Research InterestsGender, Race, and class in tourism and leisure settings
Power and ideology in tourism
Tourism planning and development in Global South contexts
Rural tourism development, integrated tourism planning, and linkages between urban and rural
Critical thinking, reflection, and pedagogy in leisure, travel, tourism, and hospitality education
Research Publications*Graduate Students
** Undergraduate Students
Fine, C., Black Reed, K., Duffy, L.N., Adelson, L., & Combs, J. (2024). Community and Sense of Belonging: Experiences of Black Students Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad.
*KC, A., Hallo, J., Duffy, L.N., Sene-Harper, A., & Thapa, B. (2024). Expanding domestic tourism in Nepal: An analysis of community-based homestays in the COVID-19 era. Current Issues in Tourism.
Harmon, J. & Duffy, L.N. (2024). Blinded by the light: Smartphones and the disenfranchisement of leisure. In M. Stodolska, D. Scott, & T. Liechty (Eds.), Leisure Matters: Exploring leisure in a changing world (pp. 309-316), 4th ed. Sagamore-Venture.
Fogle, E., Duffy, L.N., & Hunt, W. (2024). Am I an insider or an outsider?” Being the black female ‘Mzungu’ researcher”. Tourism Geographies.
Harmon, J. & Duffy, L.N. (2023). Turn off to tune in: Digital disconnection, digital consciousness, and meaningful leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 54 (5), 539-559.
*Heath, S. & Duffy, L.N. (2023). A Transmasculine Experience working in the Outdoor Recreation Industry. Parks Stewardship Forum.
*Heath, S., Duffy, L.N., Lewis, S., Busey, C. & Sene-Harper, A. (accepted, 2023). Queering the Outdoors: 2LGBTQIA+ Experiences in Outdoor Recreation. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership.
Kim, G. Duffy, L.N., Moore, D. (2023). Identifying the Importance of Tourist Attractiveness in Increasing Community Support for Tourists. Tourism Management 94.
Dudley, K. & Duffy, L.N. (2022). Tourism discourse and surveillance: situational analysis of post-Katrina New Orleans. Leisure Sciences. 45(5), 475-493.
Kline, C., Duffy, L. N., Fogle, E., & Clark, D. (2022). Crossover Paths for Peri-Urban Markets in Tourism Planning and Development: Mobility Motivations, Career Stage, Life Stage, and Desired Characteristics. Tourism & Hospitality, 3, 297–313.
*Ezra, P. & Duffy, L.N. (2022). Promoting the Tourist Experience Economy in Developing Countries Through Authentic Fair-Trade Handicrafts: A Conceptual Framework. In R. Augusto Costa, F. Brandão, Z. Breda, & C. Costa (Eds). Planning and Managing the Experience Economy in Tourism. IGI Global. (pp 318 -336)
Duffy, L.N., Stone, G. A., Townsend, J., & Cathey, J. (2022). Rethinking Curriculum Internationalization: Virtual Exchange as a Means to Attaining Global Competencies, Developing Critical Thinking, and Experiencing Transformative Learning. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.
Dudley, K., Duffy, L.N., Terry, W., & Norman, W.C. (2022). The historical structuring of the U.S. tourism workforce: A critical review. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Harmon, J. & Duffy, L.N. (2022). Alienation from Leisure: Smartphones and the Loss of Presence. Leisure/Loisir.
Stephens, L., Bowers, E., Schmaltz, D., Lenhoff, J., & Duffy, L. N. (2021). A mixed method approach to evaluating eating-related psychopathologies of collegiate student-athletes. Journal of American College Health.
Chancellor, H.C., Townson, L., & Duffy, L.N. (2021). Independent destination ambassador programs: Building informed tourist friendly destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 21 (100639). doi.10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100639.
Dudley, K.*, Duffy, L.N., Terry, W., & Norman, W. C. (2021). Situational analysis as a critical methodology: mapping the tourism system in post-Katrina New Orleans. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Dudley, K., Duffy, L., & Chancellor, H.C. (2021). Connecting macro sociocultural institutions and the US tourism workforce: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Tourism Quarterly.
Stephens, L., Powell, G., Duffy, L.N., & McGuire, F. (2021). The Interrupted Semester: Thoughts and tools to that move us full circle. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education
Sene-Harper, A., Duffy, L.N., & Birame-Sarr, M. (2021). Women, Fishermen, and Community-Based Tourism at Djoudj National Park, Senegal: An application of the actor-structure livelihood framework. Tourism Review International.
Stephens, L.*, Kim, G., Fogle, E.*, Kleinbort, T.*, Duffy, L.N., Powell, G., Olsen, L. K.P.*, Kakraba Coleman, K.*, & Gremillion, J.P.* (2021). Reducing writing apprehension in undergraduate parks, recreation, and tourism management students. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.
Harmon, J., & Duffy, L. N. (2020). A Moment in Time: Leisure and the Manifestation of Purpose. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 1-8.
Duffy, L. N., Fernandez, M., & Sène-Harper, A. (2020). Digging deeper: Engaging in reflexivity in interpretivist and critical leisure research. Leisure Sciences. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1830903
Stone, G. A., Harris, B., Duffy, L.N., Terry, W., Kelly-Pryor, B., Kivel, D., Schmalz, D., Layland, E., & Mowatt, R., (2020). Implicit attitudes and the challenge of becoming a reflexive leisure scholar. Leisure Sciences. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1830899.
Townsend, J., Stone, G., Murphy, E*. Crowe, B., Hawkins, B., & Duffy, L.N. (2020). Examining attitude change following participation in an international adaptive sports training. Therapeutic Recreation Journal. 54 (3).
Knollenberg, W., Duffy, L. N., Kline, C.K., & Kim, G. (2020). Creating competitive advantage for food tourism destinations through food and beverage experiences. Tourism Planning and Development.
*Kleinbort, T., Duffy, L. N., Powell, G., *Stephens, L., *Fogle, E., *Gremlin, J. P., *Kakrabe Coleman, K., *Olsen, L., & Stephens, L. (2020). Writing in the discipline: A writing mentorship program to enhance student writing skills in the leisure field. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education. doi:10.1080/1937156X.2020.1720467
Kim, G., Duffy, L.N., & Moore, D. (2020). Tourist attractiveness: Measuring residents' perception of tourists. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Online First. doi 10.1080/09669582.2019.1708919
*Koppa, E. W. & Duffy, L. N. (2020). Gender-based violence: A systematic literature review of causes and intersections with tourism. In P. Vaizcaino, H. Jeffrey, & C. Eger, Tourism and Gender-Based Violence: Challenging Inequalities. Boston, MA: CABI.
Kim, G., Jodice, L., Duffy, L.N., & Norman, W. (2020). Tourists’ attitudes toward the benefits of mariculture: A case of decision-making in marine tourism in Southeast U.S.A.. Tourism in Marine Environments: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 15(1), 29 - 46.
**Wells, H., Duffy, L. N., **Nance, M., **Fleming, L., Stone, G., Townsend, J., & **Stevenson, S. (2019). Does culture matter?: An exploratory study of culture in the implementation of an adaptive sports program. Therapeutic Recreation Journal 53 (3), 224 – 243,
Duffy, L. N., Larson, L., Fernandez, M., & Powell, G. (2019). Introduction to the Special Issue on Navigating Academic Life (Part 2): Responding to change[Editorial], SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 34 (2), 69 - 70.
Duffy, L. N., Fernandez, M., Larson, L., & Powell, G. (2019). Introduction to the Special Issue on Navigating Academic Life (Part 1): Pathways to Success [Editorial], SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 34 (1), p. 1 - 2.
Boluk, K., Cavaliere, C. & Duffy, L. N. (2019). Critical Thinking for Sustainable Tourism Pedagogy: A Framework for the Empowerment of the Critical Tourism Citizen. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Doi:10.1080/09669582.2019.1615928
Gray, J., Larson, L., Fernandez, M., Duffy, L. N., Sturts, J., Powell, G. & Roberts, K. (2019). The academic job search: Steps for success. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 34 (1), 16 - 28.
Fernandez, M., Sturts, J., Duffy, L. N., Larson, L., Gray, J., & Powell, G. (2019). Surviving and thriving in graduate school. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 34 (1), 3 - 15.
Larson, L., Duffy, L.N., Fernandez, M., Sturts J., Gray, J., & Powell, G. (2019). Getting started on the tenure track: Challenges and strategies for success. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 34 (1), 36 - 51.
Schmalz, D. L., *Joyner, L., Duffy, L. N., Bricker, K. S., & Blomquist, K. K. (2019). The cycle of food socialization: leisure as resistance. Annals of Leisure Research, 1-20.
Duffy, L. N., & Kline, C. (Eds.). (2018). Tourism and Cuba: Complexities of Tourism Planning and Development. New York: Routledge.
Kline, C., Duffy, L. N., & Clark, D. (2018). Foster tourism and entrepreneurship in fringe communities: Unpacking stakeholder perceptions towards entrepreneurial climate. Tourism and Hospitality Research. doi: 1467358418781443 [online first]
Duffy, L. N., Pinckney, H.P., Benjamin, S., & Mowatt, R. (2018). A critical discourse analysis of racial violence in South Carolina, U.S.: Implications for traveling while black. Current Issues in Tourism, doi: 10.1080/13683500.2018.1494143. [online first]
*Fogle, E. & Duffy, L. N. (2018). Guiding practices for implementing an eco-certification program: A case study of Ecotourism Australia. e-Review of Tourism Research, 15 (2-3), 136 - 160.
Duffy, L. N. & Kline, C. (2018). Cuba in transition: Complexities, competitiveness and resiliency in tourism [Editorial]. Tourism Planning and Development,15:3, 211-215. DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2018.1440830.
Duffy, L. N., Pinckney, H., Powell, G., Bixler, R., & McGuire, F. (2018). Great theses and dissertations start with an intriguing idea. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 22, 82-87.
*Stone, G., Duffy, L. N., *Holland, H., & Bowers, E. (2018). Youth and the transformative experience of travel: a case study of an international service project. Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23 (1), 109 – 121.
*Kim, G., Duffy, L. N., Jodice, L & Norman, W. (2017). Increasing interest in value-added, aquaculture-based, culinary tourism products and experiences among coastal tourists: The role of subjective knowledge and attitude. Coastal Management. doi: 10.1080/08920753.2017.1327345
*Stone, G., Duffy, L. N., Pinckney, H., & **Templeton-Bradley, R. (2017). Critical Thinking in the Field of Travel and Tourism: A Case Study Approach using the California Critical Thinking Skills Test. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 1 – 18.
*Stone, G., Duerden, M., Duffy, L. N., Hill, B., & Witesman, E. (2017). Measurement of transformative learning in educational travel: An application of King’s Learning Activities Survey. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. doi: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2017.05.003
Duffy, L.N. & *Kim, G. (2017). Addressing power: Dispersion of tourism impacts in integrated tourism. In S. Slocum and C. Kline, Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability. Boston, MA: CABI. (pp. 33 – 48).
Kline, C., Duffy, L.N., & Clark, D. (2017). Resident and tourist perception of people, towns and amenities in fringe settings. In S. Slocum and C. Kline, Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability. Boston, MA: CABI. (pp. 94 - 114).
Duffy, L. N., Kline, C.S., Swanson, J., Best, M., & McKinnon, H. (2016). An application of community capitals framework to urban organic farming in Cuba. Journal of Ecotourism online first, doi: 10.1080/14724049.2016.1218498. (Special Issue The Future We Want: Effecting Positive Change through Ecotourism)
Powell, G.M., Duffy, L.N, *Stone, G. Pinckney, H.P., Tucker, T. & Cathey, J. (2016). Triple Gain: Practical ideas for maximizing connections between students, faculty, and professionals. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 31 (2) 56-67.
Duffy, L. N., *Stone, G., Chancellor, H.C., Kline, C. S. (2016). Tourism development in the Dominican Republic: An examination of the economic impact to coastal households. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16 (1), 35 – 49. doi: 10.1177/1467358415613118.
Powell, G, Kuzminykh, Z., Duffy, L. (2016) Critical Thinking in Action: Youth Camp Gives Natural Focus for Choices. Vestnik of Volga State. 1(19)16-22.
Duffy, L. N. & Zablah, F. E. (2016). El Salvador. In H. Xaio & J. Jafari (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Tourism, London: Springer.
Duffy, L. N., Kline, C., Mowatt, R.A., & Chancellor, H.C. (2015). Women in tourism: Shifting gender ideology in the DR. Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 72-86. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2015.02.017.
*Shakona, M., Backman, K., Backman, S., Norman, W., Luo, Y., & Duffy, L. (2015). Understanding the traveling behavior of Muslims in the United States. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 9 (1), 22-35.
Cardenas, D. A., Byrd, E.T., & Duffy, L. N. (2015). An exploratory study of stakeholder understanding and sustainable tourism development principles. Tourism and Hospitality Research,15(4), 254 -266, doi doi: 10.1177/1467358415580359
*Stone, G. & Duffy, L.N. (2015). Transformative Learning Theory: A Systematic Review of Travel and Tourism Scholarship. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 15 (3), 204 – 224. DOI: 10.1080/15313220.2015.1059305.
Duffy, L.N. (2015). Demonstration Effect. In C. Cater, & B. Garrod (Eds). The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism, Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishers.
Duffy, L.N. (2015). Educational Tourism. In C. Cater, & B. Garrod (Eds). The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism, Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishers.
Duffy, L.N. (2015). Participatory Action Research. In C. Cater, & B. Garrod (Eds). The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism, Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishers.
Duffy, L.N., Mowatt, R. A., **Fuchs, M., & **Salisbury, M. (2014). Making diversity tangible: Assessing the role of service-learning in teaching diversity and social justice. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 5(2), 54-75.
Duffy, L.N. & Overholt, J.R (2013). Seeking Authenticity: Re-conceptualizing Adventure Tourism. Illuminare: A Student Journal in Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Studies, 11(1), pp. 45-59.
Duffy, L.N., Mowatt, R.A., Chancellor, H.C., & Cardenas, D.A. (2012). Machismo-Marianismo and the involvement of women in a community-based tourism project in Ecuador, South America. Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17(6), pp. 791-803. DOI: 10.3727/108354212X13531051127384
Kline, C., Cardenas, D., Duffy, L.N., & Swanson, J. (2012). Funding sustainable paddle trail development: paddler perspectives, willingness to pay and management implications. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 20(2), 235-256, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2011.603425. Honors and Awards2024 Outstanding Journal Publication Award, CBSHS, Clemson University
2024 Senior Tenured Outstanding Teaching, CBSHS, Clemson University
2022 - 2023 US Fulbright Scholar, Saint Lucia
2022 Faculty Senator of the Year, Clemson University
2021 Pacesetter Alumni Award, College of Health and Human Performance, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2020 Award for Excellence in New Faculty Mentorship, CBSHS, Clemson University
2020 The Academy of Leisure Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award
2020 The Academy of Leisure Sciences Innovation in Teaching Award
2019 - 2020 Clemson University TeachingForward Fellow
2018 Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, CBSHS, Clemson University
2018 Women Academics in Tourism (WAIT) Most Awesome Scholars 2018
2017 Award for Excellence in Innovation, CBSHS, Clemson University
2015 - 2019 Clemson University Critical Thinking Fellow
LinksTourism RESET Scholar
Clemson University Institute for Parks
Clemson University Faculty Senate
The Academy of Leisure Sciences