaluation ratings over a 5-year period), MUSC College of Medicine Dean's Office.

2016 MUSC Innovators' Award Recipient, April 2016.

2014 Alpha Eta Society: National Scholastic Honor Society for the Allied Health Professions (GPA in PhD Program: 3.97)

2012 MUSC College of Health Professions Scholarship; 2011-2012 Academic Year

2012 MUSC Women’s Club Scholarship; 2011-2012 Academic Year

2012 The Perry V. Halushka 2012 MUSC Student Research Day, 1st Place Oral Presentation, Health Disparities Award

2011 The Perry V. Halushka 2011 MUSC Student Research Day, 1st Place Oral Presentation, Health Disparities Award

2011 The Perry V. Halushka 2011 MUSC Student Research Day, 1st Place Award, Interprofessional Collaboration Research Award

2011 2011 Second Place Abstract selected for oral presentation. American Association of Cancer Institutes Clinical Research Initiative Meeting. Chicago Illinois, July 2011


Publication in Frontiers in Digital Health on HPV Vaccine Champions Social Media-Based Intervention

Publication in Papillomavirus Research reporting on SC barriers, facilitators and optimal strategies for increasing HPV vaccination

Publication in Medical Care on the effect of an evidence-based tobacco cessation service on hospital readmission rates

Publication in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care on Feasibility of Using Community Health Workers to Facilitate Delivery of Palliative Care

Publication in Journal of Smoking Cessation on a statewide project to increase delivery of tobacco cessation in SC cancer centers

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall