Bachelor of Arts in Sports Communication
Our undergraduate program features an innovative curriculum that prepares our majors for careers in the 21st century. From core courses in communication theory and methods, to emphasis areas such as media and mass communication, health communication, and strategic communication, the curriculum is forward-thinking and prepares students to compete for careers in the communication profession or to continue their education in graduate school. Our majors develop an integrated skill set in oral, visual, and written communication and learn how to present information and interact in a digital communication environment. This diverse skill set enables students to meet the challenges of the rapidly evolving communication profession.
Communication plays an integral part in the sports world, and it is imperative for sports professionals to have a strong communications foundation to be successful and competitive. Clemson's sports communication major provides a multi-faceted and holistic approach to sports communication that spans how sport is communicatively enacted, organized, produced, and consumed. Our students gain a strong theoretical foundation regarding the creation, consumption, and effectiveness of messages across sports contexts. During your time in this degree program, you'll be enabled to develop a customized study that allows you to focus on your areas of interest (e.g., social media, public relations, organizational communication and interpersonal communication), while networking with people who work in the sports communication industry.
Focused Plans of Study
Career Options
Graduates from our program have found jobs in:
Development (fundraising, grant writing)
Media Production
Political Communication/Campaign Management
Public Relations
Radio and Television Production
Sales and Management
Special Events Coordination
Sports Production and Promotion
Organizational Training and Development
Hospitality and Leisure
Human Resources
Allied Health
Social Work and Counseling
Thank you for your interest in our sports communication major in the communication department. Our goal is to maintain our number of students to that which can be well served by our faculty resources. We strive not for quantity, but for quality in our group of student majors. The information detailed on this page applies only to currently enrolled Clemson University students who are seeking a change of major (e.g., changing from undeclared to communication, changing from psychology to communication, etc.).
We provide a comprehensive and diverse sports communication education, but tailor our program to individual students’ interests and talents. This requires our undergraduate students to have clear, compelling reasons for majoring in sports communication, while pursuing a variety of minors. As a potential applicant, you should carefully consider whether a sports communication minor (which requires no application) or major is right for you.
Application Process
A committee of faculty members will review applications twice a year, according to the schedule printed below. Late applications will not be considered.
Semester: Fall 2024
Application Deadline:
Monday, August 26 at 4:30 PM
Decision Date: Mid-SeptemberSemester: Spring 2025
Application Deadline:
Monday, January 13 at 4:30 PM
Decision Date: Mid-FebruaryMinimum Requirements to Apply
To be eligible to apply for admission to the Department of Communication, applicants must have completed 15 credit hours, including ENGL 1030 and COMM 2010 (with a B or better). Students must have a minimum GPR of 3.0 to apply. However, a GPR in that range is typically not competitive in the application process.
In order for an application to be considered by the department’s Undergraduate Admissions Committee, it must include a completed online application, statement of purpose (a quality response to the prompt requesting an explanation for interest in pursuing a major in communication), a brief writing sample (e.g., a completed paper from a previous class with the grade removed), and an up-to-date resume. By providing all information listed in the application, the applicant agrees to a full review of all materials, including their transcript to verify the minimum course/GPA requirements are met.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the application is complete. The Undergraduate Admissions Committee will not consider incomplete applications.
The department will mail notification of acceptance or rejection to students on or about the appropriate decision date noted above. If there are any questions about this process, please contact Andrew Pyle, Ph.D., at 864-656-1567 or
Curriculum Map
Freshman Year
First Semester (14 Credit Hours)
- 1 – COMM 1010 Communication Academic and Professional Development I
- 3 – ENGL 1030 Accelerated Composition
- 4 – Foreign Language Requirement
- 3 – Mathematics Requirement
- 3 – Social Science Requirement
Second Semester (17 Credit Hours)
- 4 – COMM 2010 Intro. to Communication
- 3 – COMM 2500 Public Speaking
- 4 – Foreign Language Requirementi
- 3 – Mathematics or Natural Science Requirementiii
- 3 – Elective
Sophomore Year
First Semester (16 Credit Hours)
- 3 – Arts and Humanities (Non-Lit.) Requirementiii
- 3 – Emphasis Area Requirement
- 3 – Foreign Language Requirementi
- 4 – Natural Science Requirementiii
- 3 – Social Science Requirementiii
Second Semester (15 Credit Hours)
- 3 – COMM 3010 Communication Theory or COMM 3020 Mass Comm. Theory or Critical Discourse Theory
- 3 – Arts and Humanities (Literature) Requirementiii
- 3 – Foreign Language Requirementi
- 6 – Elective
Junior Year
First Semester (15 Credit Hours)
- 3 – COMM 3240 – Sport, Communication, and Society
- 3 – Emphasis Area Requirementiv
- 6 – Minor Requirement
- 3 – Elective
Second Semester (15 Credit Hours)
- 3 – COMM 3060 Discourse, Criticism and Soc. or
COMM 3100 Quantitative Research Methods in Communication or COMM 3110 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication - 3 – COMM 3250 – Survey of Sports Communication
- 3 – Minor Requirement
- 3 – Emphasis Area Requirementiv
- 3 – Elective
Senior Year
First Semester (15 Credit Hours)
- 3 – Emphasis Area Requirementiv
- 3 – Minor Requirement
- 3 – COMM 4250 – Advanced Sports Communication
- 6 – Elective
Second Semester (13 Credit Hours)
- 3 – COMM 4950 Senior Capstone Seminar
- 1 – COMM 4980 Communication Academic and Professional Development II
- 3 – Minor Requirement
- 6 – Elective
120 Total Semester Hours
i The foreign language requirement is a proficiency requirement. Students must complete through 2020 in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish.
ii EX ST 2220 or 3010 or MTHSC 2030
iii See General Education Requirements. Six of these credit hours must also satisfy the Cross-Cultural Awareness Requirement and, if EX ST 2220 is not selected, the Science and Technology in Society Requirement.
iv See advisor. Emphasis area courses consist of 12 credit hours at the 3000/4000-level that fit an approved theme. [6 or 9] credit hours must be Sports Communication courses.Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
Upon graduation with a B.A. in sports communication, students will demonstrate mastery of the following:
- The history and distinguishing characteristics of the sports communication field.
- Relevant communication theory and its applications to sports contexts.
- Range of research methods used in sports communication research.
- Communication law and ethics as they apply to sports communication.
- How communication in sports contexts may be used to pursue long-term professional goals in communication within the student’s context of interest (e.g., mass media, public relations, workplace/business, etc.)
- Academic and professional writing characterized by elegance in presentation (i.e., mechanics and style) as well as intellectual and practical sophistication appropriate to a graduate of a B.A. program at a major research university.
Course List
COMM 1010 - Communication Academic and Professional Development I (1 Credit Hours):
Introduces students to General Education and Communication Studies major requirements, explains connections between general education and major courses, explores careers in communication, and prepares students to develop digital portfolios, resumes, and interview skills specific to communication professions and/or graduate school. To be taken Pass/No Pass only.COMM 2010: Introduction to Communication Studies (4 Credit Hours):
Introduces Communication/Sports Communication majors/minors to and prepares them for continued study in the discipline by providing them with an overview of important issues, areas of study, and approaches to the field. Includes a writing laboratory experience. Preq: COMM 1010. Coreq: COMM 2011.COMM 2020: Communication Theory (3 Credit Hours):
Students explore the breadth and depth of theories within the major frameworks of the communication studies discipline. Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 2030: Communication Inquiry (3 Credit Hours):
Survey of communication modes of inquiry that expose students to the range of research methods for general understanding; culminates with student development of methods proposal. Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 2090: Communication Across Media Platforms (3 Credit Hours):
Provides an overview of the communication convergence strategies and practices used across multiple media platforms, including print, broadcast, Internet and social media. Emphasis is placed on media law, ethics and communication practices used across multiple media platforms. Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 3240: Communication, Sport and Society (3 Credit Hours):
Covers the cultural influence of communication about sports on society. Explores how communication enables cultural meaning and values to become associated and established within sports. Exposes students to the ways that factors such as race, gender and nationalism manifest and perpetuate via communication about sports. Preq: COMM 2010 with a Cor better.COMM 3260: Strategic Communication in Sports (3 Credit Hours):
Spans strategic communication topics in sports such as public relations, media relations, sports information, and advertising. Theory-driven, but with a focus on applied exercises (e.g., press releases, media advisories, production of media guides, etc.) Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 3270: Sports Media Criticism (3 Credit Hours):
Students gain in-depth understanding of sports communication issues through critically analyzing actual media coverage of sporting events, addressing social issues involved in college and professional sports, and developing an understanding of sports promotion and advertising. Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 3280: Social Media and Sports Communication (3 Credit Hours):
Covers the influence of communication and social media in sports and how these technologies are changing the communicative infrastructure of sports. Students explore how social media and emerging theories related to social media are re-configuring sports media, how sports organizations are managing social media, and how social media affects fan behavior and athlete communication. Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 3290: Sport News Media (3 Credit Hours):
This course traces the historical development of the field of sport news media and immerses students in the contemporary landscape. Relevant communication theories guide students’ understanding of key concepts and issues, and students also are expected to produce high-quality multimodal sports media artifacts that demonstrate technical expertise. Preq: COMM 2010 with a C or better.COMM 3780: Communication and Sport Socialization (3 Credit Hours):
Explores how individuals are socialized into, via, and out of sport. Spans how agents of socialization (families, schools, media, coaches, and peers) come to inspire sporting participation and fandom, what involvement in sports contributes toward human development and identity, and how the process of ending involvement in sport may be managed. Preq: COMM 2010.COMM 3790: Team Communication (3 Credit Hours):
Explores the communicative theories, frameworks, and perspectives that relate to the function of sports teams. The course spans issues of coaching, athlete-athlete communication, and relations with external stakeholders (e.g., parents). Preq: COMM 2010.COMM 4250: Advanced Sports Communication (3 Credit Hours):
Combination seminar and primary research class that explores contemporary sports communication issues. Students write position papers on seminar topics and conduct primary research on sports communication topics of their choice.COMM 4270: Communication in Sports Organizations (3 Credit Hours):
Examines communication dynamics in sports organizations. Among other topics, may include identifying how sports organizations manage crisis communication, communication with stakeholders, sexual harassment, ethical issues, and dissent. Preq: COMM 2010 with a Cor better.COMM 4980: Communication Academic and Professional Development II (1 Credit Hour):
Students reflect upon curricular relationships among general education, major, and minor courses. They complete and revise digital portfolios for presentation to the major, University, graduate schools, or potential employers. Students participate in resume building, job seeking, and interviewing activities. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: COMM 2020 and COMM 2030, each with a grade of C or higher; and Senior standing in Communication or Sports Communication. -
Academic Advising
Our academic advisors work with freshmen, sophomores, students changing majors, and transfer students. Services include:
- Academic advisement
- Course selection
- Transferability of courses; and
- Completion of various academic forms.
Academic advisors are also available to meet with prospective students considering various majors within the colleges. All students are encouraged to make appointments with an advisor in their intended major.
Change of Major Application
The Department of Communication change-of-major application process is now closed. If you feel you have reached this message in error, please contact the Department of Communication undergraduate coordinator, Dr. Andrew Pyle.
Virtual Explore Sports Communication Appointments
These meetings are for current Clemson students who are interested in applying to the Sports Communication major. The dates are below. You must complete the form below to receive the Zoom link for the meeting. Please note Explore Appointments will be available on Thursdays beginning in April. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kaela Gardner at
- January 23rd at 9am
- February 20th at 2:30pm
- March 14th at 11am