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Political Science



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The Clemson University Regional Economic Analysis Laboratory (CU-REAL) performs public policy, economic and fiscal analysis for public, private, and nonprofit sector clients.

CU-REAL uses the Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) PI+ model as our primary tool for economic impact analysis. This model allows us to perform analysis at the county, multi-county, state, or multi-state level. It also allows us to perform multi-year analyses to estimate both historic and projected future impacts. REMI output can be used with our own Fiscal Impact Analysis Tool to project impacts to state and local government revenue and expenditure streams. The Fiscal Impact Analysis Tool is built on U.S. Census of Governments data and is fully customizable.

CU-REAL also uses the IMPLAN modeling engine for projects not requiring a fiscal impact assessment or the level of specificity of the REMI platform.

CU-REAL staff research interests also include state and local government finance, tax policy and sustainable economic development.

Research Publications

Flags at the United Nations

Political science faculty have authored or edited nearly four dozen books on topics such as democratization, religion and politics in the United States, political ideology, presidential executive orders, racial and ethnic politics, treaties and executive agreements, presidential leadership, Chinese politics, John Adams, ethnic conflict, Benjamin V. Cohen and the Supreme Court.

The faculty have also written scores of articles for academic journals including American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, International Organization, Political Research Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Social Science Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Political Behavior, International Studies Review, American Politics Research, Administration & Society, Political Communication, International Journal of Press/PoliticsJournal of Contemporary AsiaPolicy Studies, Politics & Gender and International Interactions, among others.

In addition, faculty have won grants from, among others, the Fulbright, Olin and MacArthur foundations, the Twentieth Century Fund, Center for the Study of Religion, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woodrow Wilson Center, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, U.S. Institute of Peace and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Department of Political Science
Department of Political Science | 232 Brackett Hall